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Everything posted by sa121

  1. Idiotic decision, ruined any real purpose for these potions.
  2. Nice vid, not my favorite of yours, but it goes by quickly, and is pretty enjoyable.
  3. Pretty nice, though I still lol at Gecko's after having completely pwned them multiple times in multi. But that's off topic. I like the bank more than the stats, but those are decent too.
  4. Best update in a while.. Once prices crash, I'm buying 96 herblore, just so I can go 44 ports solo pk with yak, claws, overload, max mage, onyx bolts, etc and completely dominate.
  5. Noob name. But decent bank, hows the merch working for ya?
  6. Arcane is pretty stable atm, it sells/buys below mid, but not enough sell/buy for it to drop.
  7. Is it just me or...does that looked faked? Yeah, no way that's real l0l.
  8. Some of my most memorable pking times is back when I was lvl 68 on my main, and lvl 67 on my pure. I would rc on my main with my pure at the ditch with pk supplies ready, and whenever someone tried to RC pk me, I would log off my main, and go onto my pure and wtfko them, or at least make them tele/hop worlds. Best ko form those times was a 24-25 spec, it was pretty awesome to see. Still have the pic of the loot, but not of the actual ko. Yeah, crappy loot. :-#
  9. Ummmm 6k deaths = 3k casts. It is approx 230 crims per 1k casts, so 690 crims. Sht so many rune for not alot of charms?. i need about 4k crims. Can you tell me how many runes ill need. Lrn2maths, he gave you all the information you need in his post.
  10. *Late response time* Yeah, I miss Alpha too, he gave me like 2M ages ago. He said he wasn't ever going to play WoW, but what do you know... He doesn't even get on AIM anymore. :(
  11. wtf u cant quit. u always say u quit but come back 10 minutes later. PLEASE COME BACK 10 MINUTES LATER PLEEEASE.
  12. Just popping in to say hi to FSCs local guy.
  13. Sfa said u iz gunna be demoted if u'z dunt sho up 4 events moar. [bleep] pk with flava, i miss u. :(
  14. Just click enter and the box goes away, and it won't send anything, assuming you didn't type anything.
  15. Well, it doesn't help this is an old thread before Jagex's update that let you snipe with lower LSP.
  16. Yeah but we've rushed them with way less opts and they tab out like 9/10 times l0l.
  17. I'm mixed about the auto casting feature they implemented; it's killing true hybrids because now everyone can use a master wand to barrage without even clicking, which took some skill prior to this. The 10% feature is nice though. Everything else was pretty nice too, excepting the few shops that are nerfed because of this.
  18. [hide=newest bank pic][/hide] [hide=Youtube vid I made for lulz][yt]csOrZAxId_w[/yt][/hide]
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