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Everything posted by Birdboy60

  1. pop, defineately. Spanish or French?
  2. No. A bird in the hand is more dangerous than two in the bush, it might bite you.
  3. Stevester, you need to update your title, you are down to 3, not 5. BTW, this is getting intense!
  4. Clay (more uses) Sleep walk or no sleep?
  5. Welcome to RuneScape! Now that's just silly.
  6. I have to copy myself onto a paper.
  7. good thing i take Spanish as an elective! (this is actually my textbook's cover from Spanish!) Yo me gusto espanol tanto como me gusto RuneScape. Translation: I like Spanish as much as I like RuneScape.
  8. 7/10 Whips are sweet. wat do u mean "wat does it mean?" it says Birdboy60 on the pic, and the rest is either true or slightly true. "somewhere in the datastream" that means I'm online or in the middle of playing a game. If its about the rules, it doesn't get much simpler.
  9. :shock: I knew it! I knew he was a robot! lol, jk Anyways, I can tell you honestly, when I saw the 15k accounts banned, I did NOT smile. I am and always have, and most likely always will be a honest player. But i didn't smile. In fact, I got worried. 2 of my rl friends macro, im not going to name names, and i was afraid they got banned. they didn't, but one got a serious black mark to be reckoned with. Anyways, you brought up the scripts themselves. Some people write their own, sell them for RS cash, and use them. But I heard a rumor that Jagex is actually buying some, and then reverse engineering them, figuring out their weaknesses, and exploiting them. Now as for the banning the macroers, this will either make the person a legite player, or the person will start over, and pay for members again. And as for non-mem (F2P) scripters, just having the ads shown gets money for Jagex. Its like on TV. You watch the news or something, they go to commercial, you sit through, and continue watching the program. The company is paid to just show the piece of film, and then thaat company gets new customers sometimes. But macroers aren't really Jagex's "cash crop" so to speak. They make their money off of legite F2P players who get bored and want to step up, showing ads on the site, and who knows what else. that is my opinion.
  10. Welcome to RuneScape! Used for high level missile spells. (blood runes i think)
  11. I have to type a paper tonight. (probably shouldnt be on here then)
  12. 160, at least one behind the number of post from now on
  13. banned for having a dancing panda avatar (kinda wierd)
  14. mint pie. CLAYMATION or animation? (guess which i picked!)
  15. Hmm, I believe bringing up that "A BOMB" earlier is against what he said, and explosions kinda follow the same type of thing. I'm not going to post a pic cuz i dont no wat i should try to beat! Where is Stevester77 when you need him?
  16. The blue dragon in your sig pops out of you monitor and repays you for the spell you cast on it (ouch) *inserts coin and presses E8 (the Pepsi button on the machines at school)*
  17. Well, you may be familiar with the "Rate the Signiture Above You" game by willyx or whoever, but we tend to overlook the "smaller" qualities in a post. The avatar! Basically, heres how it goes. The first person (me) posts so others can see their avatar. Then, the person below them rates it on a scale of 1-10 and provides a reason for their rating. Then the person after them rates theirs, and so on. If you don't have an avatar, don't bother posting, but if you post anyways, be warned that u most likely will get a 0/10. Try to only post one time, but if you do more, I can't stop you anyways. Here's a few things to look at in the avatar you are rating: >Is there even an avatar at all!?! >Creativity >Graphics >Text >Personal opinion Feel free to add suggestions to improve the avatar, because they just might. Also, feel free to add info on your avatar (ex: my character on rs, made myself, ect.) so they can tell if you are "artistic" or just found one on a Google search. If you want to rate their text (ex: location, occupation, ect.) put that on a seperate rating. So an example could be: Avatar: 6/10, text: 1/10 or something That about covers it, game begins now! >I only half did my avatar myself. I was doing a google search for a pic of a Mech' and found this, then resized, added text, and hosted on imageshack.us so I could use it. My text is pretty much true... and yes, I have played both Mech' Assualt games on X-Box (beat them too!) and therefore always have liked giant robots with big guns and bigger destruction capabilities!<
  18. thats and if u can see well enough, u can see all the chat went away and it said: "welcome to runescape!" as it does when u long out. Plus if he was to make it better he coul,d make it so it doesnt show the mith sword, then everything dissappeared. Stupid, but clever.
  19. Alright, this is something i can really unload on. High level characters with newbs begging for money, then transefering to their high level PKers who only go after some1 after they just fought PKers who attack innocent miners! (i hate them soooooo much! :evil: ) PKers who have too be in a group to attack because they are afraid to fight solo High levels that swarm on newb deaths RS "ladies of the evening" (thats how one of my teachers prefers to refer to prostitutes in the Old Testament) >I go to a Catholic school, so what? got a problem?!?< People who hack others. Period. Newbs who as soon as they reach Lumbridge cry out: "I need a bf/gf!" "will u b my gf/bf?" or similar pathetic pleas Newbs/noobs who will randomly walk up to u, folo u, trade with u like 20 times, and as soon as you accept, say "Free mony plz!111!1!!!11" "Imm poor, monys pls" or the ever infamous "trade you my bronze med for your (insert high priced item name here)!" Low levels that see a need for more accounts when their highest isnt even 32 People making noobs, then going around saying "My main can kick ur but!" "I have a lvl 91 main!" or "my main is better than you!!!21!!!1!"
  20. the only way i could see this happening is if they have both the d legs and the pirate legs. It would be similar to the rune/mith scam. So be careful, and look out for scenarios like this: >scammer: Selling D legs! >victim: I'll buy!!!1!!!1! >scammer: trade *scammer puts up d legs, victim puts up cash, they accept* *second screen comes up, scammer hits decline* >scammer: oops, sry, wrong button *again same thing happens, just a different excuse like "lag"* >alright, one more time, i promise it wont happen again *they trade, but this time the scammer offers pirate legs, and the victim to annoyed/busy to notice accepts both screens without looking carefully* SCAM COMPLETE Be careful around people like this, they are tricky and may have other variations.
  21. jeez, u guys are so far from the point here! whether or not he is P2P doesn't matter, wat DOES matter is your thoughts/opinions on the subject brought up by the author!
  22. I say bring it. 3 pies aren't enough for us PIE (not PI) lovers in the world. Lvl 60 cooking (I'm almost there, just a bit more exp) should have a new pie or 2, and the throwing pie... maybe it doesn't stop them, but just deals some damage like shooting with a bow and arrow while they run. Maybe it will be made of bananas and cream. "Use banana with cream." "You make banana cream filling." "Use cream filling with pie shell." "You fill the pie." "Use uncooked banana cream pie with range." "You successfully cook the pie." "Wield banana cream pie." "Attack (insert name here)" "You splatter your enemy with a pie." lol, that would be an intersting weapon for chefs... What next? Throwing ores to protect your miner? Or how about reeling the escaping opponent back towards you? And every1's probably not favorite: Throwing dead plants at the opponent! (there's a use for the plants you murdered in farming!) Man, this is too funny to be taken seriously today. So let's wait till tommorow at about 10:30 AM Eastern time. Then once they may or may not release it we can take it seriously. (Probably gonna be members, but can end up being funny to watch.)
  23. U just realized that?!? I realized that when they were released! And of course the prices on those will [bleep]e a bit when carpentry comes out, due to those probably going to be like 40+ carpentry! Anyways, the point is I'm F2P now and I knew that! I'm not trying to flame you, but seriously, get with the times. Sry for being ANGRY! lol, im not angry at you, nor any1 else, just wanted to get that off my chest.
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