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Everything posted by sa121

  1. [hide=Tonight's PKs] [/hide] Did lose 10M in return sets and had like 10M death heat previously though.
  2. Mountain Dew Code Red. Also milkshakes, any kind are good really, unless it was made with sorbet. Tried it once, was pretty nasty.
  3. Yup, its true, asked my dad a few minutes ago. Apparently its only the old version though, like 2000 or 2003, and it only one feature that they'll have to change before they can start re-selling it. I edited this onto my previous post, just wanted to post here too for all the people who are like me and don't read back in threads. Microsoft's appealing though, it'll probably be overruled.
  4. Whoa, so let me get this straight the DFS is GONE? like it's just not there anymore, or was it made into an untradable state that can be sold to an NPC, I'm not really following here. Prices went up? I can't say I'm surprised about that, as they seemed to have dealt pretty good with the autoers and sellers of Runescape. By not protecting items does that mean others can get them? or you just can't use the "protect item" prayer. That's sad to hear about the updates, I figured with the way they seem to have been listening to the community right before I left that the updates would have been better, but apparently they haven't. Like someone else said, DFS isn't gone, just removed from the PvP drop table. New "artifacts" have been introduced to replace the other drops, which are sold to an NPC for anywhere from 5K-5M cash, creating massive inflation in the RS economy. For protecting items, bounty hunter worlds have been introduced, which is basically old PvP except with randomized drops but you can have targets which give increased loot. So, on specific bounty worlds (bounty +1 worlds) the effects of the protect item pray are always active, and you keep the item no matter what. For other bounty worlds and all the PvP worlds,you can no longer use protect item. Just a quick clarification. Anyways, I remember seeing you around, never talked to you though. But yeah, I wouldn't come back now, basically you do the same stuff as last year, nothing major excepting run energy update BH worlds, and something else I can't remember, meaning its still not that important.
  5. Agreed. I'll have to ask my dad when he gets home for confirmation, he works at Microsoft, if it's true he'll probably know. EDIT: Yup, its true, asked my dad a few minutes ago. Apparently its only the old version though, like 2000 or 2003, and it only one feature that they'll have to change before they can start re-selling it.
  6. I had a mini fml yesterday, hybrid dming on a +1 world, won the dm with no food left, looted some stuff, got clawed out and kept a sara statuette instead of my whip. Not too bad but still annoying.
  7. he's f2p. what's this duel arena crap? The duel arena became F2P years ago. Anyways, grats. Have fun with burying those.
  8. No, it doesn't count. But familiars can only hold items of a certain value or lower, so it couldn't hold your cannon for you.
  9. The Spa part of my rsn is my initials, and then I put "Ins" after it for a shortened version of "initials" because at the time I wasn't sure how to spell it. I think that was pretty smart of me as an 11 year old.
  10. I tend to pot up after my special recharges, which I only let it recharge after 3 ags specs. So, it's normally around 103/99 strength, 95/92 attack-ish.
  11. That's what I was thinking; the black painted nails doesn't mesh with his clothes/pose. :| While I'm posting; Can someone remove my indexed picture? Pretty sure the link doesn't work anymore and its like 3-4 years old. Done ~Racheya
  12. I know a few clans that are specialized to 76k tricks. So it still would not be hard to abuse. Plus that'd make DMing pretty annoying if you do best 2/3, 4/5, etc. It'd take 1 hour 15 minutes total if you were doing the latter.
  13. Well, I did it for my triple 99 a while ago when I was trimming HP, but you have to tele-grab it for each and every 99, with all the capes you have. I did it for the first two 99s I got, but forgot about it for the last, and it trimmed. Dunno if its fixed however.
  14. I'm sad. You guys always get bank loot, but whenever I pk with you guys I lose money becuase I never get kills :( . Lost like 2M pking with you guys lulz. O wel itz fun.
  15. Really? As soon as I logged on yesterday at around 12 PM PST, #windstrike was offering op for anyone who found a new way to get afk ep, and a few of my friends had told me it was nerfed.
  16. This was actually done yesterday; people have been trying to think of more afk Ep-gainers ever since. They'll probably find one eventually, and then it'll start all over again.
  17. TDs don't drop spirit shields. However, I think the RoW works at tormented demons; I've got 3 solo claws and 1 solo shard within 116 kills there wearing a RoW.
  18. Hopefully not that order. If so, that'd be you're problem. Otherwise it all boils down to luck.
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