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Everything posted by aznmidget448

  1. Exactly... Jagex hasn't done anything for valentines day in the past so they won't do it this year. The only holidays u can expect events for are christmas, easter, and Halloween.
  2. It stops people from just making a ton of accounts to macro, or just transfer the 20 gp and items to another account. If you didn't have tutorial island, you could get tons of money but making 50 accounts and skipping tutorial island.
  3. REALLY!? Didn't u win a competition for 200k?! congrats on ur post. It was number 100 :D
  4. lolz! I like hitting and running on shades. >.< I hit and run tree spirits!!! And i always win :D
  5. I PLAY THE TROMBONE! and people call it "bone". Lol, but that's kinda awkward... "i have a bone to pick with my dad..." Holly crap, i'd be dead if i said that to my dad.... That is definately ban material
  6. I'd get zammy (like the one i have right now :P) because i like its colors and symbol. I guess you could call me a follower of zammy... (like the banner in my sig!!!)
  7. =\ i guess ur right.... If they do make the guild, jagex will probably do it it for members :cry:... oh well, u get wat u pay for... And 5 mages right next to eachother makes it too easy... I guess i'll have to go back to my silly trees in the middle on nowhere... lol
  8. IF you give him stew, he gives u 20 gp. This was brought up earilier.
  9. hmmm... maybe ur right... 80s is over the top.... the only reason why i said that was so that it wouldn't be 50 level 60s at the yews... ok, 50+ trees is alot... i meant just to fill in the empty areas, like lumby forest or something. Maybe they're not adding woodcutting guild because it has just had an update, aka d axe. Yes, woodcutting is an easy skill, but so is fishing. So why do we need a fishing guild if it's so easy?
  10. I hope you enjoyed your membership. Please bring all seats to their upright position and we hope to see you again. I hated it when my membership ended :( Oh well, i still get along in rs just fine :) I've been wcing for a realllllllllly long time.
  11. There's a guild for all basic skills. Mining, cooking, magic, range, crafting, and fishing. Woodcutting is a basic skill used by many to make arrow shafts, bows, money, and for burning on a cold winter day. So, why does every main skill, except for woodcutting, get a guild? What makes woodctting different? Well, i'm suggesting the idea of a woodcutting guild. Here's what i was thinking... Required wc level to get in: 80 or 85... This is because after being able to cut magic trees, you need a goal to try and achieve. It would also exclude the autoers since they don't have enough woodcutting levels... The main floor where you step in could be just a fenced off section of woods. Normal trees: 50+ these trees are just here to fill up area so that it look like a forest. Oaks: Around 10 for those people who really want to cut it... mainly for fletching and burning. Willows: 5-10. Alot of people cut these for firemaking levels and fletching levels. These are very popular. Maples: 5-10. These are popular for members. They are very nice to cut for xp in wc, firemaking, and fletching. Yews: 4-6. These are very popular trees for money, fletching, and burning. Alot of people will surround these trees and that should give a pretty good reason for having plenty of them. Magics: 3-5 There should be a seperate fenced off section for members only. This area could include the magic trees on member only servers. It would be pretty crowded because people usually cut the highest level tree they can. Magics take a while to respawn so it's a good idea to have a couple mroe than normal areas. Mahogany: ___. It depends on whether they are going to continue on with carpentry. This would be put in the members fenced off area as well. Other than just a ton of trees, there should be a treehouses containing certain places. For examples: Ladder leads up to a tree house which has a place for banking your items. That would be nice if you like banking all your logs (which most poeple do). Another place could be like an axe store which sell all axes up to rune. (dragon is too rare to just have a store for.) I know bob has a store for axes, but those are the lower level axes. Here are the prices I think are fit for this. bronze: 5-10 gp. No one really uses these at level 80+ iron: 20-50 gp. Once again, these are rarely used. steel: 100-300 gp. As you get higher, the prices cost more. mithril: 1k-3k. These axes are decent and many use them if they can't rack up enough cash for a rune axe. adament: 5k-10k. Rarely seen because the only way to really get it is to kill, smith or buy from another player. These are not sold in stores and people dont' usually bother to buy or smith them. rune: 30k-50k. These are very popular because they are pretty much the fastest. These would be nice if you lose your axe head and need an axe, or did something with it or you just don't have one. The price should be higher than what people normally sell for or eles this would just be a place where you could easily make money. This place should also let you fix your axes for half the price of bob's or less than what bob fixes for. You should be able to do this since you have accomplished 80+ wooddcutting. Some respawns should include knives for fletching and tinderboxes for lighting fires. Maybe a flax field would also be nice, but that might be going too far... Any other ideas? Post them here. Please, no flaming... If this is in the wrong section, please move.
  12. Yes, autoers are aplenty fishing, mining, and woodcutting. It ruins alot of fun. I wish jagex would keep a group of workers to keep this game clean instead of make a quest each week.... If u auto, i hope u get banned and die!
  13. People worry too much :) Just have fun, follow the rules, and act like you want to be a mod. People who want to be mods don't break rules and are usually safe. Jagex will not bann you for "autoing" unless they detect an autoing program or you're doing the exact same routine with slow responses or avoiding the random events. If you do get banned for something you didn't do, just send in a appeal ban report and if they don't have proof, they'll unban you and you'll be free like a little butterfly. Basically, be an honest citizen and you can stop worrying.
  14. Latest rs kept me up was till midnight... and that was on new years since my cousin is an rs nerd :D But yeah, i rarely stay up late for rs. GET BACK TO SCHOOL! In the future, you'll regret wasting all your time on runescape. At least get some education for a good paying job. Congrats on 60 defense at level 34 :)
  15. Hackers, scammers, beggers... the whole lot of them should all die.
  16. Most: 3.5 mill Now: 415k :oops: (lend friend 250k :). I'll get it back eventually)
  17. Don't quit all at once. Limit your time if you really want to quit your addiction. For example, if you play five hours, try playing four and a half hours a day for a week. Then bring it down a notch to four hours a week. Keep bringing it down in intervals until you think you have balanced out your life. If that doesn't help, then give up membership (if you have it) and just bore yourself to death by dong something very repetative and pointless and figure out that runescape is just a big waste of your time and it won't help you in the future in any way... If that just happens to not work, you could always give away your account and password to a trustworthy person who you know in rl and tell him/her to change it to something you won't guess and remember it until some day far in the future and give it to you when you're out of your gaming stage. Then you can laugh at all the time you wasted with your silly games :) If that doesn't work either, then, as said before, head to you hardware store, buy a hammer, and... wait... you need that computer... Okay, or just block runescape and everything related to runescape from your computer. That way, you will be reminded that runescape isn't the best choice to do whenever you go to play. Or you could give away everything you have. I read a thread about how some guy gave up his account to the kid who showed him rs. He said it was one of his best days. He had a much better social life after that and runescape wasn't life, but was simply a hobby to him after. Well, I hope i helped. I myself am also trying to get out of the addiction. The first method is working for me :) Good luck in Real Life... (I should have quit when i got hacked... maybe if you got hacked, you would have a big depression and quite ;)) Remember, if you want to quit and make alot of people happy, host a drop party and invite me. I could always use that extra cash :D
  18. I think i have good friends. They're loyal, trustworthy, and helpful. We always help eachother out and none of us steal from eachother. All those annoying people are taken off my friends list. They just slow down my game and waste my time.
  19. Lol, i like how many times you forgot to bring ur food, rofl Aw well, at least u still have rune armour after all that, haahaa. 4 sets. 1 lost in pk and 2 lost to elvarg. Remember that when you die, u make some1 else's day worth being there.
  20. I hope the c wars is earlier than 6:00 est... i always miss it because it's at 6... *sigh*
  21. These were characters made up by jagex/runescape staff so it was more realistic. "cool mom227"'s stats were not in high scores and they should be if he has a legend cape.
  22. How do u know he teleothered to fally? Yes, it probably does have to do with Zaros. He wants revenge on Zamorak because he was once the god of destruction/chaos/war...
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