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Everything posted by Mollerz

  1. 3 more days until release here in the UK!
  2. Maybe he changed the router from a WEP pasword to a WPA. It's a stupid thing because the WEP and WPA keys are exactly the same on my router. Go to one of these to fix it: I need to do this as well but nobody knows the password or username for it. I've tried, admin and passowrd, and admin and 1234 but neither work. (Those are default). Any help?
  3. Damn Americans! I have to wait until the end of March to get my copy of HG, but I've got a friend getting SS so we'll both give each other every starter pokémon at the start, trading endless amounts of Rattatas and Sentrets! But we'll also give each other Groudon, Kyogre, Latias and Latios and all other non-rares so we can complete all pokémon rather easily.
  4. I'm not an engineer but we got a bunch in our guild so I just got them to buy the parts that I couldn't. 12.5k gold, 12 Titansteel Bars, 40 Cobalt Bolts, 2 Arctic Fur. :)
  5. Finally got my druid to 80 and I really like healing on him. I've gone straight from blues and greens to heroics and it's not hard to heal at all. It's really boring and actually just want to finish a gearset so I can get into 25-mans. And no, it's not because the tanks are uber geared or the DPS are uber geared so fights are short, they generally do about 1.5k-2.5k DPS and tanks are usually between 20k and 30k hp. I also got a few little achievements on my mage.
  6. Lately, I've been playing this game, it's a MOBA, a Multiplayer Online Battle Arena (DotA or HoN for those who have played) which involves an RPG like game with real time strategy and at higher levels, this is actually quite challenging and the tactics are really in depth. Below are the links for League of Legends (LoL). It is an entirely free game and takes up about 800MB of memory on your computer but is entirely free and really addictive, a lot of people who have played previous similar games say this is the best one to date. EU - http://www.lol-europe.com/ US and Other - http://www.leagueoflegends.com/ This game is made by the same people as DotA Allstars and so they have a lot of experience in a game like this but actually this is very well programmed, and patched regularly for new champions, new maps, buffs/nerfs and such. This game is fresh out of BETA but there are virtually no bugs and they are instantly hotfixed anyway. There are hosted tournaments for top players for money and in-game prizes which actually take a lot of skill and are extremely tactical compared to normal games which have a lot of tactics anyway. The game is simple and easy to get used to, it's easy to play, but certainly not easy to play well. If you have some time I recommend downloading it and trying it out considering it is free, it is very well made. I've been playing this a while and there are still a lot of champions I haven't played and still a lot to get into to. There is only one released map currently but there is another in BETA and they have created a landscape to expand further. They are also releasing new champions regularly but they have to be checked to make sure they are balanced and fit well into the game. The variety in the game is very vast and on its own is very addictive as it stands without the updates! What is League of Legends? Get ready for a fast-paced competitive online game that will test both your skill and mind. Become a powerful Summoner and call forth brave Champions - growing their power and abilities though battles across a unique and visually stylized world. Prepare to experience the best elements of session-based games combined with persistent elements of MMORPG's. Play the game for free today! Level your Champion from weak to powerful as you unlock new abilities and buy equipment in fast-paced battles. Increase your Summoner's abilities and spells as you gain experience and unlock content across game sessions. Choose from over 40 distinct champions, each with its own unique style, abilities and gameplay mechanics. Equip your champion with almost 100 different items. Optimize your performance through management of runes and masteries. Robust match-making, stat tracking and anti-hacking technology to ensure balanced games for new and experienced players. Integrated Leaverbuster technology to minimize leavers and enable re-connects to games in progress. Play with or against friends in highly competitive multiplayer matches or play in solo matches against configurable AI bots.
  7. I did it without a guide or any help in and figured the light maze out in about 3 hours. (I liek puzzles).
  8. Mollerz


    Merry Christmas everyone! It's 0ºC outisde, hope it snows!
  9. I LOVE your UI, where can I get one? :D Please tell me its a prepacked one and they have a package for a 1600x900 resolution. There are multiple resolutions but not 1600x900, you'll have to edit it most likely. http://www.wowinterface.com/downloads/info14130-LUIv2.0.html
  10. Here's some stuff I got lately. [spoiler=Loremaster of Northrend] [spoiler=Many Whelps Handle It] [spoiler=He Feeds On Your Tears] [spoiler=Glory of the Raider] And just for lulz, spot what is wrong with this picture. [spoiler=Fishing Win]
  11. We've got Twins on farm now and have Anub between 10% and 30% most fights now.
  12. Mollerz

    LAN Parties

    I've only ever been to one LAN, which was just between me and a bunch of friends. It lasted 2 and a bit days and we played WoW, CoD4, GW and a bit of IWBTG. I was the only one to get passed the 2nd boss, was epic racing through that on Very Hard mode! This is a must with a friend LAN. Someone bring I Wanna Be The Guy on an external hardrive and give it to everyone, let everyone set their controls, put the game on Medium if you've all never played it before and the person to get the furthest after however long it takes for you to get bored wins. Was fun learning GW with the "experts". My friends are the ones who created Ride the Lightning and were top in the world for a bit.
  13. Multiboxing up to 4x is easy enough if you have the computer power. Any more requires more monitors.
  14. There you have it. 3.3 is over a month away still :thumbsup: 21k?? I thought I was doing well with 6k?! Spending 120g a night on progression raid flasks/repairs really hits you in the pocket, especially when you do it 3 nights a week. Please enlighten me as to your methods! Go and get Loremaster of Northrend and Outland. There's a lot of gold in that. I am also tailoring so I get my 4 day cooldowns, it's just 500g every 4 days so that helps a lot. Also, pick up anything you find, Every 2s helps in the end. Even if you are in AV, take the time to loot the guy you just killed. Also, try and get everything you can from Argent Tournament, like all the pets, mounts etc. just from doing dailies and not buying them. You need hundreds of Champion's Seals but instead of using the pets, sell them for even more money if you don't want achievements.
  15. Well this is annoying. I can't find a human rogue ANYWHERE. Found dwarf, gnome, orc and blood elf with no problem but human, what is this!? It's the last thing I need... Anyway, 21,000g now.
  16. Finally at 20,000g! Now only 30,000g more to go!
  17. AHAHAHAHAHHA That's sooooooo brilliant! Started to do arena again, finally. Back to 1880 total without a hitch.
  18. That's really nice. I'm currently saving up for all achievements which just cost money (Like Ice Mammoths, Traveler's Tundra Mammoth etc.) It's going to cost me 49,500g. Currently at 18,800g I think. Slowly getting there.
  19. Damn, son. D: I'm at 5.2k atm, just finishing off the Loremaster/Seeker things. About 150 quests left in Kalimdor. Now I've got to go back to all the zones that I loathe and despise. D; Desolace, fml. I lol'd. I'm gonna finish Icecrown and get Loremaster of Northrend by the end of the week, I'll have Frenzyheart exalted in 14 days too. Haven't done the dailies today so I hope to get one more. Last few weeks I really haven't been in the mood for achievements so should really be nearer 8400. But I am so up for them now but I have so much work, then I have to sort out my room so I can sell loads of stuff. However, that means I can get a new computer so not really complaining. I just want 9k before Cataclysm, which shouldn't be too hard with a bunch for ICC coming out.
  20. Anyone want to challenge me at my achievement whoring? I'm at 8280 at the moment. http://eu.wowarmory.com/character-achievements.xml?r=Frostwhisper&n=Yttrium Who else likes achievements? :D
  21. You won't not not not like it so it'll be fine. :) If it really really doesn't take your fancy, you usually end up staying in the game to keep chatting with friends.
  22. Mollerz


    Same, except it's not just a fear, it's a reality. Oh.. no.. NOT AGAIN!
  23. I know for a fact that the first person to 30 construction was Team Kk 2. I don't have a picture, but it is fact. He was shortly followed up by Zezima and it was both those 2 for a while then people flooded in. First person to have a throne in their house was The Valor who was on this forum, he got to 69 before he ran out of money but was a good 5 levels ahead of anyone else.
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