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Everything posted by Vaki_Sanake

  1. Well.... I thank Bloodveld's excellent guide on the basics.... couldn't figure out how to do the damage right... Aside from the bad editing, who can name the 3 things I missed? 1. Forgot damage bar 2. Jad is too small 3. Jad started a sentence with a lower case.
  2. actually your a liar and he was never put in. Jagex test stuff before they're put into gameplay idiot.
  3. Hmm... maybe we should make one \
  4. I've thought the exact same thing but never got it into writing.
  5. You is the bad side :shame: I am the good side *Chrismtas Cracker falls from the sky* Thank you Sardomin O:)
  6. Or just likes Castle Wars. Senseful: Cover every square in wild in a full world (not 2) at peak hours. 1000% Insane in teh membrane: Go into Wild on a lvl 90 acc with Full D wearing a Blue Phat and have a Christmas Cracker in your inventory while your skulled with 1 hp and nothing in inventory and stepping on every spot in the Wild
  7. Ever hear of Keyloggers? Someone who knows you might be able to guess your password if it's something you like. I've made my account only accessable from my computer.
  8. I never say that word as in insult, I call my friends noobs as a joke though, but only a noob calls another player a noob insultingly. There's the bad people, and there's the good people, and if you're here: Bad-----------You----------Good Do this: Bad-----------------You>>>Good That super simple graph can improve Runescape's economy 1000%.
  9. That made me laugh so hard... I fell at my chair \ It's happened to me with Hill Giants....
  10. I'll be 19... so if I'm still playing Runescape in 5 years... hack me... because I swore to myself that if I ever got hacked I'd quit.
  11. It's not th class, it's the person, I have a good friend and he's a merchanter, and he's really nice and I've never seen him say noob once. While I'm a bit of everything except merchanting, I know some people that do everything and are total idiots and are just mean. It's the person, not the class, if it was the class it would be classism.
  12. Yeah the best CWs armour and kinda the Void Knight's armour, because they take so long ot get. These aren't rarem, they're "unique"
  13. Christmas Cracker, I'd sell, buy Full D, Full Barrows, like everything non-rare and still have alot of money left for skills.
  14. True 8 year olds are playing the game, but Jagex stated that this game is meant for players 13+.
  15. Yeah, I know how to get Barrow's gloves, and thanks. Damn it... I gotta do all those quest... I've done 0/8 of them...
  16. They actually could try that out...
  17. I was wondering how many of the mini-quest are required to be able to buy the Red/Dragon gloves from the Chest? Also, I heard the chicken in Sir Azin's mini-quest drops them, is this true?
  18. But don't you need 50 Mage for Desert Treasure? I've walked all the way from Seers to Cammy! I literally tele for everything and keep about 1k laws on reserve.
  19. If you're the same lvl as someone else in the hi scores, is it judged (whos the highest rank) by who was first or who has more xp?
  20. You really should stop complaining about how it was, just get used to it. When World 9 started becoming full all of the sudden I hated it but I didn't go to Jagex complaining, I just got patience and waited for World 9 to open.
  21. That is quite funny. Lalalalalalala
  22. I think a better solution would be you can't have a skill lvl (like Mining or Woodcutting) above your combat lvl, until you get to like lvl 70 or something like that, and if you have the xp to lvl up when you lvl up cb, you will get the lvl up in skill automaticcally. Such as when you make an account, it's lvl 3, so you can't get your wc or mining over 3.
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