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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. Mine would be... agility. It'd be nice to run for a really long time.
  2. is it just a little change or a big change?
  3. Lol, i find that hilarious :lol: I wish more scammers were like that...
  4. That would be pretty cool... Guthix would probably be a mix of damage and healing...
  5. I doubt this because many people will not be able to get there (pkers will be aplenty)
  6. I think the reason they want to delay the quest guides is because they want people to actually try doing the quest without help.
  7. lol, first funny scam i've seen in a long time.
  8. I got skulled in wildy with addy pl8 (expensive to me at the time)... Some1 told me to atk them and i did.... skulled... then i died and thought i'd keep 3 best items... but i ended up losing my pl8.... i was so mad, lol Another time, i was buying a rune 2h. I finally had enough money... I found a person and traded... He "messed up" and redid the trade... I accepted both times happily and said "thank you". I head to my bank to unnote the weapon. I put it in my bank and i look at my bank... an iron 2h...
  9. just keep sending it in over and over again. They'll eventually have to look at it... They'll come to their senses if you bother to send it in over and over again... if this doesn't work, create a new character and pm me... i can try to help you out a bit.
  10. I agree... that last rule is stupid... but i guess jagex wants to make sure it gets its money from it's sponsers so they make sure the adds are there. I for one don't understand why they would allow the use of outside websites, but don't allow talking of it in game... the rest i pretty much agree with...
  11. I second that... Clue for #1... rephrase the question... Clue for #2... the answer has 2 spellings... and it's the color of the box... CLue for #3... Press Ctrl+A to highlight the hidden. Then it's just the matter of finding the answer Clue for #4... i need help...
  12. Hope your new computer arrives safely... I can wait to hear the next chapter!
  13. You have to type in... "http://www.freewebs.com/prizeriddler/index.htm" Then change the "index" to your answer... For example, if your answer was apple, then you'd type... "http://www.freewebs.com/prizeriddle/apple.htm"
  14. For mage and ranged, you lose things by attacking, but you don't lose anything in meleeing... I guess that's why melee is worse.
  15. turns out i just spelled the color wrong :roll: stupid me... now stage three... toughy? Hint plz :D I know i'm lazy, lol... I'm not here to claim any prize... :P in it for the fun :D and i'm ruining the fun with clues!!!
  16. Yes it is... I still dont' get this one.... It's the color... But the color is black... and that answer doesn't work... I'm missing something.... have a better look on that again Still don't see it... some1 wanna just pm me the answer :roll:
  17. Yes it is... I still dont' get this one.... It's the color... But the color is black... and that answer doesn't work... I'm missing something....
  18. The 702 is probably easier because it doesn't have prayer protects... i'm just guessing... On the 702, all you really have to worry about is prayer switching, while the kq has different types of atks. 702 just takes skill in switching prayers.
  19. I sold my santa for 500k.... It was worth 1 mill after i got back from my break... :cry: I wish i never sold it... (it was 250k when i left rs)
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