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Everything posted by knight4

  1. Are you sure that hasen't already been that way for a long time?
  2. this is old news. The penguins are plotting to take over the world!!!! :P :P :P
  3. I hate it when stuff like that happens to me, now I try always to come 100% prepared.
  4. dude, you can get rich off herbs & stuff. If it wasen't for high level farmers, we wouldn't have any weapon posions above the normal kind.
  5. Cool down, breathe in, breathe out, breathe in....
  6. When I play RS on FireFox, for some reason, it mutes the sound.
  7. Hilarious! Someone of that level scamming 12k! :D
  8. I am always extremely careful when it comes to fighting. I always pay 100% attention to any fight that I even have a 1% chance of losing. I would die of shock if I ever died and lost my stuff.
  9. Nice work, I can never make anything right.
  10. If you're twice their level, than they should no longer be agressive to you.
  11. The first thing I did was getting my thieving up.
  12. h stands for heraldic, and heraldic shields are worth quite a bit becuase they're relatively new, but I'm not sure excactly how much.
  13. Lucky! boaters are worth alot since, they're relatively new.
  14. I got it when I was farming sweetcorn in Morytania
  15. I use a phat detector, and telegrab the phat. I reconstruct my indestructable dungeon from page 3 (look there for a full description), except this time the wall surrounding the phat is unpenetrable, not even a hole can be drilled through, I also put a non-dispellable anti-player, monster, and npc shield around the area.
  16. I never get anything really good, but I seem to get an unusually high amount of half-keys from monsters.
  17. What does Postie Pete do in-game, I see him alot oat Castle Wras alot for some resaon. When I talk to him he says some crazy stuff.
  18. I became P2P less than 2 weeks after I started playing. The thought of all the great stuff in P2P got to me very quick. F2P is so boring.
  19. I saw postie pete at castle wars, what does he do anyway, besides the letter pages.
  20. i usually attack the west portal first and it dosen't seem any harder than the east one...
  21. I remember thinking that the man and woman npcs were real players
  22. That almost happened to me, an evil chicken appeared only about 10 secs after finishing the game.
  23. he means using the ring and turning into easter eggs, not dropping eggs.
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