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Everything posted by Birdboy60

  1. but "They're Grrreat!" :lol: I wish I was better at claymation than I am currently (in relation to earlier posts about Trix: This is from Family Guy) >Peter: This is almost as disturbing as that Japanese Trix commercial! >Kids: Silly Rabbit, Trix are for kids! >Rabbit: NO! YOU SHARE! *Rabbit dives at kid and punches him out of chair, punches a second away from table, and finnaly snaps the third kid's neck, grabs cereal, and runs off* Oh look, I found it!
  2. bring up tough questions, why dont you?!?!? Anyways: probably... noob (always will be to some1) PC or MAC (includes iPods and other products) Off topic: MAC user for life (Actually am on my laptop {iBook running OS X}) and proud of it!
  3. Off topic: 1. Ouch, that deals damage when i respawn! jeez that burns! 2. Have you no respect for the fallen/dead? 3. Thanks! Now where is fudgepuppy2, I'm better now, and I want to "thank" him in the wildy for my reward!\ On topic: You get some "Oil Remover" (or something similar) to clean your boots. *inserts clay coin*
  4. Same here, Miracle Dance is by far probably one of my most enjoyed songs/music to listen to on High Detail. The loading screens (old and current {defineately not the Christmas loading screen}) are also up there, and I have another, but I forgot it.
  5. Definately true, this was a good one, if not a rude awakening for some people nowadays. I must admit, I do tend to use the "Internet Slang" language on RS as many people do (ex: y, r, u, nvm, ect.), but it is usually with people I know or around people who are really casual, like when just mining in the swamps of Lumbridge. Most of the time while mining, fishing, ect., the people use the shorthand so they can keep a hand on the mouse in case of a random they aren't equiped to fight. But when I meet someone or am trying to seem respectful/respectable, I will seem quiet for longer times because I don't type the "correct" way and thus it takes longer to type correctly. Anyways, I kind of got off the point of my message. It was a good subject, well written, and probably an extremely akward awakening for the "less than motivated" players out there.
  6. maybe later, I'm kinda tired from walking, just let me rest for a bit first, ok? *sits down on log*
  7. Off topic: Yea, well in my reality they dont! Remember, I said in my realitity! On topic: Hmm, I think I will prove you right by proving you are wrong (confused? me too) When life gives you apples, make pie for me!
  8. After about half-an-hour or so of walking, I still haven't found anything. Better head ba- What the?!? *spots a fallen log across river* Ah-ha! a crossing! *Turns back towards camp and hurries back, arriving about another half an hour later* I found a way across the river! There's a fallen log about half-an-hour or so away down that way, *points towards direction I came from* and it spans the river's width. We could see what's over there some time. Anyways, did I miss anything important?
  9. because they wont share, so the rabbit must fight them (from Family Guy) Y are there like 5 types of noobs, yet 1 type of newb?
  10. banned for having no appearant basis for banning me *unbans self* You couldn't ban me for that cuz 1. makes no sense, 2. has no relation to what i said or my character/user, and 3. cabbages and iPods dont have similar ideas, actually, they dont have any!
  11. banned for having stats in sig (thats so common, be creative ppl!)
  12. jeez, too bad Sierra mist or Sprite don't count, cuz id say both, other wise straight up limes X-Box 360 or PS3?
  13. u aren't, and the same goes for the other subjects too I wish I worked for Jagex.
  14. *wakes up* hmm? oh. *quietly gets out of sleeping bag, and goes and relights a fire, trying not to wake up Kayla* Hmm, need fish. *goes and starts cooking the fish caught the day before* Hmm, I wonder if there is a way across the river. *grabs a fish, trail mix, and water bottle, and quietly calls Monkey, who comes and sits on shoulder* Come on, lets go explore. Oh, what if I'm not here when they wake up? I guess I should leave a note... *writes a note explaining where I went in sand near fire, then tosses a log on and walks along the river with Monkey*
  15. Halo 2 is awesome. (and you know it!)
  16. False, it was Krispy Kreme donuts for breakfast! TPUM is as bored as me.
  17. they would, but u ask too much I wish i had breakfast this morning.
  18. Off-topic: Dominatr, I'm lvl 70 with 57 health, currently full, uh a little 10 wouldn't kill me, especially cuz i am not a lvl 3! On topic: You get an "F" in school and have to take it over. *inserts coin on string, then pulls string to retrieve coin, fooling machine*
  19. Laptop, no doubt tests or quizes?
  20. u do, but a government memory wipe fixes that i wish i could come up good wishes
  21. Probably over 10 miles long... oh well. It's gettin late. I think I'll call it a day. Night! *crawls into own black sleeping bag and doses off*
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