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Everything posted by Brinner

  1. Ya this surely is a golden age, not to mention how big Jagex is starting to expand with their new store, Funorb, and soon enough, Mechscape.
  2. How am I not surprised....the game friggen rocks :thumbsup:
  3. My parents only care in general and if my grades are bad. If my grades = bad, then I'm grounded from my pc. But nothing else, its like somehow watching TV is better then programming.
  4. Well fireworks could be set off and give more exp then logs. At least we finally get a fire making update.
  5. Does that even make sense? And sorry, your not a hippy, your a just a....er...nvm.. :-#
  6. Ok, either this is the same guy, or theirs more idiots then I think.... SKIM THE GOD DAMN BOARD do you not see two identical posts you friggen hippy?
  7. I mostly like it for its teleport, incase I need to go to Draynor or Falador fast (usually for quests or something), I suppose it would also be somewhat useful if you make law runes, although the Abyss would be so much better.
  8. Maybe they mean we can go set other people on fire... \ But its pretty questionable if it would be f2p, its a new quest, and f2p hasn't had a quest in forever, but its a pretty simple skill that could be for f2p....so its pretty questionable. Hopefully though we should get some useful/cool rewards, fireworks anyone?
  9. No doubt people will invest in certain things, but I sure hope that (natures,laws,deaths,blood) rune prices rise, its kind of sad when you can make and sell cosmics and make better cash then all of the other runes.. (except level 91 rc with double natures)
  10. Then just go to another fan site, or figure out the quest yourself.
  11. Ya, we all know pressing F5 like a mad man will magically make the server fixed.
  12. Maybe its some noob filter and redirects noobs... :P
  13. Ya, I think that it needs a backdrop like thing, probably also with the buttons to make it look more like a hud.
  14. I support since it feels odd having it not their. Also I think they should have the world map icon highlight just like the run icon when you hover over it.
  15. 1. You can make a account and play for free fast. 2. You usually don't have to worry about monsters when your skilling in RS, in WoW you do. 3. You can easily auto in RS, WoW its harder. 4. RS has more stuff to auto, WoW has less.
  16. -Desert (Al Kharid and below) -Falador Castle (would be cool to see a clan pretty much controlling it) -Giant Mole Cave -Wildy (of course)
  17. Ya.... Pretty much you just do a reversal such as: In Runescape, you chop at tree. into: In ScapeRune, tree chops YOU!!
  18. No, its actually in my POH, sadly I don't have members so none of you can see it.
  19. but we know nothing of the MoM, actually now that you think of it, it could be possible, even though hes a random.
  20. I'm getting the same thing laura0077 is getting... :cry:
  21. I noticed at the doorway to the Wizards Tower, there is two eyes on both sides of the door, Eye of Saradomin perhaps? I remember when it used to be a Egyptian looking eye, but has this been changed recently or ever since they updated the tower since like over a year?
  22. Only good way for the age thing is the sign up age (except if you can do some real life age check). But I support, you can't even say 'friggen'...which ******* ****s (friggen sucks).
  23. The Mahjarrat are...well, beings from another dimension I believe, Zamorak is one who, no one knows how, became a god. The Stone of Jas is what created all of the runes. Could look it up...
  24. Because its been known as a clan, what else would they call it? Guild? We have those for skills, having it otherwise would just seem..odd.
  25. Its current server system is fine, they don't need to make it like WoW :-# It might be pretty good, but it would be questionable what will be available, will they have quests and the normal minigames open to play? I can also imagine clans liking these worlds, traveling in groups...
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