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Everything posted by navyplaya

  1. [hide] I agree. So how can we get rid of idiots like you? :-k ~Defender~ If you're implying killing me.. well, kinda contradicts a pro-lifer, as it seems like you're one, doesn't it? ha... I cant wait for this Sept. 11th, and OH!, coincidence a 'New' Osama recording.. OooOoo... Maybe he'll finally nuke us with those WMD's that Bush is still ape-[cabbage] about. Only on Tuesdays... -.- I told speed a prediction I made a while ago, along with some other people Bush rigs some scheme up, lets Osama do another terrorist attack, delays or withholds the 2008 election so he can stay in office and prance around in his penny-loafers and try to suck more money anything he can, and anyway he can. If so happens to come true, be it unlikely, hopefully America has the decency to impeach, or at least assassinate the idiot. Well... Kurt Cobain blew his head off. WWIII? anyone? [/hide] TBH, I've lost respect for you. :?
  2. Hmm, I'd say 5/10. On the first one, the water is done really well. But I don't like the blurry, or kinda hazy feel on it. On the second one; you over saturated it or something in some areas, ie where there are purplish/magenta splotches. Again don't like the blurry, hazy feel. I'm not sure about the colors, they aren't very vibrant, and I tend to like vibrant. Overall, I like the coloring of the water. The colors in the original are better as well as the sharpness. Remember that photo manipulations are alot about opinion, and this is all just IMO, but I have been doing it for a while . :wink:
  3. Whoops, I posted your rotation instead of individual sig, but I think you know which one I'm talking about. By blending, we mean the way your text fades into the background.
  4. Green abstract looking one. 4/10 Kinda bad quality, probaly from compressing. And text is not blended. Edit: This one:
  5. Is it a first? Some C/C 1. Background is to plain. Try adding clouds or something as you said. 2. The pie, or loaf of bread, is "floating" rather than sitting on the table cloth type material. 3. Shading needs some work. My suggestion: Read through some of the pixel guides found here: Guides There should be some about dithering in there I think. :-k
  6. Its not bad so far, but you need to work on anatomy. His mouth is really long and this eyes look like "crazy eyes." And it kind of looks like he has boobs :-s .
  7. *ctrl+v*= http://www.preciouspaws-ftw.com/images/[cabbage].jpg :-s Link to an image in my sig shop :P IMO this belongs on Games though. :wink:
  8. He just about summed it up.
  9. 1. Comingforth can be used as a noun meaning an appearance in time. So the forthcoming of humans would relate to humans appearing on Earth. 2. My question of Al Gore refers to his radicalness on the topic of global warming, which is what most people assumed. It doesn't necessarily relate to religion, that is infact why I'm conducting this survey, to test for correlations.... 3. Again, correlations. 4. ...You guessed it, correlations. Thats basically the point. Because some people might not want to reveal their answers, if your comfortable with it, go ahead. But I also didn't want to have to search through the thread to find peoples answers. So if your going to post your answers, I ask that you still PM them to me.
  10. Really nice stuff :thumbsup: IMO, your non-pixel is better than your pixel work, but your pixel work is still pretty good. No c/c as of right now, its all good. I'll post later if I can find some :wink:
  11. Bllr, the dimensions on that photo won't really work. Could you try to find another photo?
  12. The reason the gbs are so low on the touch is because apple is expecting you to stream your music from WiFi I think instead of actually having it on your iPod.
  13. yep, time is a completely human discovery, since we have it, we seem to run out of it..... Your right, it was a human discovery, but its not a human invention which is what I think you meant.
  14. Ya but you can get 80 gig ipod for 50 bucks more now...
  15. 6/10, Its cool, but bad quality (ie jpg artifacts) and text doesnt blend. Edit: Snake one.
  16. Today is the "big day". I'm not a big supporter of Apple or anything, I don't like their comps. But I have an iPod, imo they are good, and I'm just excited to see what the new technology is going to be on the new one.
  17. Thanks, any favorites? :) Still looking for C/C -.-
  18. The last one of each sig are my favorites. Good job, they all look wonderful.
  19. IMO, she looks like she has to pee and shes holding it in by squeezing her legs. But other than that it looks good.
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