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Everything posted by ThatCoolGuy

  1. I believe a capped time limit run in is worth more then both if one clan dominates the whole fight. That's if. Capped time limit run ins really don't prove much though, if you're looking to prove anything in that sense, you might as well do it through a war. Capped time limits don't really test returning that much, well depending on how long it is.
  2. Wasn't there, but those are pretty solid ending options I must say. Bit surprised to see LF with 266 options, good on them for doing so.
  3. Alright, I'm back, so here it goes. Firstly: Do note that I myself am not a very good wilderness leader in this day and age (for a variety of reasons), and it's not something that I enjoy doing anymore. That being said, I've been around top clans for a long time now, and I do know what I'm talking about (I hope). Now, down to business. I take it by your position in your clan that your clan is a Pking clan. If so, the simplest way to start to become a good warlord is to make Pk trips (of course, with approval from Leadership and such). Sounds a bit simple, when really it isn't. You don't want to make a Pk-Trip to wander around doing nothing. What we've done with our clan (Corruption) for pking is that we get intelligence (spies, any other sources of information are always worthwhile, something that you as a warlord should be looking into doing). After gaining intelligence on another clans pk trip (yep, we wreck peoples fun) we then plan around it. It's really the best way to go about things, as you can set a target, prepare for them, and then engage them. If you wish to be looking around the wilderness without getting information from another clan, you'll be in some trouble. It's tough not knowing whats around the next corner (or world, in this case). If you're looking to find wars, well that's pretty easy. Obviously, you don't want to go around arranging wars without your leaders permission, and doing so is a great way to really tick them off. Now to find wars, you can do a few things: -Make a topic on these boards, or any other forums that feature Clan Discussion, saying that you are looking for a war. Make sure to include details about your clan, including your website (if you have one), people to contact, and some statistics about your clan (number of members, levels, etc). -Get other clan leaders/warlords on your Instant Messaging service of preference. This will really help you set things up with people, as you'll have more connections to other clans. Leading fights are pretty simple. Lead your clans Fall Ins, call the piles, survive enemy attacks, the best way to learn this stuff is through actual experience. Another idea to gain some knowledge would be by watching videos of other clans fights (check out your nearest clan video board for some links). Hopefully that's a start. If you've got any questions, ask them and I'll try to answer. That is not necessarily true, in Runescape anyway. Of course there are natural leaders, but one can become a great leader through training and experience, just as one can become a great member through the same means as well.
  4. Yeah, they tend to only be an annoyance when they vastly outnumber the Anti-Crashers. And yeah, I would agree with those options left we could have taken down another top clan fairly easily as well, I was quite impressed today.
  5. Alright, well I'll make a post a bit later on then with some advice, just have some other stuff to do first.
  6. I would like to give respect to their leaders for being sensible and calling off returning quickly though. I'm sure it wasn't an easy decision, but goob job to them on that.
  7. Was there for a bit, before real life summoned me away. 1 death myself. Looked like we were in big time control before I left, didn't think it'd be over so quickly though. Guess that's what happens when there's 130ish people against 80 or so.
  8. So are you asking how you can be a better Warlord?
  9. Thanks, I got a bit carried away with explaining things, but oh well I guess it worked out for the best. The terminology and minor differences are kind of annoying, so hopefully this will help some people out if they were wondering, as well as dropping some history in there as well.
  10. A hell of a fight. Even though Di won, it really shouldn't mean too much as far as any difference in strength between the two clans (perhaps I'd have a better view on that if I had of seen the fight, as I *heard* Di were in control for the most part). However, I'm sure it does feel quite nice for Di to win that, it's always heart breaking to lose those long fights, especially when you're there the whole time.
  11. Gratz to Gladz. I've always had some respect for the Gladz since the days of Runescape Classic, so I enjoy seeing them win these days, hopefully they'll reclaim some of their former glory.
  12. good job, some pretty good spamming there for a smaller clan. 30 Minute prep fights were always fun, and a great way for smaller clans to have some real fun. Keep it up.
  13. We tend to flip flop back and forth, who knows perhaps this win will help initiate a bit of a roll here, and create some separation between Cor&DF. Guess we'll see what happens this saturday. PS: Hi Chaz ffs.
  14. well I'd say it's useful for a lot of smaller clans, but as far as the larger and more shall we say technologically advanced clans go, it's not going to play a great role in things. Nonetheless, it is a step towards an official clan system, so I will applaud Jagex for that.
  15. your best way of finding out about the clan world is to stay active on these forums, as well as others that feature clan boards. Next to none of the top clans use the Runescape Boards, so I wouldn't recommend looking there. If you're talking about seeing how clans are doing as far as the wilderness goes, obviously checking the Wars/Pk Boards in Clan Boards will give you the information you need to know. Top Clan lists are another way to get an idea of how clans are doing.
  16. to go a little more into depth for anyone else who might be wondering: Wars: Wars have traditionally been battles fought between 2 (or more) clans that tend to have a significant amount of preparation put into them. In the days gone by (well, years I should say) Wars used to be very rare, and usually had a preparation time of around 3 weeks, sometimes even a month or more. As the clan world has grown more active in the past 2 years or so, a number of clans started to begin doing wars on 2 weeks preparation as a standard time. Eventually this got shortened down to a week preparation (mostly started by Corruption actually, as a way of trying to even out the playing field with larger, less active clans, back about 2 years ago). Nowadays, a "War" is anything that is over 5 days prep time, with anything less than that being dubbed a "Mini War", however that is not standard by any means. Just depends on the terminology that the Leaders of the clans fighting decide to agree upon. Rules in Wars generally consist of: -Specific boundaries, for example the first tree East extending to the first tree to the West of the Members gate is very common for wars now. Wars also took place East of the Greater Demon Hut, with anything West of the hut being out of bounds. -No returning. This is the big rule that defines a war from a pk run in. You die once, and that is all in a war. -Occasionally other rules are imposed (such as no rangers, mages, etc) -Specific members are limited (ie, no Future Applicants, etc) Pk Run-Ins on the other hand are pretty much similar, just with returning. They began to grow in popularity as a number of clans started to become capable of returning for a long period of time, something that originally only the very pinnacle of clans could do. When a Pk Run In is planned, basically the two clans have acknowledged that they are going to fight each other, but do not wish to simply have one short battle and be done, as they would rather fight for hours upon hours, testing the determination and monetary supply of their foes. Rules for planned run ins can vary: -Boundaries are usually very large, stretching from nearly one end of the wilderness to the other. The only places that are not usually allowed are single combat areas (moss giants, rune rocks) and the new castle to the east. -All types of combat style are allowed, as a lack of mages and rangers will make the fight drag on even longer then necessary. -Clans that have Future Applicants are almost always allowed to these fights. Wow, didn't even notice I wrote so much. Hopefully that explains things well enough for you/anyone else who is interested.
  17. Wars don't have returning+have more specific boundaries. Planned Run-ins have less boundaries+returning.
  18. BDK was hardly even around long enough to consider it a real clan. Hell, you could make a pretty compelling argument to not call them a "clan" by definition anyway, as they really didnt have any rules or things like that. I would have to say DI, basically for the same reasons that Lethal said above, though I have made arguments before for RSD.
  19. it's good to see that recently there has been a rejuvenation to the top clans, as for a good while there it was so strongly focused around DF vs CoR, and EH vs DI.
  20. Well when you begin to allow comments in any sense, then you'll get the vast number of people replying just so they can flame or counter somebody else's argument. In theory, it'd be nice to have everyone be able to post sensible, intelligent comments to justify their ranking of clans in whatever position, but allowing comments would eventually create a lot of tedious work for mods in the future.
  21. why am I not surprised you use Runevillage, the board for true newbs, just like you I dont know if you would really want people sucking up to be CL's though, it's real annoying on RSC, im sure it'd be bad here too.
  22. i think top lists could work just fine, because people do enjoy posting on them. They just need to be strictly moderated, and it'd probably be best to limit them to only rankings, and not justification (as thats where the flaming begins)
  23. That's too bad, it's really frustrating when another clan cheats in a war.
  24. Oh, and one thing I'd just like to add, to the clans that frequently do use these boards. Please don't view us (Corruption) as people who are simply coming here to take over or something. We're just here to enjoy the community, as everyone else is. There's no reason to feel intimidated or anything, since we're here to help build (or rebuild in this case) a once great clans forum. Hopefully by supporting your board we will be able to attract some more of the larger clans of Runescape, and bring this community back to what it used to be. Like I said in a different topic before, don't be afraid to go to larger clans boards and ask them to use Tip.It, it can't do any harm.
  25. it's annoying when they crash capped fights, because you're usually not in much of a situation to deal with them. However, one idea might be to move the fight to a different area of the wilderness (a bit more south perhaps) where they are less likely to see you.
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