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Everything posted by Mollerz

  1. I understand even though I never had that kind of mind set. I mean I think if you are playing against the player of your level, then the levels and runes etc should not matter correct? If it's the same skill level I don't want someone to win because they have a better rune or could unlock/buy the OP FoTM hero. You might think something like 5% isn't a big deal but in a competitive enviroment it is. In HoN heroes have shifted in and out of the metagame due to small buffs and nerfs. Pretty much I just don't want to grind that [cabbage] up and then grind more because I wanna play a different style character. It's dumb. Yeah indeed, there was a character that everyone considered Tier 3/4 and then one different character got nerfed a little, meaning that other carries took place and this Tier 3/4 champion suddenly shot up to Tier 1. (Ezrael was nerfed, and Kassadin jumped up). I would say I like to be competetive in LoL, but I've slowly become better than all the people I usually play with apart from the top people who are all top 50 or 100. But when they get online they have a set team which they play with and use this team at tournaments etc so I never really get to play with them. And believe me, the tiniest nerf or buff can mean the world at the top game. With every patch people need to change metagames, and sometimes, the entirety of the metagame rests on one new champion or very slight changes to characters. Personally, if I had gone into HoN first rather than LoL, I probably would be playing that rather than LoL, it's just that I've become accustomed to everything on LoL and am pretty good at it too, which is all the better considering it is free as well. Also, I respect the fact that denying and such in lanes adds a different dimension too it, but does not necessarily make it easier or harder, just changes the way the lane is played. I think the overall playstyle and general metagame is similar, just because of the games they are, but everyone has there opinion of course. I would probably say that the best HoN players would beat the best LoL players given enough time to play LoL, or if the LoL players were given enough time with HoN, but still, it would be a good game. And yes, most HoN players will destroy LoL players to start because the high ELO people do not actually play that often, but rather will play against other top ELO in practice games because the queue time for top ELO is 20+ minutes. Laning phase on LoL differs from US to EU, but EU tops US in the high ELO (Apart from that Nunu/Vlad combo which was totally [developmentally delayed]ed and the EU should have won, but the US played it well), so I will take it from an EU point of view. We will usually run 2 1 2 but ideally, a 2 1 1 with a jungle is better, so it will always be the preferred option, especially if our team can bag a decent mage/melee tank (Like Amumu or Galio) with a melee/semitank jungle (Olaf/Warwick/Udyr) then it's game on.
  2. So its another version of DotA with less heroes, no denies (._. noobgame), slower paced gameplay and longer teamfights? I fail to see how this is better than DotA/HoN There are now over 60 champions in the game, of which I can play all except the new ones. I am one of those players who plays all the champs, and knows how to play against other champs, but then again to be in the top 500 you need to be able to do this. Obviously I have champions which am better at and those which I am worse at but I can still play the majority at a very high standard. The no denies front, I think it actually adds to the game a bit. Rather than, haha I last hit that minion before you did therefore you get no exp or gold, in the same way in LoL you actually have to get the last hit and push the enemy players away without losing your last hits and pushing the lane as a whole, so it takes more skill in movement and the laning phase is more active rather than focussed on minions and levelling. It has not dumbed it down at all but just gives a different perspective and way you lane, if you lane at all for that matter. The gameplay over all is faster since you can be out of your lane before 2 minutes and a lot of the time, I am personally out of my lane before 10 minutes, taking jungle buffs and ganking around even on a tank. I think fast teamfights aren't necessarily the best thing either, it means you have to get a good team position as a whole, and keep a good position, rather than just a good starting position with a fast teamfight. If you get your positioning wrong you can abuse the other teams overconfidence (For example 2v5 clutches in teamfights all down to positioning and skillshots) or something similar, and it keeps you thinking even if you do have the champion advantage. The only major problem with this game is the fact that it does have that MMO feel to it. Rather than HoN where you get thrown straight into the deep end (Pretty much at least), this game takes time, you level up outside of the actual battles and you get the masteries and runes which you get to customise etc. This means it takes time to get to the higher level but if you aren't half decent by the time you get to level 30 then you probably should not be playing a game like this. And as Nadril said, grind grind grind.
  3. No, resetting spawns won't be fun. Build a spawn platform, with a looping minecart track which leaves from there once loaded and will automatically go back to your spawn when you leave the cart. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vKcKSo3bSSI
  4. I see your gigantic Stargate Enterprise (Which wasn't made by hand) and trump with a real working computer in MineCraft.
  5. Well if you like it, it has progressed a lot, I have a lot of leaves now. I am back ONLINE for another 3 or 4 hours from this point so drop in!
  6. My stream is online right now! http://www.livestream.com/yttrium/ Come watch, chat with me, ask questions, song requests and more!
  7. Watch me in my journey through MineCraft, chat with me, give me suggestions, or ask me questions! http://www.livestream.com/yttrium/
  8. http://minecraftforum.net/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=39524 This is my livestream for MineCraft. Times when I will play, etc. I had 40 viewers on so the first time I went online which is pretty good I feel, if this could be posted on the front page that would be cool :)
  9. I want to actually contribute, but this sums it all up for me as a Brit living just outside London.
  10. New stuff: Heimer is now [cabbage]. Miss Fortune is well balanced. Malzahar is balanced. Urgot is [cabbage] too.
  11. Thanks, this is just from casual playing here and there, that was 7 hours of the 4-day XP weekend to get those levels. And I just play every now and then. Nice RC level yourself too, I've been looking at your blog too :P Send me a friend request in game.
  12. No, Lucipher6 would be Lan. Also, look out for Dapledo, he is rank 4th farming. And has minimum of 30m in skills, he is levelling all skills to 50m at the moment and he really enjoys slow skills, but he is fast, very fast.
  13. I have no idea why I said 86 herblore. I meant 81, I was aiming for Saradomin Brews really, but I got slightly more than that, 82 in fact, with 2.5M experience in the skill. I also did a bit more runecrafting and I forgot how much I enjoy it with my first runecraft level in 3 years. I think I might do this until I get 91, so I can assist effigies in it. I'm also now going to add a bank of all skill ups in this blog to the second post as an archive sort of thing. Not end of the exp weekend but I'm back at school now so I don't have time to get another level, and I'm just going to runecraft more now, also considering getting 99 farming, just something that's struck my mind lately, I need to do more calculations for that though for times I can/cannot play, so I can give myself a target to aim for. Anyway, here are the levels I've got during bonus exp weekend.
  14. Quick update before the exp weekend. If I'm not mistaken, I have 86 herblore banked. Spend 60m on this, which would otherwise cost me twice that, so... :D
  15. Even diamond is riddled with noobs. I feel like the leagues just separate who can macro and who can't, while people who actually understand the game and strategies could be in any league. I get lots of people in high diamond that rage because their strategies fail simply because they're terrible strategies. I'm building a custom computer to run SC2 because I'm tired of lagging when I play team matches. Actually, it's even more of a problem when I lag in 1v1's when we both have 150+ food armies. It's about time too, my computer is about 8 years old with DDR ram and a 2.4 ghz processor :S Yeah, I have a friend who is diamond, I played on his account, I got cannon rushed. However, I held it off fine with my mass probe army and then I sent in a few zealots and won. He raged me saying no skill tactic of zealots RIGHT AFTER HE JUST CANNON RUSHED ME.
  16. You realise very quickly that Bronze players are people who are new, want to learn how to play properly and want to get better. Silver is people who cheese all the time to beat the Bronze players. Gold players are good anti-cheesers. Platinum are people who know how to beat the cheese and play well at the same time, and Diamond are just pros.
  18. Sorting out herblore stuff for the xp weekend. I think I have enough for 78, if I don't get 80 I'll just buy the herbs after which are cheaper than before.
  19. I play every champion, I have more wins than losses on all but Kassadin. I can beat most people with Teemo as well and of course it is easy to push a lane with your poison, just load it up any time a champion tries to get near since his range is good. He's just useless in a teamfight for the most part. You'll be disappointed. Any1 here just do TT? I only do 3v3 cause 5v5s sucl 3v3 require more teamwork n map control. And I disagree with AP bein better then AD on ezreal. His q and E all he needs. Sure his ult does damage. but it also gives 5 stacks on his passive (which means he already has more attack speed to spam Q) Teemo - He's just not good. You can play him in super situational teams, but, 99.99% of the time, not worth it. He has a blind that shuts down melee dps. Combine with exhaust. he can shut down Tyrn/jax/xin/ect... Evelynn - Melee stealth, 400g on an oracle and you won't win. She just bad. I agree Twitch - Stealth but super squishy, any sort of CC and you die. If I play twitch. its always cleanse + flash. Always attack after every1 else to not be focused. poistion urself to escape so u can flash + go invis Gangplank - If you farm all game, avoid teamfights, get loads of items, you will be average endgame. He's just terrible after some nerfs. I have a 20% chance to crit page JUST for him. Crit pistol is awesome. He has a spell that removes alll on him. and his ult slows. (and uits global) Ryze - He's great if you are starting out, but the range on his spells are awful and as you get better he's easier to beat, any sort of magic resistance and he is useless. Good ryze do their job and hit the main dps. then just go support. magic resist sacrifice to do no damage? you are doing your job. Twisted Fate - Super squishy and hard to master, requires some luck also. He king of killing towers on 5v5s. He can stun and if going with attack speed he can do damage Good champions, learn to play them if they are fun for you: Shaco - Jumps through walls, has a slow, great backdoor potential and awesome map control. BANNED. no skill. When I play shaco I always have decieve ready. all you gotta do if you are gonna die. Heimerdinger - Best pusher in the game right now, a good Heimer is unbeatable. WW ult on him b4 he can freeze tower + teammates. Dead. sry but he easy to kill. Vladimir - He is so OP right now, you can get tons of health and tons of damage and be unkillable lategame even after a bad start. No skill. king of being a [kitty]. He has a "get out of jail free card". His ult is OP and LIES when you try to cleanse it out. Taric - A stun, a heal, great pusher, great lane partner early game for any champion. He can kill towers easy, but lacks dps unless with a good team. Same with soraka. She just a mana+heal [bleep]. only as good your team. Soraka - 2 Heals, a mana restoration spell, silence, and a formidable pusher. Morgana - She is very powerful at the moment, needs nerfing. 2 stuns, a spell shield and the best short cooldown AoE in game. Remember, I'm talking about high ELO where you can depend on your team and everyone has good map awareness, teamfights and ganking are done in the blink of an eye, you don't lose because of bad players on your team but because you get simply outplayed or the other team has a better setup which you didn't realise whilst picking champions, however the latter doesn't really happen much. I didn't say AP Ezrael is better than AD. I said it is better at lategame. Early game, AD Ezrael is much better and you can harass so easily, you push towers fast because of your attack speed and should dominate whichever lane you are in. However, lategame when teamfights are the most reliant thing, AP is far better because if you can catch the entire enemy team with your ult that's such a huge advantage. Teemo - As I said, situational, you can blind, but that's not a great form of CC, you might aswell go Ashe/Ezrael and kite the melee. Xin can still knockup through a blind, Trynd can still spin and slow you through a blind, Jax can still stun you through a blind. And you can always take an exhaust. You get good map awareness with him, because of mushrooms but you have a low base AD rating, so endgame, someone like Ashe/Ez/Yi will be much more powerful, even with a blind they will still kill you if they are of equal skill. There are just better carries. Twitch - I kind of didn't go into detail for a reason but, you can play twitch but he's really not that great at a higher ELO because of team positioning, you won't just get into a lane and everyone spam their spells, you'll be fighting over dragon, Baron, different buffs and in the jungle. You need to go everywhere as stealth, but even with Flash and cleanse you will die fast because teams will walk together and never alone. Twitch relies heavily on positioning, but one exhaust WILL shut him down. This is a time Teemo IS good, because you can lay down mushrooms and see where twitch is at all times, but in the end people will just pay the extra 60g to get vision wards instead of sight wards. Gangplank - I know someone who has 300 games with Gangplank alone, he used to be good but now he says, just don't play him because he is bad, which he is. He has a built in cleanse which is good, but it doesn't help when you die in 3 hits anyway. You rely heavily on getting a full critpage that you can't get survivability items, and you die fast, even without a stun. His ultimate isn't good either, since you stack crit and AD and the ult scales with AP, it's just an annoyance and prevents tower pushing, it's just random. You cannot win a high ELO game with a Gangplank on your team, fact. Ryze - You say that the enemy getting magic resist to counter Ryze instead of damage items is better because it means you do your job? Defensive items are standard in high ELO. Ryze is just a bad character but can be played at Low ELO because of his potential to nuke and is not so reliant on runes. Twisted Fate - He is best played AP, so I'm just not going to go into detail about this because you obviously have no idea about this champion. Again, you CAN play him but it's not recommend, again very team reliant. Shaco - If you don't use deceive except for getting away then you don't know how to play Shaco. It's not good doing almost nothing then just deceiving away. He is very easy to play, but he is very hard to play WELL. A good Shaco will crush and pound you and backdoor when your team is trying to push. I have 20+ wins and 3 or less losses on 3v3 as him. I don't like to play him 5v5 since I don't build him great, but a good Shaco is unstoppable, always banned, agreed. Heimerdinger - Obviously you haven't played versus any good Heimers. A good Heimer will push minions and NOT a tower to get minion kills and feed off these rather than champion kills whilst at the same time denying the other mid. I play Heimer with 8.5 magic pen, 14 mana regen and 300 health runes, I am unkillable at start game and don't push a tower tactically. I force the other player to go back with harass, push half a tower at once whilst taking a trip to another lane and getting 2 kills. A lot of Heimers level their turrets first, which isn't bad, but you can play him differently. I farm for a Zhonya's ring ASAP for teamfights, it works.
  20. I would have to imagine Riot themselves are doing this. That would make the most sense to me. Yes indeed, Riot hired an e-sports manager who used to do some other famous game which I can't remember. He's very good and already has a bunch of tournaments lined up including an Alienware one which will give fully decked out i7 computers to the winners, $100k prize pools, etc. I am actually one of the top ELO players on the EU side, my current ELO in 5v5 solo queue is 1406 which puts me at rank 3k or so I think. However the solo queue doesn't really equate to anything since it all depends on if your team can play, I can't carry even going 16/0 with Ezrael, Annie, Veigar etc. In the 5v5 solo queue I think I've had 2 bad games out of my 60 matches or so yet I have only won 8 more than lost because of the team luck. People's map sense is awful, they don't know when to push, ward, I have to tell my teams to do everything, it's infuriating to be stuck at a low ELO. In premade 5v5 however I play at 1750+ ELO but I can't play with these guys much because they usually play at 3am on weekdays so my ELO is only 1300 but if I could play more often it would be up there, and before you ask, I don't get carried, we play against equal teams and I'll play well. Any questions, I'm free to answer. I've posted my reasons to Nadril why I believe it is good before as well but considering you haven't played it, you can't really comment. You say fights are slower, depends what your team set up is really, some can be over in the blink of an eye, some can take a while and revolve around kiting opponents and dodging skillshots. Don't get to used to playing Shaco, he is always banned in ranked games. Twisted Fate is awful, don't play him, ever. Xin Zhao is fine. Vladimir needs a nerf. Fair enough. Try to build up some ability power with Ezreal. I have played with some great Ezreal's who can get amazing kills by using their ultimate to perfection on someone who is either recalling or has just recalled and is restoring health. No I didn't refer you, but I still think the trailer is sweet, even if it's a little misleading. Ezrael kills whilst people are recalling aren't anything special, that's standard play, that's why you always recall in odd places with an Ezrael on the enemy team. Fair enough. Try to build up some ability power with Ezreal. I have played with some great Ezreal's who can get amazing kills by using their ultimate to perfection on someone who is either recalling or has just recalled and is restoring health. No I didn't refer you, but I still think the trailer is sweet, even if it's a little misleading. AP ezreal is useless. AD is better. Stick with your Q and E skills and use W to hit enemys behind minions (late game you level this). Your ult eh... I play LOL. I own bout 10 champions. My favorite are Twitch. Anvia. Xin Zhao. Warwick. and Cho'gath AP Ezrael is better than AD Ezrael in the lategame. If you want to play AP Ezrael you should get a Sheen early and build into Lich Bane, getting Zhonya's and Void Staff at some point, the rest is optional. Your build should be QEWWWREWEWREEQQRQQ. Harass with Q since it costs nothing, don't use W until the 3rd level of it unless you get into teamfights because it costs a LOT of mana. Try and get golem as much as you can. Open a teamfight with your ultimate, hit as many people as you can. With AP, your ultimate should get rid of half the entire enemy's health. Kite with E and reduce cooldown's with Q. Use your W on team-mates primarily as it gives them extra attack speed, unless of course they are mages too. AD Ezrael is rather different. Doran's Blade to start, get Lizard as much as you can since your Q will slow. Get Berserker's or Mercury Treads for boots and get Bloodthirsters if you aren't dieing, or only 1 if you are, with Black Cleaver at some point. DON'T GET YOUMOU'S GHOSTBLADE OR CRIT ITEMS. Level up like this QEWQQREQEQREEWWRWW. Use Q as much as possible, use W on team-mates for the attack speed buff, kite with E, get your attack speed up fast. Your ultimate won't do much damage so finish off runners with it. REMEMBER TO AUTO ATTACK. You still do a lot of damage. Try and stay out of a teamfights, or at least skillshot from the side, maybe through a wall whilst waiting for AoE and ultimates to be used, then get right in there and show no mercy. That's all I have to say about Ezrael for now, if you want I am on the EU servers under the name Yttrium. I will play practice games with you if you want teaching on any champions, I can play most, apart from 8 or so. Champions which you should never play because they're awful: Teemo - He's just not good. You can play him in super situational teams, but, 99.99% of the time, not worth it. Evelynn - Melee stealth, 400g on an oracle and you won't win. Twitch - Stealth but super squishy, any sort of CC and you die. Gangplank - If you farm all game, avoid teamfights, get loads of items, you will be average endgame. He's just terrible after some nerfs. Ryze - He's great if you are starting out, but the range on his spells are awful and as you get better he's easier to beat, any sort of magic resistance and he is useless. Twisted Fate - Super squishy and hard to master, requires some luck also. Good champions, learn to play them if they are fun for you: Shaco - Jumps through walls, has a slow, great backdoor potential and awesome map control. Heimerdinger - Best pusher in the game right now, a good Heimer is unbeatable. Vladimir - He is so OP right now, you can get tons of health and tons of damage and be unkillable lategame even after a bad start. Taric - A stun, a heal, great pusher, great lane partner early game for any champion. Soraka - 2 Heals, a mana restoration spell, silence, and a formidable pusher. Morgana - She is very powerful at the moment, needs nerfing. 2 stuns, a spell shield and the best short cooldown AoE in game. I will post a Tier list of who I think are the best champions at the moment. Some people in high ELO will argue with me, but, overall, most will agree for the most part of it.
  21. Not being biased or anything, but I would genuinely recommend my server, Frostwhisper EU. It's a PvP server and the population of horde:alliance is about 4:3. However, the horde is more PvP based and the Alliance is more PvE based, both have great guilds for raiding casually and hardcore (Check out wowprogress.com for more information) but horde usually have Wintergrasp more often than Alliance. There are world PvP guilds on both sides so if that takes your fancy then you can do that too. There is rarely trade chat spam, pick up groups are high quality, the forums are good banter as well. We have the best level 60 and 70 raiding guilds, well we did, I'm not so sure, on the EU side, people would transfer old characters over to continue old school raiding.
  22. Should have gotten around to this earlier but been very busy with important work and other games like League of Legends and Starcraft 2. If you want to add me on Starcraft 2 my name is Yttrium and my character code is 629.
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