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Everything posted by Birdboy60

  1. *returns from jungle with leaves, sticks, and some rocks* Ugh, these are heavy. *drops on ground near fire, then starts to whittle the sticks into poles* Alright, gonna have some poles, some leaves, and some rocks, these should work. *places poles into ground, and then places some more on those to create a frame of sticks* Careful... *Monkey then gets leaves and drags them to Birdboy60* Oh, thanks Monkey. Have some more fruit *tosses a fruit to Monkey, then focuses on carefully tying the leaves together* Man this is hard. *places the leaves on the frame, then places rocks at bottom to hold leaves from blowing away* There, a little tent-hut thing for now. Time to work on cooking these fish *points to fish that willy caught earlier* *using remaining sticks, Birdboy60 builds a spit-roast over fire, and then adds a log to the fire which was burning low* Here we go. I'm going to find a place to put these fruit. *walks to shelter, then starts digging a small hole nearby* Monkey, go get some more leaves. *Monkey runs off in search of leaves, and comes back with about 10 or 15* Thanks. Hey, anyone hungry? You can have some fruit, cause I have plenty! *starts placing leaves in hole, then places some fruit on the leaves in the hole, leaving some near fire, then covers hole with leaves, and places rocks around the leaves to hold them in place* Man I'm tired, I think I'll lay down for a bit. *crawls inside shelter and falls asleep, Monkey climbs a nearby small tree and dozes off too*
  2. ah, thanks for the logs willy. Hmm, I'll be right back... *walks into jungle*
  3. Hey, whats that noise? Is it a waterfall I hear? *listens carefully* I hear a waterfall! Come on! Waterfalls mean there is a river, and rivers mean water and food! *runs toward waterfall, stops, drops fruit, and gazes in amazement* WOW! Its huge! *goes over to river, take a sip, then drinks some more, then washes fruit because it got dirt on it* I think I'll stay here for a bit, it seems pretty safe, but I better start making some type of shelter... But first a fire would be helpful. Monkey, go get some sticks *Monkey runs off and returns with sticks* Come on... light already! *struggles to light sticks with lighter, small flame appears, then grows and engulfs the sticks* I'm gonna need some logs...
  4. I think I'm ok, but I can't remember anything... Hey, what was that? *stops, looks around cautiously, showing handmade spear, Monkey's ears perk up, Monkey hides behind Birdboy60* Stay here *leaves Monkey by Kayla, walks toward the noise, realizes its just Pink* Oh, it's you Pink. You okay? Here, have some fruit, it will help you feel better *hands fruit to Pink, then whistles for Monkey, Monkey comes back to Birdboy60's shoulder* Come on, I'll help you up. *offers hand to Pink to help her stand up*
  5. Hey, this is a big tree... *looks up* FRUIT! But I can't get to it. Hmm. *throws a small rock at fruit, a monkey screams at him* Aah! Wait, it's just a monkey. I have an idea! *rumages through nutrious lunch, retrieves a fresh banana* Here monkey! Want a banana? *offers banana to monkey, which cautiously climbs down tree, then takes the banana* I'm not going to hurt you... Its okay... *monkey eats banana and comes and sits on Birdboy60's shoulder* Cool!! I have my own monkey! I'll just call you "Monkey" for now. Alright Monkey, see that up there *points to fruit, Monkey nods* go get it. *Monkey scurries up tree and knocks fruit down, and returns to shoulder* Good Monkey! Here, have a piece of fruit *offers Mmonkey piece of fruit from tree, Monkey enjoys it* Now I have a friend from around here *laughs to self* come on Monkey, lets go. *picks up an armful of fruit, Monkey takes a few pieces* Hmm, can't carry all this fruit now, can we? Oh well, maybe Kayla can have it. I better find a place to put this though... *walks off with some fruit, followed by Monkey who is also holding fruit*
  6. I...I don't know. I remember getting a pop from the stewardess, then dosing off during the in-flight movie, which are always boring movies anyways, and then I woke up here. *pushes aside some branches and begins to cut a branch off with knife* Dumb branch, won't..ugh.. come off... *branch finnally snaps, causing Birdboy60 to stumble backwards, only to catch himself before he fell* There, got it. *continues walking while carving a sharp point out of the branch's narrower end*
  7. 131, the same even in a mirror: 131 | 131 wow, how does he do that? "It's a secret!"
  8. WOW. this is so true to me. I mean, if I were to be reincarnated into RS, THAT would be my heaven. Anyways, I admit it, I have a similar problem with RS, but the thing is, I LIKE IT :twisted: ! So if you really want to quit, heres my advice: Unplug the computer, Internet, keyboard, and mouse. Lock the cords, mouse, keyboard, and anything that u need to play away in different locations. Once you have no urge to play, plug the stuff back in, cause someone probably needs them. If this doesn't work, see a phyciatrist.
  9. *wakes up from unconciousness* OW! MY HEAD! What the heck just happened? Where am I? OMFG!!!! We crashed, and I survived, I am soooo lucky. *stands up, walks over to own items, puts knife in pocket, lighter in same pocket, holds lunch* Well, at least i have some stuff... *runs away from burning wreckage, almost vomiting at the smell of freshly burnt corpses*
  10. you know what? I think the empty seat will be transfered to the next flight, so prepare for take-off! Here's the basics on how your posts should be: Actions: put inside *s or ()s In-game chat: just post the words Out-of-Character chat (like asking if something is allowed, but still pertaining to game)(ooc chat): put inside {}s Out-of-game chat (oog chat): inside <> or ><, your choice Signing up for next flight: just post he application, I will be able to tell Quoting other players: use for asking about their action, chat, or to answer their question if you can, but use ooc chat for your answer {It was a pretty normal day as we all boarded the plane, hoping for an easy flight to our destination, not caring about the empty seat in the back, hoping our luggage doesn't end up in Japan, and that no one vomits on our seats. Odd how FATE has a way of changing things. As the only survivors of a 20-passenger flight, we find ourselves waking up on an unfamiliar island, strewn amongest the bodies of the not-so-lucky staff, pilots, and vomit covered passengers. Now we must fend for ourselves, try not to meet a similar fate as the ones before us. We are "STRANDED".}
  11. Well, that story was uh, INSPIRING, and, uh, yea. Btw, we crash on an island, so the floaty chair thing wasn't needed immeadiately, but is slightly creative. And what is a leatherman? OH WELL. Here's your tickets to Flight 13, enjoy the trip!
  12. Flight 13 (Plane 1) will depart as soon as every1 is boarded, join in soon! :twisted: Oh, btw, if u bring an electronic device, unless its solar-powered, once the batteries are out, its done for. >THERE IS NO CELL PHONE RECEPTION!!!!<
  13. Evil Jagox Mod Birdboy60: Come one, come all, come be desimated by this decades update! Tired of annoying newbs or noobs? Wish u could just delete them? Well, you can't! But to help out the lower leveled newbies we add every day, we have introduced a new spell! This spell requires no runes, no magic exp watsoever, and is only useable to those lvl 3 and under. One day while digging through dusty old books, a Zamorakian mage (btw, Zamorak has been changed to Jagox >worship us!<), I mean Jagox following mage discovered a lost old scroll. This scroll described a special spell called "Newbious Maximus Beggus" or if you prefer English: "Begging Newbs Max". This ancient spell oddly requires no magic exp, runes, or any type of item, but works only for those lvl 3 and under. The summary of this spell is: 1. the newb duplicates 2. the newb army then strengthens by evolving into nooblets 3. the nooblets then all dive at the target 4. the victim is then overwhelmed by begging and attempts to trade bronze daggers for phats 5. the victim automatically dies and upon respawning is hit by another nooblet army Also, due to the past update of our expanded wilderness, this spell is extremely dangerous due to the un-ending wildy. Jagox staff is immune to this spell, and any newb attempting to use it against us is immeadiately leveled to level 4 combat. We have introduced only 2 non-wildy spots due to complaints, the area where the KBD is currently standing, and the KQ's stomach. Enjoy!
  14. In-game character Information: Inventory: Lighter Swiss Army Knife Nutrious lunch (missing banana) Fruit x15 Spear Cooked fish x1/2 Leaves x3 Med Kit Water bottle (full) Trail mix x2 Sleeping bag (black) Small net Small fish x5 Medium Fish x1 Major events: Survives crash Meets Kayla, Willy, and Pink Befriends Monkey Finds Waterfall Builds shelter, spit-roast, and a fruit storage spot Salvages some metal and a med kit Attacked by "creature" Healed by Kayla, returns to camp Attacks "creature" and chases after it Finds Statues Continues chasing "creature" "Kills" shape-shifter (creature), but the shape-shifter actually doesn't die Finds crate Opens crate and finds sleeping bags, water bottles, trail mix, and nets Teaches Kayla to net fish Begins exploring river's edge Finds fallen log across river and returns to camp Current Character Relations: Kayla: friend Willy: acquaintance Pink: neutral Monkey (NPC): friend Current status: Not hungry Awake Current Action(s): Standing in camp
  15. This game will be paused when the Island Adventure Game resumes activity. (if it ever does!) >Flight 169 is awaiting passengers, please get tickets soon! With that in mind, imagine a group of people, a diverse group from different backrounds, jobs, age groups, ect. all forced together by FATE. In this game, play as one of multiple people stranded on an uninhabited island, but is the island REALLY uninhabited? After a plane crash, the people from the diverse "outside world" are forced to fend for themselves, with little to no technology to aid them. This island, hidden from mankind will play host to a series of events, life-changing experiences, and an unknown fate for the "newcomers". Rules: 1. No excessive foul language. 2. No technology to begin, the players bust develop it if they can 3. No killing other players, but fighting is allowed (ex: fighting over the ownership of pineapple bush) 4. No "rescued" action 5. No guns, bombs, planes, or cars. Period. 6. Rafts and boats can be used to travel, but the chance of escape to mainland is slim. 7. No instant actions (ex: saying u cut down a tree doesnt work, u must say "cuts tree down, cuts tree into logs, ect.) Survivors of Large Plane 1 (Flight 13): "STRANDED" - Birdboy60 (plus Monkey) - Kayla - Willy - Pink - Shadow - (transfered) Survivors of Small Plane: - Dragon Survivors of Large Plane 2 (Flight 169): - - - - - - More planes may crash Application to join in on game: Name: Gender: Age: Job: Appearence: Personality: Reason for being on the doomed plane: Three surviving items you brought (no guns, robots, powertools, ect.): Extra Info about character?: Every now and then a new plane will crash, adding more survivors to the island, creating new experiences, but be warned, passengers aren't always human... Extra game info: >Island 1: The main island is the largest, and probably the most resourceful. It includes dense jungles, rivers, mountains, diverse wildlife, and many more "things", but you never know what lurks in the shadows... >Island 2: A small, fertile, and comprised of mostly gentle hills and small rivers and streams. Located not too far from the coast of the main island, this island has a large bug population due to the abundance of plants. >Island 3: Large, volcanic island with lots of lava flows and deep canyons and steep cliffs. Despite its dangerous part, it is home to some of the most beautiful waterfalls and lakes in the area, with plenty of game and fish to hunt. But beware the volcano's deadly secret... >Island 4: The farthest island from the crash site, and that might be a good thing. Lots of strange sightings have been reported here, but the reports also show lots of possible materials for building various things. With a wide variety of species on the island, rumors speak of a "primitive tribe" living in the deepest jungle. Do you dare venture in? >Island 5: Ever see a picture of a tropical island with white, sandy beaches, clear water, and palm trees? Well, those pictures basically descirbe this island, with small streams coming from the lake in the center, they supply fresh water to the various plants. Reports include an abundance of animal life, especially near the central lake, which is shined upon by sunny skies almost every day. But rumors of a "creature" that roams the island at night, looking for fresh meat, may be the reason it usually is left in peace... >Island 6: The crash island, never a good experience to visit here, with the burning wreckage never seeming to stop being engulfed by flames, and the bodies of the crash victims being strewn about. Despite the gruesome scene it holds, it provides an excellent source of metal and such after each crash, along with a nearby jungle dividing the gruesome from the prosperous half of the island. But why do the planes all crash here? And are the rumors of an ancient temple true? And why is it that just before a plane crashes, only this island is subject to an earthquake? Maybe the statues in the jungle hold the key to the answers... (plz don't make fun of the maps or my drawing skills, I drew them kinda late at night, but I think they came out fine) IMPORTANT: >The events are controlled, and won't kill you, but may bring suffering, and I will be fair, I am as much of a target as the rest of the survivors, but I hold control. >Cell phones are banned from the flight (May cause plane to crash). >Keep your tray table up and the seat in the full-upright postion during flight! >>>Thank you for flying Air Line of Disaster!<<< NEWS UPDATE: FLight 13 has mysteriously crashed, and search missions have failed to find any survivors. Some think they lie in a watery grave, others believe they are just "STRANDED". The Airline takes no responsibility for this crash, for the plane went of radar and never returned... NEWS UPDATE: A recent crash has been reported, this time a smaller estimated death toll is expected due to the small plane holding only 2 passengers and the pilot. Still unknown is the reason for the crash, the location of the crash, or if there are any survivors. This time then small plane wasn't found on any radars, so the chances of rescue are grim. The Airline has released this information on the plane crash: "We are not responsible for this crash, nor are we responsible for the pilot or the plane itself because this was a private flight. This small 2 passenger plane was a private plane flown by it's owner and we are in no way connected to it's disappearence." Following this statement the Airline closed the press conferance when a journalist brought up a previous crash.
  16. i dont want this to come off as flameing or spamming, but heres the deal: this guy is taking forever to repond, and im impatient. so, i think i will make a similar thing to pass the time, but as soon as this starts, i will freeze/pause mine if not have it locked. so uh, dont get upset at me, this is just until this one gets going. join me, attack me, ignore me, watever, im just letting u no if u get impatient, so just look for something by me thats similar if u want, just dont ban me plz, this is only to pass the time. Just letting u guys no, im not trying to spam or flame this guy or his thread.
  17. where is he? im getting kinda annoyed that nothing has happened yet, he hasn't even said anything anyways: Hurry up please!
  18. 3 things: 1. What are these events? and if they are on RS and mandetory, nvm 2. I won't be on every single minute, or i might not be on everyday, but ill try 3. I will sign up if the above aren't a problem. ~Application~ Name: Birdboy60 Gender: Male Age: 24 (not true) Job: Architect, Programmer, Robotics Engineer Why you were on the plane: I was piloting it... well, my robot was (the engines probably blew up, not my fault we crashed) Apperance: around 5' 10", white (naturally tanned too), physically fit Personality: slightly aggressive, slightly lazy/procrastinator, clever/intelligent, friendly when not provoked
  19. guilty as charged! anyways... 3rd time post here (man i need to stop!) 1. You know you are really good at prayer when Saradomin prays to you. 2. You know you are a master miner when the golem is afraid of your pickaxe. 3. You know you are a master smither when you have the only "porto-anvil". 4. You know you are a master fisher when the river troll attacks the others so you can fish alone. 5. You know you are a master chef when the sandwich llady appears, she pays you to make some sandwiches. 6. You know you are a master runecrafter when you go to the abyss and Jagex allows you to make any rune you want, even if the altar isn't availible to the masses yet. 7. You know you are a master magician when you enter the mage arenea it takes the entire crowd including the NPCs to even get even the best spell to effect you, while you can do 99s on them with wind strike. 8. You know you are a master ranger when if you meet zezima in the Wildy, the first thing Zezima does is put on protect from range no matter what you are wielding or wearing, then tellies away. 9. You know you are a master farmer when if you get a seed, it instantly grows in your inventory. 10. You know you are a master at agility when if someone attacks you, they can't even hit a zero becausse you just bend away from the attack. 11. You know you are a master slayer when the level 702 at the end of the fight caves and all other monsters just die when you look at them, and drop all the possible rares you can get. 12. You know you are a master lumberjack when a tree spirit appears, looks at you, turns around, and runs from the forest forever, becoming a fireplace spirit. 13. You know you are a master firebuilder when you pull out a tinderbox, the forest (including Smokey the Bear) becomes ash. 14. You know you are a master crafter when you mine any rock, your inventory instantly fills with the best gems, and all around you are lesser level gems, and every time you drop one, another takes its place. 15. You know you are a master swordfighter when a bronze dagger can kill 20 players in one swipe. 16. You know you are a master at every skill when there are players, good players, players who have mastered at least 1 skill, Zezima, the gods, Jagex, then you.
  20. oh jeez, this is hard... rune pl8? jk, hmm, either axe head or pickaxe head heres a tough 1: "I don't know art, but I like it!"
  21. did some1 call an extreminator?
  22. Hmm, hey, ive got an idea, get those maps u took pictures of up on this thread so others can help discover their location (if possible), and last time i checked, a single kick to the crotch managed to kick the watchman through the roof to Saradomin! (I seriously wouldn't duel this old guy for a while!) And as for the location in the ocean, maybe its some buried treasure that he's trying to keep others from finding. As for my idea: He's planning to become part of a quest! Maybe we will have to stop him once and for all! A final defence for RuneScape (no, Jagex already crushed the RS3 Theory) in which one must die, and we all know who wont die without a fight...
  23. Many dumb/desperate people do this, and its kinda annoying. But, if they want to blow their hard earned coins on some wedding, give them my name! lol. With 37/35 prayer, 48 crafting, and 59 cooking, i did help a "couple" out though. By quickly grabbing some monk robes, I performed a ceremony, and then handed them a defense ammy and a steel kite (from a dead moss giant) plus some swordfish and put them on their way. Now, on the RS forums, many priestly players do cash in on these "suckers" by charging for wedding ceremonies, with cakes, prayer book marriages, high prayer, and location all being used to their advantage for making money. And as for a quest, there kinda is one. In "Throne of Miscilannea" or watever its called, the player has to "marry" into the royal family by marrying the prince or princess (depending on your character's gender) so you can take the king's place as ruler of the island. So, by mixing that, prayer books, and hormones (lol), you get crazed players wanting to marry another data code (more or less)
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