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Everything posted by ilya

  1. Why won't anyone let me finish my pink swastika? (jks)
  2. You're a legend sir, this is high quality stuff. Looking forward to watching those vids.
  3. ilya

    Body odor

    Once every few days, sometimes twice a day. I'm not too bothered. Longest in the last 5 years or so would probably be something like 6days.
  4. Whats up with the first 3 reply's? Congratulations bruh, get all skills 75+
  5. What's the point of this thread if most of the information is missing? And I'd expect alot more people to have gotten fletching capes from 2007, but most folks seem to be focusing on combat (+117k strenght, that's insane).
  6. http://lmgtfy.com/?q=free+video+editing+software
  7. How is this old? It was created about 8 months ago. And it's still relevant today and will be relevant until people will keep eating food... And why does it matter if it's old anyways? Ontopic: I'd have to say olives, believe me I've tried every single way of eating them I just cannot stand the smell and the taste argh:-X
  8. Wow come on guys, who's gonna find any time to play runescape at all? It's the summer, why would you want to spend it sitting in your room playing a video game?
  9. .... do you want a cookie or something? No one asked you what you got on your exams.
  10. Thank you gentlemen, I'm glad I made some of you smile. I'm really surprised at how many Tip.Iters have facebooks though!
  11. :lol: Someone's obviously confused. Should we tell him? NEVER. Jeffwilson99 don't have to be so negative all the time sir.
  12. Does anybody recognize this [wagon]? http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?=743264506
  13. Whats the big deal here? Because you have an old noob u never used makes you cool?
  14. What the [bleep] are you guys talking about? You're more fascinated by an overweight bird than something like this? (Can't expect more from a Runescape forum though). That's insane, any reports on deaths and such? EDIT: Imagine how much workforce and material it is going to require to fix that and make it stable. How would one even go about doing that?
  15. ilya

    Post count

    What a person says matter so much more. How long said person has been part of the forums is also a much better indicator for me. (that's the only thing i look at beside the name after reading a post) I see people getting over 1k posts within 3months of being here Whether or not a poster plays runescape can change my opinion about them aha (quite silly since this is a runescape forum). I've been lurking the forums for 6 years, I know most people here. I come here everyday, for hours at the time. Yet I rarely ever post.
  16. There's been a client since I started playing so around 2004. It doesn't have anything useful really. Although the fact that it doesn't require Java or admin rights is news to me EDIT: Apparently it is open source :twisted:
  17. That is why I added a Time x +. Total time depends on the content scale. Ah, it wasn't very clear to me, but even so I wouldn't imagine an update, not matter how small it is to take any less than 3 months to put out (not a month as you suggest). Not to mention they would already have quite list of ideas/projects they are working on, and this new update would have to wait even longer.
  18. Seems right to me, except all the times would should be multiplied by a factor of 3 or 4. The bug testing of a single update usually takes weeks by itself, not to mention the actual creation and fine-tuning
  19. ilya


    I eat 200mg caffeine pills everyday :) up to 7 a day aha. Coffee and energy drinks don't affect me in the slightest way anymore, high tolerance to caffeine I guess.
  20. I was really enjoying Soldier Front until I got to try out Combat Arms, what are your opinions on that? I played A.V.A. for a few weeks here and there, but it felt really unbalanced to me, and the lack of weapons really didn't help my opinion of the game aha.
  21. ilya


    You wont "trip balls" but weed can cause visual and aural disturbances that can be described as a "trip". For example, sometimes I can see the outline of a face on the back of my eyelids. Have you had much experience with weed? I don't mean to attack you, I'm just genuinely curious. I'll take double of whatever you're taking. Seeing a face? I've watched full blown, coloured movies on my eyelids, everytime i blinked. Yes you can get extremely [bleep]ing high off weed, especially off eating it. Everyone used to get that baked when they first started, so don't feel special aha. Just enjoy it I'm past that stage, although I still get CEVs everytime I smoke (generally random shapes, or people i know in clear detail), but I've learned how to control the high. Makes me angry when people think that weed is there just to "chill out". I've had worst panic attacks on weed, than acid, shrooms or anything else.
  22. ilya


    Marijuana is not addictive. Coming from someone who was addicted to cocaine for 6 months, spent over 6,000 usd on it, and all I have to show for it is a criminal record, don't do it, smoking pot however is completely different and helps people much more then you'd think. I would be really interested in hearing your story, if it isn't too personal :) Many will laugh at this, but I've acquired quite the taste for snorting Methylphenidate (also known as Ritalin in the US and Canada). The drug that's used to treat ADHD symptom and often described as kiddie's coke. As a matter of fact, I would prefer it to coke but that's just me aha.
  23. This man speaks some wise words! Legalize it of course! (look at the background of my signature lol)
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