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Everything posted by Mollerz

  1. Just keep trying different techniques. There are plenty of YouTube videos on it you can watch.
  2. I'm really interested to try this so the last 2 days I've been looking at videos of this of people who experience and tutorials to get lucid dreaming. It seems, the most common thing, is get a Dream Journal, put it next to your bed and just write down dreams you have instantly as you wake up. Since dream recall upon waking up is very good but even minimal muscle movements can blur the dreams you've had so writing it down instantly is good. I've also throughout the day been saying to myself, tonight I will lucid dream, and I've kept controlling my breathing and looking at my hand for reality checks. Tonight I am going try it. The first night it almost worked, I heard the noises, then I "slipped" off something and jolted awake, so I think that was me thinking too much as I went into sleep paralysis or something. Wish me luck!
  3. Well, yay SC2 is back up, but.... Zerg is OP. If you have 2 or less larva, your hatchery will spawn larva. But the larva spawn time is slightly less than the drone creation. Therefore, you can spam drones, then just before they finish, delete, you will get your larva back (Instead of dieing like they used to), so you can have 6 larva, and have 12 zerglings by the 1:30 mark. Just rush a base, and win instantly. No point in playing until this is hotfixed unless you can do this flawlessly since every zerg player will beat you within 3 minutes.
  4. Lulz, I have been following them too. Hah, me too. It's so nerdy, I love it... HD is really good to watch, Husky is too annoying to watch unless he's co-commenting with HD. Anyways, my friend is letting my use his starcraft account because he stinks at the game. Add Cotosatoti in game if you wanna play me :cool: I subscribed to these two like, 3 or 4 days ago! BNet is being a [bleep] and just being like... Epic fail. So I can't play :(
  5. POOOOOOOOOOSH. also, you're awful. What do you think is wrong with it though? Lolz. :P Well, nothing goes with anything. None of what is in the UI works with each other, it all seems out of place. Fonts are different, textures are different, all over the UI. It's just messy and not pleasing to the eye in my opinion :>
  6. I chundered everywhere. That's awful >_<
  7. Not my quote but it sums up the stuff that is wrong in LoL. It's pretty much a DoTA style game for those who aren't actually good at DoTA style games. Oh and the whole idea of "ability power" turning everyone into an awesome late game hero is still a stupid idea. Ability power is only good for champions that do damage primarily from abilities, most champions that do this are huge nuke, and then have nothing left so they need to harass and be able to play well, or support characters like healers and such. It adds a whole new potential for characters into the game. Just shows what you DON'T know about the game, since half the characters don't rely on Ability Power AT ALL and can still be good at late game. Nadril, I really wouldn't talk about LoL when you actually have no idea what you are talking about, The whole "Rambo without worrying about dieing" is complete BS. If you die, you lose a bunch of time for gaining experience, so you lose out on levelling up, so they get higher than you, not to mention the other team gets gold for killing you so you just feed them up, making them more powerful. And going onto the the more you play the more you level up, yeah that's kind of [developmentally delayed]ed in everyones opinion, but the level 30s (Max levels) are in the majority separated from those lower, but the levels allow you to get masteries, like talents in WoW, and have rune pages, sort of like glyphs. It means people can learn about it as they level up instead of being thrown straight in at the deep end, being absoloutely destroyed by all the decent players, and never playing again. Brush, or grass as he says, is a great ganking tool. It is used so people have to think about where they are going and about what champions are missing from the map. If there are 3 missing, why would I want to go into the grass and jungle, when they could be waiting there. It adds a decent amount of communication to the game and it means you have to talk with your team mates about when people go missing and when a good time to go and gank is. Without grass, a lot of the map would be completely exposed and ganks would be easy to counter, and the game would be far less enjoyable. Towers do insane damage at very very low levels, past level 6 you can start to towerdive, but honestly, what's the point in a tower that does bugger all damage? What's the point in the towers if you can run past them? Towerdiving is still pretty suicidal even at level 12, but you can pull of really really good towerdives, I just pulled a triple under a tower in a 2v3 at level 11 today. It's not impossible, it requires timing and skill to be able to pull it off instead of just waltzing under and getting a kill. And yes, I am playing at a decently high standard so it was a well timed and skillful play, not bad play from the other players by far. Those who complain about LoL haven't played it properly at all. You are all doing stuff at low ELO (Look up ELO on Wikipedia, it's a ranking system interpreted from chess put into a 5v5 and 3v3 game, it has flaws but works on the mostpart), which basically means everyone is really bad and pretty much have no clue of the game. You need to play this game at a high ELO to have any idea of how the game works, how it is played at a decent standard. To be entirely honest, it's like Athene being told to try out RuneScape, he created an account, logged in, walked around in the character creation screen, and that was it. This person talking knows almost nothing of what he is talking about. He has played a MOBA before so he thinks he instantly knows everything in the game of LoL and why it is bad.
  8. The servers are being rolled back to when the glitch started, and the hi-scores are being rolled back to 1AM GMT today. So don't worry if you have lost 12 dungeoneering on the hi-scores like myself, they will be refreshed when you log out again.
  9. It's not terrible to be honest. It's about personal opinion, I've played both LoL and HoN and I enjoy LoL far more and the community I've met and made friends with in LoL is generally better but that may just be the people I've met.
  10. Ok guys, this happened a couple of nights ago on our Lich King 10-man kill. We never killed it because our main tanks internet DCd and there were no other tanks online so we left it not killed. We had the GM in the raid on an alt, but he's very focussed on the raid and not actually on other people so he always asks how people do, who runs through defile etc. They KNOW that it's my first time doing LK, they've gone through the "important" tactics anyway. 1. Good until I get dropped off the edge by a Val'kyr, 2 minutes later in the fight he asks how I died, I explain. Wipe. 2. We walk in from the edge thing, I blink but I'm still on the platform, it bugs out and I get blinked back and I get dropped off. People rage me because they didn't see my blink fail. Wipe. 3. In the first phase, I get the disease, move to the tank, I die. I got no heals in the 5 seconds it took me to die, I moved INSTANTLY and no dispel. The dispeller says "You didn't move instantly" when I know I did because my entire [bleep]ing screen flashed. Wipe. 4. Someone else gets dropped off by a Val'kyr because our hunter didn't DPS it. Wipe. 5. We kill a Val'kyr but someone drops a defile near the middle, so we are all on the edge of 2 defiles, our shaman runs through one of them which expands onto me, my blink is on cooldown and I die before I could iceblock, I got ZERO healing once again as I tried to escape. They rage ME for not moving fast enough, and not the one who ran through the defile even though I mentioned it. 6. Same as (3). This time I had soulstone however, hunter nor rogue DPS'd on Val'kyrs so I was dropped off. 7. Our main tank disconnected at like 60% and didn't return. So, I died most of the attempts, they say how they should put a soulstone on me, only ONE of them was my fault a little bit and that was the defile one since I probably could have noticed someone doing something wrong and moved out of it sooner but at the time I guess I didn't expect someone to do that. I'm the one who gets raged at the end, I am the one who gets told to die less all the time. I'm the one who said, you better not do this in 25-man or your raider spot is in jeopardy. Now, my gear is far inferior to all the people in the raid (One item higher than 251 and still holding Naxx gear). And I'm still keeping up with the rest of them doing 9k DPS, keeping up with the hunter in mostly 264s. I don't want to leave the guild because I've been in it for 18 months or so now and there are no friendlier guilds on the server and have left them before only to come back. I just thought I should put this here and see your guys opinions on this.
  11. Well we use 4 slots of food rather than the gatestone since we had done all of the bosses really easily before, like half our food, or less. So we didn't expect to die repeatedly. On the summons, I have no idea, but all the worldbearers we are summoning last an hour. Are you sure you aren't thinking about the Luminescent Icefiend? This is the guy that freezes you solid for 10 seconds, and your tank for 3 seconds, and deals a large amount of damage when you break free and is unavoidable. I think that in team play the guy only freeze one person, and it is possible for the unfrozen player to break the ice around the frozen player. I guess the other guy has to pick up aggro and then try to break the ice before the boss can. In our dungeon he just instantly froze all of us.
  12. Well we use 4 slots of food rather than the gatestone since we had done all of the bosses really easily before, like half our food, or less. So we didn't expect to die repeatedly. On the summons, I have no idea, but all the worldbearers we are summoning last an hour. Are you sure you aren't thinking about the Luminescent Icefiend? This is the guy that freezes you solid for 10 seconds, and your tank for 3 seconds, and deals a large amount of damage when you break free and is unavoidable.
  13. Give them a break man. I mean, they only had two years. If they had to rush it a little I'm okay with it. :thumbup: Everything also looks almost overloaded with detail. I think they tried a little too hard with the graphics and overshot things a bit. :P This dude is a [bleep] to beat. We had a leve 392 version in my 3-man. I was maging, in full soulbell gear with 130 water surges, we had a tank in a mix of Zephyrium -> Gorgonite gear and we had a ranger with corpsethorn shortbow, argonite arrows and full gallimystix gear. I had 86 mage, our tank had ~90 melees and our ranger had 79 range. We all took full inventories of Salve Eel Potatoes* (Heal 230) with summons** which could hold 22 slots, all filled with Salve Eel Potatoes aswell. I died 4 times, and both my compadrés died 3 times. At the end, me and the ranger were dropping our food for the tank, I died twice really early because he hits like a truck (400+) on my mage gear. And at the end it was the ranger kiting, with me and the warrior hitting the boss as much as we could, with retribution prayer on. The boss room was only 4 rooms from the starting area so it was fast to return. We defeated him with no food left, and that's 143 pieces of food which heal for 230. *Protip. Farm the [bleep] out of cave potatoes and drop any food you collect back at the starting area. At the end you can make blue crab potatoes (Requires 83 cooking) which heal for 250 and blue potato salve eels which heal for 230 before you go into the boss room. **Summons last for an hour, if you get the materials for a worldbearer pouch (Green charm + Bovistrangler Logs OR Green Charm + Spinoleather torn bag in my case) make it as early as you can. At the very very start of the dungeon, you should get 5-15 cosmic runes, law runes, earth runes and air runes crafted so you can make a gatestones. This way, you can take EVERYTHING that drops, when you and your familiar are full, gatestone down, home teleport (In the dungeon, Home Teleport takes you back to the starting area), drop everything, gatestone teleport. This allows you as much money as you can get for armour and gear and you can pretty much make mincemeat of the bosses. In this case it was very required.
  14. No casting while running! :( But, we get a freaking wall of frost and bloodlust! :D:D:D:D
  15. Got into the BETA for this today from the opt-in! Huzzah! Took me a couple of games to get back into it but I'm well back into the flow of RTS games, I used to play AoE and AoE2 back in the day when they were new and I was usually pretty good at them. This is just amazing though, however I wish I could zoom out more, being on a 1920x1200 monitor is good but I need the ability to be able to zoom out a bit more because even on this giant monitor, everything seems so big. I've been playing Protoss and I think I'm gonna play some more Protoss before I try and learn the other races, but I'll probably try Terann next since Zerg doesn't really appeal to me. I'm not a bug kind of guy... So, any other EU players that want to add me? I'm Yttrium in game, or if you need that little tag it's Yttrium.faerwyth if I remember correctly. No idea why I went with that, so uhh.. don't ask. :P Still got 2 2v2 practice games left to play so gonna play them, I'm sort of using the, build the second nexus fast, then make a decent number of pylons (YOU MUST CONSTRUCT ADDITIONAL PYLONS - I get the joke now from the forums ^^) and then I'll pretty much spam infantry and upgrade to level 1 ground units. It's quite an in-depth game and it looks really enjoyable, now all I need to do is when it comes out is get my friends in real life to play it too! :)
  16. The screenshots I saw had just as small of a spellbar :? By default there is one 1x22 bar at the bottom but in the configuration you can make it 2x22 bars so 44 buttons on the bottom. You can add an extra 12 to the side if this isn't enough.
  17. Hardly. They need to make all the specs less godawfully boring. Why would you need to nerf a Ret Paladin? ._o Because kicking people when they're on the ground is fun. Level 20 on the rogue now so got my mount (nice to have it at 20). Still getting used to this whole idea of "Gear score" now, seems pretty weird but a nice idea. It is not a nice idea. At all. The idea's fine, but the execution was terrible, mainly because most people who play WoW are [developmentally delayed]ed. Elitist Group is better, anyway. : D When ICC came out: "LFM for ICC25 5k Gearscore and link achievement!" Now with 10% buff: "LFM for ICC25 first 4 bosses only, 5.5k gearscore, link 2nd wing achievement!" It's abused to the maximum. I was playing on my druid, probably geared enough for Ulduar, maybe ToC10 but I think that's pushing it a little. These guys were looking for a group for Naxx10. NAXXRAMAS. TEN PEOPLE. I got declined, because my gearscore wasn't 5k. FOR NAXXRAMAS. One day later I solo heal Sartharion. There are so many people out there with 6k gearscore thinking it makes them pro, and anyone with lower gearscore is bad. It does ruin the game, I mean, it means nothing. I have the lowest gearscore in our guild out of all the raiders because I missed 2 months (A few people have the gearscore AddOn for lolz etc.) yet I'm still doing competetive DPS, and not at the bottom because it's the choice of item not the one with the highest iLvl. Nadril, when you hit 80, or 85, or whenever, if you want to get into dungeons and stuff, get Underachiever and farm the f*** out of heroics until you have as much of the highest iLvl badge gear stuff as you can. It's the only way to get into raids later.
  18. So I finally got back into raiding, to start we headed to ICC25 and did some Hardmodes, we stopped raiding around easter so started fresh today. We got Heroic Marrowgar down, skipped Deathwhisper HC, did Gunship HC and skipped Saurfang since we only had 22 people. We did Festergut normal then a DK came on so we tried for Rotface HC, did it 5th time with 23 people. We then headed over to Princes, normal mode, then went to BQL and tried her HC mode. Got her to 10m with people dieing like 3 times, so we can get tomorrow since like 4 people were using potions.
  19. A running one. [/endsmartassquote] Where to? [/1up]
  20. Hunters are overpowered as [bleep] in PvP at the moment.
  21. Shiny Nosepass in Sapphire! :D:D:D
  22. I wanna run through the game first, I'm just passed the 2nd gym badge. XD Maybe later :P
  23. I finally got Heart Gold, got Totodile as my starter and my party at the moment is Totodile, Pidgeotto and Bellsprout. Catching Growlithe ASAP also. Using Sentret as an HM Slave. KCD, can you also put my Friend Code up on the first page please? FC: 2021 2038 9934 And does anyone have a Cyndaquil or Chikorita below level 10 that they don't want?
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