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Everything posted by aussy4321

  1. 520 Fishing Baits sold 1k each when the barb. training event came out
  2. :uhh: Go be a Runey/Starwars and not understand what a relationship is somewhere else!!@!@@ :evil: That's just going to far :evil: pfft, your mum. yeah, well.... :-k ... :notalk: :-$ noob, or i will make you :ohnoes: and slap some tape on j00r face like this :-# . I own you in the pants, accept it. > worlds smallest violin
  3. We hit at the same time. If you both hit at the same time then you would be able to tie. That's not possible to tie. Someone is first. :wink: Even if you both hit at the same time, doesn't mean you'd tie. The other person could hit 0's while this guy hit 20's. See my point? : -Aussy321. On-topic: Very nice stakes, i might try staking sometime when i buy back my Dark Bow :
  4. F2p: Mined Ess and sold it in W2. p2p: Flax
  5. 1 0wn t04s7. I burn j00!. When was it i saw you last? oh!!! that 99 mag1c p4rty and wee lyk went pking! and you took off north, being impatient, and logged like a good nooby burnt toast. tut tut, you missed out on all of us teleporting from ONE level 115 against us... 6? (Blur media included, who is really bad at pking) I j00 burnt toast, and i 0wned you in Castlewars on my pure that one day! -Aussy321
  6. I will beat you to 99 Woodcut, ch00b. And noob, Mages are faster than yews to cut. I got a full invent of mages before i could get 5 yews... Pfft, go back to your yew trees in midgetz-vil! Soon i'm back to willows, just cutting 100 magics to add to my collection.
  7. You can scry in my pool to tick that off your list : , if you actually take me up on that, add aussy321
  8. you will never get that Kalphite queen head, i tell you! (important bulletin: this post may of taken several months to send to Leesters)
  9. Good luck Just trying to be simple :twisted: , I'm going for 99 Woodcut *hi-five!* I should make a blog but too much work : . Aussy321, tar tar
  10. Read your blog, just wanted to wish you Good luck, I also am going for a 99, Woodcutting is mine though. A bit easier (alot i've heard) than yours, but none the less, a drain on our life : . Add me, Aussy321? Ever need to talk while mining or just bored, just send me a Pm
  11. Welcome to Runescape I hope i don't meet any roundheads... (Examine of Cav-Mask) =-=-=-=-=-=-=--==-=--=-=-=-=-==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to Runescape A powerful dagger. Wonder what happens if i rub it... Oh dear, you are dead! (Dragon dagger + Genie lamp) =-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-==--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-= Welcome to Runescape This reminds me of my aunt. (penance runner statue in Barbarian Outpost) =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--==-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=--= Welcome to Runescape A one-eyed monster (Queen spawn statue in Barbarian Outpost) =-=-=-=-=--==-==-==-=-=-=-==-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-==-= Welcome to Runescape commonly found in grassy areas (examine daffodills) =-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=--=-== Welcome to Runescape I need to fill this with beer! (Examine empty glass) =-=-=-=-=-====-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
  12. One question: Is the Woodcut guide done with Rune axe or Dragon axe? as i'm going for 99 woodcut and i'm only 77 (hehe) but i have a Dragon axe (mwuahaha)
  13. That's because of the ::bank and such that JMods have (like cheatcodes) to allow them to test things easily. JMods only, you need a gold crown to use them. ::teleport [coordinates] is way cool too :) Did you know.. ..that in rsc you could put @colour and if you did, the NEXT sentence would show in that colour? Mwahaha, I can still play Classic. Although there's no point, seeing as I have about 40k, Full mithril armor with battleaxe, am level 23, and have no autoing programs, lol. And nobody will buy my super attack pot :( Yeah... @rai for rainbow \ or something. @ora for orange, @red for red, @whi for white, etc. fun fun! \ Also, you can still do this at the login screen 8-) I was mucking around in Classic the day before the update Classic ftw
  14. And where did you get that information? I highly doubt that each year Jagex employees sit around a table and Andrew says something like 'Ok guys, this year we will release 10 graphics updates, 4 new minigames and a new skill' or something similiar. I personally also doubt we're going to see any new skills over the next year and a half and I doubt Jagex is working on one right now. I know this was said on the 2nd page, but it's appauling! :x When ever jagex releases a skill like... Farming, they even told us how they had been working on it for more than a year, And Construction for YEARS!, I can more than guess that they have 2 skills minimum being coded and drawn up right now.
  15. His names in the picture. I didnt claim it to be mine. I claim it to be mine, i am secretly Golv, and my name isn't Sam, it's Kevin! :-s , and the square root of pie is Cherry and the sky is Purple. Please don't Hunt KBD's in the main hall, and all Alching please be done down the hall, first right to your left. Sodb owns you all, join and pretend to kill beasts but never get around to it! -Aussy321/Sam/Pie
  16. Stop being so religious and go die like a ... super strong man 8-) , I've missed talking to you and hearing your stories of.. yeah just stories, I thought you were quit but now you go and do the quest? Just for the publicity and for people to remmember you? I'd say that's worth loosing the dharoks anyday though, leaving as a legend, highest hits both done and recorded in all of Runescape. Miss you Golv, Talk to you later, hopefully
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