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Everything posted by dragonst0rm

  1. so satanism is a religion then. Well what ya no you learn somthing new every day.
  2. So you sayin there is a relgion to do with satan and hell and all evil. I thought there was but people just called it witchcraft or darkmagic, black magic or sorcerey or something like that.
  3. Oh i get you now. What you are saying is what we would see as nraml today like a mending a broken like as you say would of seemed like a mircal. But i still dint belive. Btw i no this has nithing to do with this topic but you no like there is religions about god and heven is there religions about satan and hell it been bugging me for ages
  4. If he did use medicean then why did they not say in the bible
  5. I would of bleived if it was like"Jesus is a man tha told great storyes" not "Jesus is a guy that can heal ppl". If he didi exsits then how did he cure ppl. Blind ppl can jst not see again. And paralized ppl they can not jst get up nd walk. Can this be explained. Andf you can not feed 5000 men with 5 fish and 2 bread (or how ever many it was) that is just impossable and walking on water. I would have to see it to belive it
  6. Nails on a chalk board. Noies like that also folkes beening draged along a plate grrrrr :wall: (sorry for spoelling mistakes)
  7. I did not say she was drink she had work the next day i was drink and we slept to gether when i had sobered up. Wat i am trying to say is go to a party with her
  8. i think he was an ideot there was no point in taking his life
  9. Why you asking me do i look like th person tha twrote the pile of crap. BTW BIBLE BURN GOOOOD!!!!!!!!!!
  10. no i was not. it works wonders over on england
  11. ahhh soz i did not no that as i come fomr the uk. Over here you can get a job at 14 deliving pappers but ig rubbish pay but at least ya gettin money for it.
  12. if you tihnk she like you then just ask her or see if she will give you huigs ect. Or you could just get a party going and found out there ya no spend then night with her and if ya get of with her then you are in. Like me and my gf i hardly knew her and i gto a bit to drink and slpet with her no we been to together for 5 mounth
  13. Keep it clean dude. Unlike me i got my lip done and i got ill and it got infected and messed my lips up bad. but i am gettin it done again. Clean it with slat water and tcp. (TCP helps it to heal qwick)
  14. yeah there i big taste between tham well there is in england
  15. go get a jopb that wat i am doing or if you are still in skool then go get a part time job
  16. The Matrix: Enter The Matrix The Matrix: The Path Of Neo Need For Speed Underground 1 Need For Speed UNderground 2 Need For Speed Most Wanted: Black Edition (And Normal) Final Fantersy 8
  17. I dont belive in god. I think it is a made up sotry that some drunky druggey made up thousend of years ago and coz he was so drunk and highe and people did not no wat was wrong with him they belived him a wrote it all in a book. But i belive in statan and soscery, black magic and all evil and stuff like that
  18. You might not like this but wat i would do is tell her to stuff her religon up her butt. I am a non beliver but got christen so i could got to some skool. But in england i tihnk it up to you as soon as you are 16 or somthing like that.
  19. I was wondering if any one esle like the new pepsi (Pepsi coffee cino(cappachino))
  20. lol. I like that bit when you have the banddaner on. Unlimeted ammo you jst keeo spinning around and ya kill them well qwick. The band thing about it tho you have to wear it and you can not take it of coz if ya do you dont have unlimted ammo and you can not use it with the stelth gear on eaither (but you already no that). But it would be mint tho if you could use them both at the same time.
  21. I had a copyed disk and mine worked fine. These ppl are right ya game crashed ya got to do it agian from were ya started. Btw wat is tha fastes time you have done it in?
  22. My DreamCar Is A Nissan Skylin GT-R 1995 or 1996 One Day I Will Have It
  23. 1 - My Girlfriend 2 - The Comp 3 - My PS2 4 - My Need For Speed And Matrix Games 5 - The Good Old Shower Or Bath
  24. Hey how is ppl doing on this. Talk about it here and what do you tihnk they gd of done to make it better do you think that they should of kept the nissan skyline that hey had in NFS U1 and 2?
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