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Everything posted by Potter_Pkr

  1. Keep up the good work! You have almost already beaten me in Agility (I just turned 67) Hope you reach your goals soon......BUMP
  2. Its not a bug. Thats on purpose. Its just a small hotkey Jagex decided to add to the game.
  3. Combat: 80 Attack and HP Non Combat: 85 Cooking.
  4. Thanks everyone especially Coolgirl and tja_365 for all the codes. You 2 rock!
  5. Very sweet code you got there Coolgirl. I am sure to use it whenever I need to go to those worlds. Also do I just the links if I want for pages like World 99 and 83?
  6. Depends what portal your hitting. Try hitting the yellow portal as its easiest. Also whats your attack level?
  7. My goals are 1. 100 Combat 2. 1600 Total 3. 60 + in all skills 4. Start barrows :lol:
  8. Nice idea. I wouldnt mind if you just something like this in a nice design: "Potter Pkr - Potter and Mario Rules" Thank you very much.
  9. I am not sure whether or not it will change. If it does change it will be very unfair to people who havent done hard quests like DT as you need prayers like protect from mage. However if it does change, the reason is to cut down on pures in the game. For people with 1 prayer they wont mind anyway.
  10. Wow I have never noticed that scoreboard! Nice find!
  11. Well I am one off lvl 61 prayer and I have stocked up on dragon bones waiting to be ecto/gilded. I think I got enough dragons bones for atleast 62 prayer :lol: I have yet to start Barrows but I think I will start Barrows once those new prayers are released too. I hope the prayer updates come this Monday then I will be online to experience them and see the reaction of the RuneScape community.
  12. Maybe its time I got my prayer up more :-k Man getting to 60 was hard. Sigh oh well. If they do change the levels, is this going to be a f2p update as well?
  13. Very funny!! :lol: Almost fell out of my chair lol.
  14. Also found a dragon head. http://www.runescape.com/lang/en/aff/ru ... n_head.gif New prayers look good - makes my 60 prayer worth while. Shame I'll be on holiday when one or two of the updates are released/
  15. I feel like I should start doing Barrows pretty soon. Hope to join you in the near future!
  16. I got a very fast way. Log into any world camelot bank. Drop all the money and within a minute it will be gone!
  17. Or maybe Dragon Picaxe will be released also! You have to mine a monkey! Look please think before you post. -.-
  18. I have had one from the lesser demon. Its the hardest one so far out of the monsters?
  19. I hope I can join in the Parade as I am a member of Affliction and loving it! Thank you Tip.it and thank you Affliction! :3>
  20. Very nice guide you got there! I wish I was a good enough player to write my own guides. Keep up the good work! :thumbsup:
  21. Yes part of the magic skill, perhaps a new spell book too? And does it have to be just monsters that we could summon. I wouldnt mind summoning something basic like a tinkerbox from a bank as well or something.
  22. Use the superheat ore mage spell while standing in the Varrock hut opposite the bank. Then use the bars on the anvil. Run back to bank, withdraw ores, use superheat spell, then use bars on the anvil Lather, Rinse, Repeat. :lol:
  23. Alch x will probably not be allowed but we could get away of something like Alch 5 or Alch 10 (A bit like how you can only sell a max of 10 things of an item to a general store at a time)
  24. If you click on your profile, then scroll down to Time zone you can choose what time zone you are in. Just change it when we move the clocks forward (BST) and when we move the clocks back. (GMT) GMT is in the winter, while BST is in the summer.
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