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Everything posted by Spiffeh

  1. So people who have done nothing wrong, being gay, should be punished for it? They shouldn't be allowed to adopt because the society around them is bigoted and homophobic? The kids should go parentless, the parents should go childless, all because the society around them hates them for no reason. I see.
  2. Should black parents not be allowed to adopt a white child? That could cause confusion in other students because of the difference in races. Maybe the kid could explain to others that their family is just like everyone elses. Link in the OP, http://www.cnn.com/2010/HEALTH/06/07/lesbian.children.adjustment/index.html , studies have shown that children of lesbians tend to have fewer behavioral problems. So for someone to have two mommies might even be better off than someone with heterosexual parents. Would children with no parents, stuck in the orphanage because they weren't allowed to go with the gay couple, be better off? You're literally saying that a child with no parents should continue to have no parents because you don't agree with certain lifestyles. Maybe the child can learn that having two parents of the same sex is okay, they're as good of a family as any other.
  3. Why should people have to hide who they are?
  4. But why is peoples carelessness any of your business? It affects you in no way.
  5. What other reasons are there against same-sex marriage, except religion?
  6. Laws about blacks and whites not being able to marry went on for years, why did we change them? Because people should be in control of their own relationships, and not told what they can and can not do with their own lives.
  7. Spiffeh

    Emo kids.

    I don't get why people care so much. :/ It's how they choose to look/act and doesn't affect you in any way.
  8. I recently went to the Creationism Museum in Kentucky. I'm non-religious/atheist/don't care, and wanted to see what it was like. One room was what they thought the world would be like without religion. It had spray paint everywhere, and showed videos of what people would be doing (teen pregnancy etc.). It also had news paper articles on the walls, with headlines about murders and other things. And then I realized, all of this is happening in a world WITH religion. A large portion of the museum was about how they think dinosaurs were around with humans. There was a video about dragons..and how they could have been dinosaurs. That just seems so ridiculous to me. They showed a video of a dinosaur skeleton being dug up, and the two researchers disagreed on how old it was. The one who believed it to be only around 3000 years old said they had different "starting points". One being the bible, and the other being actual science.
  9. I went to Kentucky Kingdom a month or two before that person got their legs cut off. And rode that ride. :$
  10. Yea. I think he got angry because he is an emo and nobody likes them, so he had to vent his anger with another minority group on this forum, so he chose "gangstas". The only reason why you don't like them is because you probably live in some hick [wagon] town where everyone is fake. youre cool.
  11. Spiffeh


    I didnt mean it like that, sorry. I guess I worded it wrong. It just seemed like most people were poking fun at it, and I was hoping for a response from those people.
  12. Spiffeh


    People cut because they feel like it gives them a rush of adrenaline. They also cut because they feel depressed, sad, or miserable and think it will help them if they cut. Which it won't. So there's my non sarcastic response to you. It does give a "rush", which in turn gets their mind off of whatever. I'm not saying everyone should try it, I'm just tired of everyone joking and laughing about it.
  13. Spiffeh


    One question. Do any of you know ANYTHING about cutting at all? And dont come up with some sarcastic responce to that.. No? I didn't think so.
  14. A bias opinion isnt a fair definition. :roll:
  15. Im not defending cutting. Im just saying why some people do it. Wow, so if youre a "Real emo" then youre a pansy, and if you dress like "emo", youre a poser? Wowwww. So, people that like the style have to slit their wrists, so theyre a real "emo", just to get more respect from you?
  16. Cutting isnt really suicidal, its to relieve stress and such. Theres more to cutting than attention, cutting makes people feel better. They focus on the physical pain instead of the other pains. Its hard to understand. I dont understand what you mean about the drug thing, in my school, its mostly "jocks" that smoke, drink, and everything. I dont agree with the "if youre emo, you cut yourself". I think thats unfair for people who just like the style. :/
  17. 1~ they are suicidal...which is wrong Okay, wheres your information that every single "emo" person is suicidal? 2~they want attention..."boohoo look at me i cut myself" Not every single one does, and besides, who doesnt like some attention? 3~ the complain how life sucks...but dont do anything. Everyone complains, and does nothing. 4~ they purposefully act differnt for attention. One again, who never ever wants attention? Would you like to be ignored your whole life? 5~dying your hair funky colors is a cry for attention Or they like the look. Not everyone dyes their hair either, sheesh. 6~ they do drugs (i never have ) In my school, "jocks" do a LOT more drugs than "emos". 7~ they act emo but get mad wen u say there emo....wtf? Maybe because they know youre trying to stereotype them with things like cutting? 8~ haha guys wearing lipstick and eyeliner Their choice. 9~ whats with the incredibly tight pants? They like the look? That isnt that hard to understand. 10~ no one cares wut band u like...wear more then 3 shirts for the love of god....thats nasty Im just gonna say wow.
  18. Not all do, its just the ones that do that everyone whines about. So you people say 'emos' whine all the time? ..Look at what youre doing now.
  19. Maybe he's :roll: Okay, just keep thinking that if it makes you feel better. It's a style that people like. Why's that such a big problem?
  20. Ohh, Im not sure if they are or not. But does it make a big difference? Its still tight jeans that everyone seems to love to complain and bandwagon about.
  21. I wear black band t shirts and skateboarding shoes. I dont really know what youre trying to point out, but yeeahh, not working.
  22. Im a guy. You do realize they make the jeans so that theres more room in that area, and the legs are tight, hmm?
  23. You all must feel reeeally cool, making fun of a person because of what they wear or do, right? That's real mature. First, Im pretty sure most of you know NOTHING about people cutting themselves. Not only 'emos' do it. You people dont even know why they do it, you just come up with "they think theyre depressed". So what? Is it really hurting you that some people think theyre depressed, or even are? You may call me an "emo", but Im not depressed. There goes your stereotype. By the way, tight jeans are comfortable.
  24. I quit because of my girlfriend.. I realized how it was a waste of time. (To me) I gave all my stuff to a friend.. Im never coming back to the game.
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