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Everything posted by flipflop121

  1. yea, i just want to stay in the black from this whole experience... hmm ill work out the profit / loss from the smithing and crafting now
  2. yea, crafting was always gunna end up loosing me money, hence fishing and cannon balls to start with so that i have enof cash to toss around for 99 crafting
  3. fishing - this will be done just power fishing lobs, it will be slow at first but will speed up towrads the end. im doing this so i can afford the smithing and crafting side of the goals. smithing - i will smith steel bars directly into cannon balls, not only is this fairly quick, but it also makes me money, all of which i will need for crafting crafting - still not entirely sure how i will get this, thats y its last on my last, suggestions appreciated. skills pic - as u can c i dont really give a dam about a few skills lol.
  4. Hello and welcome to my Blogg, as i have taken time to write and keep this up, any form of encouragement / posting is always good, and it keeps me going. About me: i am 18 years old, i live in newcastle australia. i enjoy the finer things in life.... like getting wasted and acting like a fool in public, i also enjoy my girlfriend /wave and ofcourse playing computer games. i have recently come back from an extended leave of absense (WoW expansion) but after getting overly frustrated at its pvp system i have decided that i should come back and flex my arm at RS once more. So without further ado, i welcome all of you to my new thread, i had one awhile back for my fletching / woodcutting goals and hopefully this thread can help me on my guidence through the bleak times so i can reach the pinnacle of pixel profoundry, showing my pleasure in picking pain on a person p.s im drunk my friend tofu chicken will also be semi-sharing this thread. wish him luck 2 =] [hide=Skill pic at the start of Blog][/hide] [hide=My Skilling Outfits]When i was going for 99 wc'ing i for some reason decided to wear full steel, so iv decided to continue this tradition. [/hide] [hide=Pixel Sigs i made when i was bored][/hide] ===== Goals ===== 99 fishing 99 smithing 50 RC - Slayer - Agi - Herby 99 crafting =============== Starting / Current lvls =============== 66 / 81 Fishing 7Klobs / 91k profit from goal: 21.6mill 73 / 73 Smithing 0 cb / 467k CB profit from goal: 33mill 59 / 59 Crafting 0 GDH / 207k GDH loss from goal: -39mill Total profit: 15.4mill The reason i chose these goals was simply because these are skills that i have always enjoyed. =========== Achievements =========== [hide=Fishing Achievements]playing on really laggy computer and cant do any uploading ='[ Yay can fish Sharkies [/hide] [hide=Smithing Achievements] 74 smithing - may upload pic[/hide] [hide=Crafting Achievements][/hide] [hide=Skill achievements] 46 herby 38 agility 39 agility 41 agility 42 agility 43 agility 44 agility 46 agility 47 agility 48 agility 49 agility 51 agility 52 agility [/hide] [hide=Why these goals?]I decided to choose these goals because i believe they are unique and form a bases of a supa sexy character. I think they all complement how i play this game, showing my dedication to persue high lvls and also to spend lots of money achieving them (see crafting)[/hide] [hide=Daily Log] 4 / 12 / 07 - Today i played rs again for the first time in 340 days. met up with my good friend and we have been talking heaps which is good. got myself 1 herby lvl and almost two fishing lvls in just 5 hours 5 / 12 / 07 - A friend suggested that i power fish till lvl 90 then fish lobbies and it seemed like a much better idea, this new spot should decrease my time fishing by a massive amount. (75% !!!) today was a pretty good success, i ended up getting 5 fishing lvls and 8 agility lvls, all in all its been a pretty sweet day 6 / 12 / 07 - Started today with grinding 5kxp to knock off lvl 73. i played fairly patchey today and didnt lvl as much as id like. (girlfriend /sigh) either way i still managed to break 76 fishing, and i also hit 49 agility which was in total a pretty good day 7 / 12 / 07 - Today i was a bit slack in the amount of effort i put in, however i still managed a good 4-6 hours of solid fishing. i got almost two levels of fishing today which was good, i also gained a strength, 2 agility and a cooking lvl o.O on a more soleum note Tofu got hacked, luckily he retrieved his account but now he has a ban ='[ 8 / 12 / 07 - Drank way to much, i think i got 5k fishing xp now i got a headache -.- 9 / 12 / 07 - Slept into 1pm... have headache and dont feel like playing much rs... but im still "attempting" to fish 10 / 12 / 07 - 14 / 12 / 07 - Thunderstorms owned my internet so no fishing was done -.- 15 / 12 / 07 - Woot got my net back, time for some fishing. 21 / 12 / 07 - Well i havnt had much time to update my logs etc over the past few days. iv been very busy preparing things for christmas. im still on my slow computer which makes barbarian fishing impossible so atm im fishing lobs. decent cash and fishing xp. but im annoyed at the slow xp. hopefully i can just see this rough bit out till i fix my good computer and start back on the good xp of barbarian fishing. unfortunatly i cant upload any images of my recent fishing achievements because it basicly makes this computer die 22 / 12 / 07 - my frustration continued today as fishing lobbies was feeling even more like a massive waste of time. iv decided to chop down a few yew logs to get me money quicker. and when i fix my god dam ethernet for my good computer i will swap bac to barbarian fishing for that. i gotmyself a smithing level today which was cool. in a bit of hindsight i will prolly hate this decision and swap back to fishing lobbies. but for now i needed a change of scenery.[/hide] Tofu chicken [hide=Goals]99 Woodcutting 99 Magic 99 Fishing 99 Crafting 99 Herblore All skills 75+[/hide] [hide=Starting / Current lvls]91/91 Magic 96/99Woodcutting - CONGRATZ MAN!! 95/95 Fishing 71/71 Crafting 70/70 Herblore[/hide] [hide=Other lvl ups][/hide] thanks for reading, feel free to post encourgements etc etc
  5. u actually ahve the first bit mixed up, the faster u get to the speed of light, the slower time is, once u get to the speed of light time stops. i believe einstein said that. it was proved awhile back when a jet went at mach 7 around the earth for 24 hours (time at the base) apon landing the pilots watch and instruments were actually 4 minuetes behind the earths time. what this says is, the pilot had just delayed himself by 4 mins. (thats like WTF LAG!!!) however the rate at which time slows is exponential. Because of this theory tho, it may make space travel to other galaxyies a reality. it would however be extremely difficult to calculte everything if the ship manages to reach speeds close to the speed of light, they will be in essence "frozen in time" there bodys will actually age at a rate of far less then that of the people on earth. this is what may make space travel a reality, without ageing at normal rates, u are basicly being biochemcially frozen, but can still perform functions and move around. So, having said that i have a few theories for u to stew over. if i want to go back in time, i need to travel faster then the speed of light. but, will this decrease my age? or will it send me into another paradox. if it does decrease my age, will humans ever need to reproduce again, or can we just keep reversing our biological clock. the 2nd theory is abit like the first. if we want to go forward in time, then we need to travel slower then the speed of light. or, we can travel at the speed of light (time stops) while we distance ourself earth, we set the date of when we want to decend back into the planet. however the planet will be in the future as we have not aged at all by travelling at the speed of light and causeing our time to stop. just thought id screw with ur head more
  6. 7 days to live huh day 1: go skydiving + bungee jumping day 2: go paintballing, then rob a bank day 3: buy a very expensive car, speed boat, 7 drums of petrol and some home explosives day 4: chillax with the family and friends day 5: give the rest of my money to various charities, go and punch that reporter from today tonight in the throat day 6: massive party day 7: massive party at about 2pm, hop in the car block off the surrounding streets and drive at 250km/h into the speedboat and fuel, while family films it, sends it into some television company and gives the money it makes from it to a charity
  7. I believe that alot of people who comment on these issues have no [bleep]ing idea what there talking about. "i heard it on oprah" WTF dude i should slap ya in the face for watchin that [cabbage], oprah will only show you one extreme or the other, not the office man who works 40 hours a week and goes out of a friday night has a few cones and beers with his mates, because that doesnt make compelling T.V as some1 before has said, most of the myths about pot are FALSE Some say: Beer and pot act as depressant, they reduce ur reaction times and pot is also a hellucient. we all know the story about the guy who had something [cabbage] happen in his life and he crawled into a wiskey bottle and lived there. every town needs a drunk, where else would there fun derive from (the village idiot is in bed at this time) as for alchole, when i drink beer everything is funny, we laugh more, we get crazy and its awesome try it sometime before degrading everyone who does it as for drugs, weed / weak forms of eccy's are fine, heroine / meth not so good. there are different levels of drugs, just as there are different lvls of alchole. however heroine and meth are highly addictive and i would advise not to go there. (been there done that not a [bleep]ing good idea if u dont want to spend a [bleep]load of cash, if u do want to spend cash, buy me a T.V so i can laugh at oprah). pot is harmless, and weakish eccys are aswell, do it in moderation and try to be sensible about it. as for cigs, i honestly dont know why every1 hates us so much. the cases of 2nd hand smoke are people who work in a bar 55 hours a week, surrounded by smoke, even then it takes them ages to actually contract any form of cancer from it. and speaking of not looking after other peoples health, its best to look in a mirror and think how you can improve rather then how another person can. i drive a car, i dont give to charities and i dont help the old lady down my street with her shopping... do you? judge not till thyself is judged ur a [bleep]ing [developmentally delayed]. ur sitting here playing runescape wasteing ur money, wasteing ur life and getting cronic back problems from sitting in the chair wrong, ur ears are getting destroyed by having ur sound to loud, and ur missing out on getting enough of the suns energy making u weak and ur skin pale. for people who want to judge me. im bored, dont really care what u say as i wont check it. im sure some1 will pull a fully sick "burn" on me but w/e. i layed my views out there unlike most people here. i also spoke from experience, not many people actually have experience to post from, just saying u shouldnt do something means nothing, give valid reasons, experiment with it, try it, learn from it. life is meant to be fun, it is also a learning process. if u live in a bubble ur will never experience life as it was ment to be lived. wing life everynow and then, splurge on [cabbage] u dont really need, dont bother hordeing money, u cant take it with u when ur dead, live life to the full and have no regrets P.S zezima have my babies. peace out
  8. i love this webcomic, read them all, such an awesome story line
  9. 800g. if u want any cash back its best to high alch them, 100gp more then selling to the general store and u get magic xp
  10. the point isnt for money, money is a side bonus so i can power level the last bits of it, the goal is 99 smithing NOT 100mill. i would only mine iron for the first instalment (58k of it -.- ) while it is alot it does allow me to more then double my money for other attempts at going for it. as u can tell mining 58k of iron would take some amount of time but it does make my cash go up 100% allowing the last grind to be a lot smoother. Why would i not make cannon balls? not only do i get smithing xp but i make more cash then if i just sold the bars. As for the selling of them as soon as the steel bars are done i would start looking for buyers for the cannon balls.
  11. Ok basicly this me just crapping on about a few ideas i have that may or may not work, its basicly a place for me to do some math 2 work out some smithing stuff on runescape, at the end if u could comment on which idea you liked the best that would b awesome. FYI: im an 18 year old male, quit runescape in march to play WoW, i love it but i still have a longing to play runescape,. my guild only raids at 9-12pm 4 nights a week which means i have a lot of time to screw around doing watever i want, as grinding seriously bores me on WoW now iv decided to start playing runescape again (yay for more continuous clicking *woot* ) so i figured if im going back to runescape ill need a plan of attack. iv always loved smithing and its one of my higher skills so iv decided to level it to 99. so now for some calculations (i have a base cash pool of 20mill, fletching / wc has its advantaged =] ) *CAUTION INVOLVES MATHS* First im putting in base amounts for some core materials iron: 100 coal: 170? (clarifaction here would b cool) mith: 350 addy: 1k Steel: 580 Mith: 1k Addy: 2k cannon ball: 180 PLAN A) stage 1) 20,000,000 / 170 = 117650coal mine 58825 iron = 58825 steel bars (1,030,000xp) then smith these into cannonballs 58825 * 25.6 = 1,500,000xp. 58825 * 4 *180 = 42,350,000mill. 58825 / 800 (iron p/h) = 73hours. 58825 / 400 (steel bars p/h) = 146hours. 58825 / 900 (steel > CB) = 65.3hours stage 1 xp / cash = 2,530,000xp / 42,350,000mill. stage 1 time / weeks = 284.3 hours / 6.3 weeks (45 hours a week... no lyfe ftw?) stage 2) stage 2 is a lot more tame, instead of mining the iron myself i will buy it and the coal. this will reduce my time per project by 26% 42,350,000 / 440 (2xc + 1xI) = 96250 steel bars. 96250 * 43.1 (total smithing xp) = 4,150,000xp. 96250 * 4 * 180 = 69,300,000gp. 96250 / 400 = 240h. 96250 / 900 = 107h stage 2 xp / cash = 4,150,000xp (6,680,000 total) / 69,300,000gp. stage 2 hours / weeks = 347 = 7.7 weeks (14 weeks total) After this stage there are a few possibilities i can choose from. i can either go for the straight out spare no cash approach, a mix of the two or keep doing this. i will write the spec fpor the 3 possibilities and a few more (RS may have changed alot since i played so please tell if better alternatives are available. WILL NOT be smithing gold bars) option 1) continue the steel bar method. with 1k steel bars taking 3.6 hours to fully complete and 5,360,000 xp still needed. 5,360,000 / 43.1 = 124,400 / 1,000 * 3.6 / 45 = 10 weeks 720 - 440 = 280 * 124,400 = 34,840,000 + 69,300,000 = 104.132mill option 2) 90,000,000 / 1000 = 90,000mith bars. 90,000 * 50 = 4,500,000xp 90,000 / 5 * 2900 (high alching mith pl8 - nat cost) = 52,200,000, continue this method and 99 smithing wont be far away (will lose another 18mill) time = 90,000 / 2000 = 45hours (100kxp an hour) pst your idea(s)
  12. Runescape has been in a downward spiral since RS2 was released. although no skills in runescape required skill. pking still did and it was the way in which u implemented your base stats that reaped your rewards. after RS2 came out runescape become incredibly dumbed down. honestly, and please answer honestly what in runescape requires "skill" leveling skills? No. pking? No. the answer to alot of games is that when players get to a high level there is high level content that require a portion of skill and teamwork to complete successfully. the only thing i can think of that requires a high level to complete successfully is DK. but again not much skill is involved *i classify skill as playing without knowing wat is going to happen and making the best out of what does happen. any form of player of FPS's knows wat i mean. it hows anticipation, its reaction its how u deal with the crises. Alot of people complain about the maturity level of runescape players. but what age did you mature guys start playing? i started when i was 14 and i was a little sh**. but as i grew up i matured and now consider the younger people a hinderence i cant bear. iv quit RS for over 4 months and played WoW again. the change is amazing. young kids play WoW but they know how to act because in WoW some form of teamwork is needed to get the best gear. in RS u can just buy it, meaning no teamwork is needed. but what i have to ask you mature guys is. when you started playing u were noobs to. dont deny it because u were, every1 is. now when your a noob a few things can happen. you can shut up and level, you can beg for money or you stop playing. now because there was a massive influx of players into the game, that means there is a massive influx of noobs, all of a sudden instead of 10 noobs in a town center at a rate of 1:5 begging u have 200 noobs in a town center. instead of 2 noobs begging u have 40 noobs begging, thats a massive difference. the rate doesnt change but the amount of noobs does. but, in a couple of months / years, when these noobs have quit / lvld up there will b a smaller amount of noobs and all of a sudden the miniclips scandel is forgotton. BTW my WoW character name: Santic lvl: 70 Realm: Dath'remar cleared SSC working on hyjal / BT give me a tell if ur on my server =]
  13. hmm, quit runescape a twice, once was about 2 years ago when world of warcaft started up in australia and i played that for a year, then came back to RS, and the last time i played RS was about 4 months ago wen the WoW expansion came out, im still playing WoW now and enjoying the game
  14. mentally ill patient pulls a knife on a 6yr old. now think if they shot his arm and he still managed to kill the kid the cops would b up [cabbage] creek wouldnt they. this reminds me of a while back wen a man on an aeroplane said he had a bomb, ran off the plane and got shot in the head by the cops. if they body shot it he can still get the bomb to go off. wat im trying to say is, the guy assulted the kid, pulled a knife on him. a tranq gives u 5 seconds b4 it knocks u out, tazers arnt very accurate in that situation. the mentall ill patient is better out of harms way then potentially killing the kid and others just my opinion
  15. Is the show The Power of One based on the book? I doubt it, not sure if you've heard of it before the show. What's the book about and I'll be able to figure out if the show is based upon the book. no the power of one is about a young boys struggle in south africa just before ww2, the power of one show is about a hypnotist. no relation watsoeva
  16. wow very cool, have u tryed a magnifing glass at the focal point to make it even more direct?
  17. a few things i do is have a cold shower before bed (not 2 cold but lukewarm sorta thing) or i stay up late. u could try getting a really soft pillow, that helps me
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