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Everything posted by speedofsound

  1. You can get to Inside Xbox from the from the Dashboard. Go to the Xbox Live panel and select Inside Xbox from there. Inside Xbox always has a bunch of news and videos. Your going to want to go to the 13th page for the tips. Once your on that page, simply hit A and play the video.
  2. 8/10 Arn't you Deloriagod's brother? That's what I think of everytime I see your name. :lol:
  3. There's a tip video on Inside Xbox. I just followed that video and after 10+ trys, I got it. :lol:
  4. Woohoo! I finally got the mile high club achievement! For those who don't know, that means beating the epilogue on veteran difficulty. You have only 60 seconds. Took me a while but I got it. :D
  5. Arg! Don't miss the edit I made to my post. It's important! :P
  6. Edit: If it's ok, I'd like a few changes to be made. I'd appreciate it if you could replace the dragon with a bird, maybe a dove (other birds work too)? In addition to that, I'd like the person changed if you don't mind. The position hes in is fine, but I'd like him to have a different shirt and hair style/color. Black or brown for the hair is fine, and for the shirt anything besides pink and purple works for me. Besides those two things everything else looks great. I especially like how you did my name. Your a fantastic artist. Thanks!
  7. That looks fantastic! The sig is going to turn out great. :D Just one thing. Because the other planet has a cloud behind it, it looks like it's not outside the atmosphere. It's still a WIP so I'm sure you'll get everything straightened out. Other than that, it's great, I especially like the shading on the clouds. Once again, thanks.
  8. I really do not like the new direction Microsoft is going with the Xbox360. Like others said, it seems like they are trying to make it more casual like the Wii. Also, the new interface looks horrible.
  9. Woo, had a fun night tonight. Me, a guildie, and a bunch of other people raided SS. We demolished it. We still wanted to raid so we moved on to Menethil harbor, messing up Refugee point on the way. Menethil harbor was ok until a couple of us died, no one wanted to rez and it all went downhill from there. Tons of Elite guards showed up, people were dead all over the place, some were jumping on boats. It was a mess. Eventually we pulled it together and got on the boat to Theramore. Theramore went well for a bit, but when it fell apart, everyone left. My first real raid, it was a lot of fun and it managed to take up most of my night. I got a screenshot, this is what remained of us at Theramore (I'm the skeleton).
  10. This website helps me out a lot. It shows you the best equipment for any class at any level and where to get it. http://www.wow-loot.com/ For levels 1-60 you have to click the "View Pre-Expansion" button.
  11. I'm definitely interested in starting a TIF clan.
  12. Why don't you make a topic that isn't about a news article once in a while Mlb? On topic: Kid's a [wagon], he could've easily just told the park attendent that he lost his hat.
  13. Thanks Uno, I appreciate that. Take your time, don't get stressed out by all the requests. :P
  14. Great work Unoalexi, I was just wondering if you've started work on any of the signatures? Have you come to a decision?
  15. I'm personally looking forward to more information on Rock Band 2 and Fable 2. Mercenaries 2: World In Flames also looks promising.
  16. Looks to me like you're the only one fighting. I was just stating my childish beliefs. You may not be fighting but the way you are stating your beliefs are meant to get a reaction from someone. Example:
  17. I'd join as well. Clantag could be TIF On a side note: Add me! GT: vSpeedofsound
  18. I know weight loss isn't easy, it takes a lot of effort. Great job!
  19. Looking back on it, I believed some pretty weird things when I was a kid. For a while I thought my mother was an alien until "santa" told me she wasn't. :P There is also this old, semi-rundown farm down the road from me that my sister told me a witch lived in and I believed her. Boy was I scared of that place. Aside from that I believed in the normal things like santa, the tooth fairy, etc.
  20. Definitely Mass Effect. I played through that a while ago, it's a great game. Mass effect combines shooting elements and classic roleplaying. The sci-fi storyline is brilliant and the open-world aspect is a lot of fun. This sounds like the kind of game your looking for. Trailer: W4qPEZVOcwk
  21. The trailer looks great. I'm definitely going to see it. My favorite scene from the trailer is when one of them is burying the other alive. The dialogue is brilliant. "What are you doing?!?" "I'm burying you!" "I'm alive! I'm alive!" "Your waking the neighbors, shut up!"
  22. Ah, Doug, that brings me back. Good find.
  23. I do not believe that P2P is any better than F2P, in any regard. It's silly that people think this way (although not unexpected). I quit Runescape a while ago but from what I've read P2P still regards themselves as superior to the F2P players, which is sad. I'll start with the maturity issue. P2P players can be just as imature as F2P players. Whether or not you pay for a game does not decide how mature you are. Just becuase you decide you are happy playing F2P does not mean that you are probably imature, nor does it mean that if you decide to play P2P you are probably mature. Moving on to the updates issue... People will disagree with me, but I feel that F2P doesn't have a right to updates. I'm not saying they don't deserve them once in a while, but if they arn't paying to support the cost of Jagex putting out updates, why should they get them? I do think Jagex should put out updates for F2P every once in a while just to keep F2P fresh and further encourage people to move to P2P. On P2P's end, they definitely deserves the updates they recieve. People who are P2P are paying for all Jagex's expenses, including updates. I agree that the treatment of F2P can be unfair at times, those doing it (in most cases P2P players) have some growing up to do. F2P also needs to realize that they can't have the amount of updates P2P has, they arn't paying for them. In reality though, there will always be conflicts, some P2P players will always view themselves as superior, and some F2P players will be imature. In a perfect world things might be differant, but this is far from a perfect world.
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