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Everything posted by Matok

  1. paw got a point (though he was a bit too harsh there :wink: ) 10k would make things smoother next time...
  2. well..i try to balance it, mostly by training slayer :D fun + xp (though yesterday's 186 Warped Tortoise task did triggered some suicidal thoughts) every now and then i do some pure xp sessions (30 minutes in a row!!!)usually to get some quests requirments. currently i am trying to get my wc to 71 at the seers and i can tell you i am realy suffering there.. :wall:
  3. common it wasnt that bad..it wasn't good either (i loved Maria Bello as Viggo's wife)..3/5 Pan's Labyrinth - some surprisingly violent scenes, some nice ideas but the overall didn't leave any imprints 2.5/5
  4. nice find,i can see it happen somewhere in the (hopefully not far)future
  5. Miller's Crossing - Bernie Bernbaum (John Turturro) begging for his life - "I'm praying to you! look in your heart!..." - awsome Blade Runner - The creature (Batty) meets its creator (Tyrell) - frustrated by the fact he have to die - " I want more life, fu****.." with the famous quate "The light that burns twice as bright burns half as long. And you have burned so very, very brightly, Roy." The last scene is also amazing ,Batty chasing Deckard all over building but then,when he sense his life are about to end,he rescue Deckard from falling and then, slowly, the android's soul leaves his body...
  6. small comments about getting there: i sometime use the CKS fairy ring code, drops you near the mushroom patch, south of the tower. And ofcourse the [bleep]ed chain shortcut (level 61 agility required) right near the entrence, saves the long walk all around the tower... nice guide,and you are right, the Herblore update does makes things more convenient :D
  7. with this equipment you wont last much longer there.. however, getting to Jad the ranging way isn't that hard (providing you have a descent range level) From there its all about the prayers switch drill. a drill which my old instincts, apparently, can't handle too well.,. :wall:
  8. amazing scene i also thought about that 1.Think i saw it on youtube somewhere.. what about the foot-message,"the path of the righteous",the gimp scene at Zed's ?? :D definitely have to admit i only saw about 30% of your list :wall: i have some more: The 2 scenes at Gaspar Nỏ̮̩̉'s Irr̮̩̉̉versible, the one in the gay s&m club(brilliant,taken in one-shot i think) and the one where Monica Bellucci getting vialoted.... the most disturbing scenes i've ever seen.This movie is actually all around this 2 scenes :-k Reservoir Dogs - the ear-cutting scene The famous baby trolley scene in Brian De Palma's, The Untouchables [EDIT] Fargo, the scene in the police car, right after . Marge lectures to the swedish who few minutes earlier grinded Lundegaard's wife in the woodchipper: "There's more to life than money,you know." :D
  9. i am currently on a spiritual rangers task but i couldn't resist the urge to spank some of the mages,killed about 120, no boots. though i must add i did found a pair sitting peacefully on the ground when i first arrived there yesterday :D (shaving on some1 else drop rate :wink: )
  10. I think they do.I believe they track the suspected transactions outside of RS (eBay etc..) and then try to detect it happening on game.
  11. noted :wink: oh..here is one: GoodFellas - Martin Scorsese personal favorite.
  12. Jeez my bad :wall: was looking for a scene from the Goodfellas right before that. so please,smartbutt,restrain your mouth, mistakes like that happens... anyway fixed :wall:
  13. Yes, i am talking of the type of scenes which burns themselves onto your memory and doesnt leave you years after you saw the movie. Well...i found 3, might find more later [hide=WARNING] Full Metal Jacket - Stanley Kubrick sad ("this is my rifle") and another one: Full Metal Jacket - Stanley Kubrick always makes me laugh ("me love you too much") Emir Kusturica - time of the gypsies beautiful [/hide] post yours
  14. The Knife - Pass this on i love this video :D
  15. Paranoid |||||| 26% 49% Schizoid |||||||||||||| 58% 53% Schizotypal |||||||||| 34% 53% Antisocial |||||||||| 34% 47% Borderline |||||||||| 34% 47% Histrionic |||||||||||||| 54% 43% Narcissistic |||||||||||||||| 62% 41% Avoidant |||||||||| 38% 39% Dependent |||||| 22% 37% Obsessive-Compulsive |||||| 30% 40% guess i am pretty balanced :|
  16. i had my share of boots on the first week thx so please, spare the whining crap... anyway, if some of the posts here are correct (xpx's) then i guess i might be wrong here..
  17. and thats the small difference isnt it? i think they are down to rune boots drop rate,which means u might get 0-3 per task
  18. been doing 250 today (180 on a task) + 80 yesterday (KCing at the armadyl) no boots :( I might be rushing into conclusions here but it looks like the predicted "nerfing" of the dragon boots is finnaly applied... yes,i know ,these numbers are too small to conclude anything but given the fact that the boots were dropped at a 80-100 mages rate at the first week of the update ,i think that maybe Jagex's feels the current 600-800k boots price is suitable for now. what do you think?
  19. this is old, if you talk to Ilfeen she will tell more or less the same
  20. small tip regarding Cave. he plays himself in Wings of Desire which is a must see movie(youll need to be in the right mode for that 1 though). Regarding the Pixies,well..let me quate Kurt Cobain(again): Dolittle and Surfar Rosa are must have for any rock fan outthere..
  21. o man, thats threw me back to highschool...kids wearing smithes, EinstÃÆÃâÃâürzende, Joy Division, Cure, New Order shirts,sitting on the stairs,argueing which Smithes album is the best or who is better, Smithes or the Cure (well...no real question there). Anyway, I used to listen to varios types of music back then: moving from post punk (Wire,Mecano)to New wave/Avantgurd (Tuxido moon,The Residents), and mostly The Legendary Pink Dots. a friend introduce me to Cave back then but only few years later a good friend of mine realy forced me to listen to Your funerol My Trial and some of the Birthday Party (Cave's earlier stages). But he didnt had a chance,at that year(1992) 4 masterpieces were released. Blood Sugar Sex Magic, Angel Dust(well not realy a masterpeice but a gr8 record), Leftism and ofcourse Check Your Head I love 'Your Funeral.." till today(The Carny,Strangness Then Kindness) ,and i listen to Tender Prey every now and then but i must admit. Nick Cave was always an artist who i appreciated more then realy loved. btw,Cave was always "bigger" in europe (espeiceliy,here,in Israel) then he was in the state or his in motherland (Australia) and he's probably too old for most of the people browsing this forum. So dont wonder if noone here knows him.I posted a thread about The Pixies here,noone seemed to know who i am talking about... :(
  22. 1 ?i am sure i've seen few, check closer to the boss door. there are 2-3(or more) at the sara camp as well
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