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Everything posted by speedofsound

  1. Of course Jagex put those tags there, it's advertising. By putting tags of other popular MMORPGs, Jagex will get more players seeing the video. More views equals higher interest, higher interest equals more players, and more players equals more money.
  2. Court of the Crimson King - King Crimson
  3. Original Fire - Audioslave WsjBtHg1T4E
  4. Very nice pictures LP. The black and white ones are my favorite, especially the one of the baby standing on his dad's feet. One criticism, the eyes on the baby draw a lot of attention from the rest of the pictures (maybe it's just me). What kind of camera are you using?
  5. Description: Here's what I'm thinking...A person sitting at the top of a large hill, which is overlooking some wilderness (river, field, mountain, w/e you want), above the wilderness in the sky you can see a large planet (similar to earth), that should take up most of the sky. A matching avatar would be nice to, but not required. Here's a rough idea: Note that all this can be changed at your disgression. This means that if you think something I requested could look better or should be removed, go ahead. If you think you could add something to it, go ahead. Whenever I request a signature or a avatar from someone I try to leave a lot of openess because, in my experience, this helps me get the best quality. Especially considering your ability, I have no doubt that it will (should you accept my request). Size:450x200, or w/e size works best for you, as long as it is usable as my signature. Subtext:Speedofsound Thanks.
  6. They stopped airing FMA on Adult Swim. It sucks. If it wasn't for Adult Swim, I would have never watched FMA.
  7. I guess I'm in. Gamertag: vSpeedofsound
  8. I don't really like it. The render looks completely out of place, I'm no artist but maybe blurring it more with the background will improve it.
  9. I help my parents out whenever I can just to "work off" all the things I have aquired over the years. I might have it easy, that's how I was raised, I don't have much of a say on that. This doesn't mean I cannot deal with hardship, and that definitely does not mean I don't appreciate what I have.
  10. My parents are the same way with me. I get a lot of things I want eventhough I hardly ever ask for them. I don't get many items outside of my birthday or christmas, but when they come around, boy do I get a lot. I wish it wasn't this way, my family can't really afford it, and I like things simple. I'm not saying I don't enjoy my stuff but I can really live without it.
  11. Is there a difference between being spoiled and acting spoiled? Do you think someone can be spoiled but not act spoiled? I consider myself to be spoiled. Compared to the average 14 yr old, I have a lot more stuff than I need. My family isn't wealthy, I'd say were lower-middle class, but I've always been spoiled by my mom and dad. Eventhough I'm spoiled, I don't think I act spoiled. I always try to make use of everything I have, so as not to appear ungrateful. So yes, I do think you can be spoiled, but not act spoiled. Thats not to say that there arn't kids who are spoiled and act it. I just don't consider myself one of them.
  12. It really is a question of morals. For some people it's ok to have many partners, but other people find it wrong. Personally, as long as the person is my GF/wife at the time, than it's ok.
  13. My ideal life would be pretty simple. A small apartment in the northern hemisphere (I like it cold), a decent computer, a average job, a good internet connection, some nearby stores (electronic, grocery etc.), and a bike to get to them. :)
  14. Congrats on being a uncle. :) Also, I'd keep her away from Lenin. Far away.
  15. Yes I did. Thoroughly. My latest post was not directed towards you. I don't think you are the kind of person who would start talking about a subject without knowledge of what has already been said. You are right, there is tons of help available. I guess in the end it does (in most cases) boil down to a lack of effort. Thinking about it, that's not why I was angry in the beginning. What really set me off was people being so quick to judge another person. I hate that. It's happened to me and it feels horrible.
  16. You proved my point about people not reading posts. Know what has been said before you go making stupid posts.
  17. I love Rock Band, I was waiting for this announcement. Rock Band 2 is looking good. I'm definitely going to buy it once it comes out.
  18. Nobody reads posts anymore, do they? Like I said in a earlier post, you don't know the reason for a person being obese, or the situation they are in. It's insane how people will judge someone before knowing anything about them. Damn, now I'm feeling really cynical...
  19. If you read my other post, you would've known what I meant.
  20. Yes, of course they have to cope with it. I was responding to you saying that being overweight doesn't have any natural penalization.
  21. I'm talking about extreme levels of obesesity, not just being a bit overweight. In extreme levels, its not that easy (like I exaplained earlier). What do you mean having weight doesn't penalize people? Your body is going to hell and emotionally, it's hard for a lot of people. Many overweight people are depressed, which leads to more weight gain.
  22. I'm not condoning people making excuses, but you can't always just assume that a person isn't doing anything about their problem, or they are unwilling to. You don't know what the issue is with the person and what kind of situation they are in. This isn't about whether I think they should pay for another seat or not (I already stated that), this is about people generalising and assuming that obese people are the way they are because they "just don't care".
  23. That's not what I was getting at. It's not a motivation problem, it's logistical. I don't think a person that obese can begin exercising without the aide of another person, which is not always available.
  24. [hide=] I has a response. At my school, the cafeteria serves cookies (yes, cookies, like we're 3 years old :roll:). There's this one obese girl older than me. One day I see her come out with 3 cookies. Being obese is entirely her choice. She didn't have to have 3 cookies, but she choose to. Obesity is your choice and/or laziness. Plus, you could diet. Alright, I'm going to settle the argument of "their fault or not" once and for all. Much like you said, there is a really, Really, REALLY, obese girl in my lunch period. I would estimate 5 feet left to right, 3 feet front to bach. And about 3 feet tall. HUGE. The other day I see her walk out with: 1. Cake. 9. That's right, NINE, cupcakes. 5. Brownies. 3. Gigantic, chocolate and icing covered sugar cookies. 1. Custard-filled muffin. Her response to a lunch lady? Her: I was just born this way, it's genetic. Lunch Lady: Well what about excersise? Her: It wouldn't work. LL: Have you tried? Her: No, I told you, it's genetic. #-o You are not alone, I'm pretty sure staff isn't supposed to comment on weight :-# [/hide] Wow. You cannot say it is every obese persons choice based off ONE example. That's just ridiculous. If you read my post after the one you quoted you would've seen that I understand that some people are obese because they don't care, but that doesn't apply to everyone. For the people who are obese for a uncontrollable reason, I know there is always the option for excercise. Have you ever considered that once a person gets to a level of obesity where they take up two seats, excerise may not be something they can just decide to start doing? I'm not saying that they shouldn't excerise at all, but its not easy to just decide to go out on a jog.
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