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Everything posted by Vaki_Sanake

  1. ^ Spam? Anyways I have no comment as I cannot see the pic.
  2. Let's say somehow we're given Jmod powers without Jagex hiring us, k? Anyways, if I had Jmod powers, I'd somehow make my cb lvl 127 and go around in Full D, Blue Phat, and a Fire Cape. You have to admit, we all wish we could do anything in Runescape sometime or later.
  3. Because you didn't state with quest of the two quest Desert Treasure and Monkey Madness, not Monkey Madness and Temple of Light, this is considered spam. WolfhunterXZ's post is perfect, your's is just.... crap.
  4. Odd enough... the last thing I put on YouTube had that exact same music. And you used the Durialhax music too. Anyways nice vid.
  5. Actually if you wanna be literal, Runescape 3's already been released, it's called Runescape Classic. Runescape version 4 is called Runescape 2 so Runescape 3 would be version 5.
  6. 5th run - Fire Cape but you lag and get a random and you die as soon as you leave the cave with your Fire Cape. And for some reason you're skulled.
  7. The max hit is 101.... it's near impossible to do.... but it's 101.... that's nearly 1/3 of Jad's Hp (but it's not possible against Jad). Full Drahork, 99 Strength, 98 Hp lost, Aggresive, Ultra Strngth prayer, Super Strength, Fire Cape, Climbing Boots, Dark Gloves, Berseker Ring and it can only be done to the undead, Salve Ammy. Wow... imagine seeing a 101 appear against a zombie...
  8. Alot of males: 3 girls. Surprising considering I'm a girl -_-
  9. For god's sakes I'm not asking what you think the hardest quest was or asking how hard they are. I'm asking you what of the two quest do you think is harder? What's so dang hard about that?
  10. I don't even know why I did DT... I never use Ancients and I don't think 4 of my friends know I've done it.
  11. Even with 117 atk and str, that's amazing O.O Maybe you should kill him with a Bronze Dagger next time xD
  12. I love that! "The power of Guthix compels you" x'D
  13. Sigh me up as Vaki Sanake, combat lvl 90. I might not come though....
  14. Yeah I never knew that Runescape 1 was actually Runescape 3.
  15. Wow... that's funny and scary at the same time. Stand on an eye and make it really happy. :shock:
  16. 1) I'm a girl 2) It's funny. Guur... what's a filter?
  17. Not everything on tht list is pointless. Like knowing the Bone Spear is like a hally but you can equip a shield might work well with a few things.
  18. World of Warcraft has a even worse economy than Runescape...
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