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Everything posted by aoe325

  1. How thin air seems to disapear if you look too far :XD:
  2. where does he say anything about a whip? Its the only possible way he couldve got mistaken, some peoples dont know the only way to train strenght with a whip is controlled mode
  3. Can someone tell me where all of the information you based your search on came in the first place? I heard something about a dwarf book or something, is it actually an ingame item? where is it?
  4. Replace prayer pots by sara brews, sara brew heals yew and super restore heals prayer more than p pot
  5. Yeah they sometimes do, but I doubt they read every single post =)
  6. It is pretty obvious the2 clan chat will be ingame, theyre not going to use some program from outside the game window to interact in it, they never did. And its not meant to replace w/e you're using, its meant to be a new convinent way to chat ingame, not everyone has Mirc, or the screen resolution to see both Mirc and the game window at the same time. Being able to have real discussions in Runescape without everybody needing to meet at the same place will be one of the greatest updates ever, no matter how basic it could be. even if it was just a multi-friend chat it would serve its purpose, but they promised us something way more useful with integrated clan structures and all. All of the bad things you're saying about it are ridiculous, since nobody knows what it will look like. Just wait and see =) Dont say its [cabbage] without first trying it. Im certain that even if it was exactly as bad as everybody said we still could find plenty of uses for it =)
  7. They simply have set their private chat to friend, or to off if they have you in their list
  8. Yet he wanted to help the community and that's what matters =) Sadly this little trick is well known, not the best one around and isnt enought to do a full guide :o edit : Oh and welcome to Tip.It forums =)
  9. It actually does make sence but I dont really see a bard skill happening.. It could be useful but I dont really see them releasing that.
  10. Just had this, I was going to slay at the lightower and I see this lvl 112 guy in there with firecape : guy: Hiiiii me: Hi guy : How are you mate? ( me = :-s ) me : I feel like someone with 2 days of membership left Xd guy:Lol guy: can I have your black mask? me:?... guy:plz Me:Have you bought this account or what? guy : What account??? and it goes on -.- he then procedes to say he has never slayed before..
  11. Granite can be found at the granite quarry deep in the desert, it has absolutely no use. :) You will need : your pick, Full desert clothing, about 24 full waterskins, the camulet* and a bucket* Just use the 3 free spaces you have to mine and drop the granite, it's the fastest way, when out of water (24 will last several hours) either go down the tunnels to refill at the well* or teleport out to refill. *I recommend you do the quest you can find at the quarry, will give you a tele to there(camulet) and a well to refill your waterskins using the bucket
  12. W/E is their reason, I sure hope everybody DOES stay at the fishing guild :) Piscatoris is a noob-free haven, and I really want it to stay that way :)
  13. I read its now easier since Jad safespot's himself by going around the rock, and the healers get stuck BEHIND it naturally
  14. You already had your turn :wink: Let others give it a try :XD:
  15. Or release a french version of the game? :thumbsup:
  16. When I saw cabbage in the title I tought it was worthy of a reading but meh More players come to Runescape, which means more worlds are full at a time. Its that simple, no big deal. Also havent you noticed it's been AGES since they added a new british world?
  17. I guess exiting is enought, the hat you received keeps count of your points btw
  18. And what if he decides do cast magic on you all of suddent? Or you cant hit it? If meleeing it do afford a super-set, at the least. and sharks and p-pots
  19. F2P: Dragon slayer for the average player, imp catcher for an high level one that want it done quick XD P2P : Mourning ends part 2. For sure. Nothing can beat its frustration (especially with low agility), sheep herder is nothing... Sure it is fun, but H A R D
  20. I say you use the cash to start merchanting and get alot more cash, then you can spend it (while always keeping at least a million to keep merchanting) to raise your stats
  21. Report it to them on the website :) I think theyre're making a new client atm anyway..
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