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Everything posted by swampjedi

  1. Agreed, chris. Honestly, Axe Man, I expected better out of you. I didn't have you pegged as a "take your ball and go home" type. Sure, don't sell your little whips for less than 5000k, but you're gonna be really sorry when a better weapon comes out and whips take a nose-dive. It'll happen eventually, or else RS2 will end. Either way, you've accomplished nothing. "Unskilled Market Watcher" is laughable. I hate to tell you, my friend, but 99% of people who own a whip are "unskilled," because they can't get one on their own. Don't break your arm patting yourself on your back, Mister High and Mighty. Cmon folks, get outta diapers. I honestly don't care how hard you worked to get to 85 slayer, you can't change market forces. You can drum your heels as much as you want, but you might as well wish gravity was gone. You say you spent lots of cash getting there? Your fault - Jagex isn't going to pat you on the back and give you a free partyhat set because you spent lots of money. It annoys me that super weapon poison has practically become unsellable due to huge supply. Am I gonna whine or rant about it? No. I missed the boat by not being 82 herblore and 70 farming a few months ago. That's life. Whips are non-consumable (barring idiots who alch theirs or die with no looters around), and more enter the game every day. Yeah, more people get to 70 attack daily too, but not only slayers sell whips. Merchants have NOTHING to do with the price drop. Everyone wants to blame merchants for everything from prices going DOWN to prices going UP. Get a better scapegoat - using the merchant card makes you look like a lobotomy patient. What we're seeing is the market trying to find an eqilibrium price. Guess what, you don't get to set that price. Everyone has a little bit of a say. The whip is really worth... guess what.... what people are willing to PAY for it. Not what you say, not what the alch value is, not what the magic 8 ball says. You want prices to go up? Fine. That's understandable. But barring a drop rate reduction (which some say has already come), the long term trend is down. Get with the program. I really can't feel sorry for your rich tail, AMJ. I really can't. I really figured you were more than a spoiled brat.
  2. Hmm, I think the very first thing I did was log in. Then I opened my bank, probably. The first REAL thing I did, though, was steal from men.
  3. Thanks man. I'm visiting my best friend and have more important things to do than play. :)
  4. I'll get on it when I get home. I have to do a few mods to the script. I will do 90 and under. I'm really only concerned with under 90 for myself though. :P The list takes about 6 hours to create, due to the HUGE number of HTTP requests generated.
  5. Bump, still no levels any time soon. I'm thinking 80 farming will be soon. Also 80 craft, 72/73 mining, 76/78 thieving perhaps.
  6. Herblore belongs. I have made 50m+ profit getting to 84 herblore.
  7. I expect if I was into combat, I'd be a combat pure. There was this other game I played (I won't mention the name), where I was a very low "hitpoints" level but very strong "attack" level. I guess I just like being different. Everyone has a combat pure, some people have total skill pures... but only a handfull of people have sub-90 combat and 1600+ total. I would love to get to 80-85 slayer at 89ish combat. Now that would be an accomplishment. Talk about a FORTUNE in cannonballs...
  8. Thanks guys! 1700 is gonna be a long ride. I might have to come off some net worth to get it within my lifetime. :D
  9. Just this small addition would be more welcome than any of the lame quests we've been getting lately. Add things that make RS more playable, Jagex! That's what we need! Trade Chat Bank Organization Friends Organization Clan Support
  10. Skills for the vast majority. However I did get a mask set which then doubled in price, so that was about 10m worth. I have merchanted for things that I need, though. For example, I bought half keys, had someone make glories, and sold enough to break even on the keys. I kept the rest for runecrafting. I also did this to get a full Zamarok book. But as for merchanting just to make cash - no.
  11. Thanks! :D 1700 is the ultimate goal, but I honestly expect it to take a year. The levels I'm getting now are the easy ones...
  12. I don't personally know Ph3r, but he does have some good stats. What's your RS name. As for a bank pic, I dunno. As you can guess, I have a pretty good bank. It's amazing what you can buy when you don't need a whip or dragon or barrows. Posting it doesn't appeal to me, because I really don't need beggars. Maybe later, when I get 1650 or something.
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