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Everything posted by Potter_Pkr

  1. I prefer having showers. Unfortunately our shower is broken so at the moment I have to take Baths.
  2. Good luck on this goal! Try and stay F2P until you are well into getting the f2p skills because once you get members on that account you will get hooked. Hope you have fun on this account! :D PS: Check my blog please...thanks :D
  3. http://rsbandb.com/ <--- Thanks to B 50 2 this link is good for stat bars and also goal bars. http://runeweb.net <--- This one is good for showing all your stats
  4. Get firemaking up. Very easy to do, if you buy or cut your own willows, maples or yews.
  5. Nice idea for a topic, I'll look through my pics for any pictures. Also pinkbullet3, your easter picture is from 2006 not 2005? Unless I'm wrong. EDIT: I found this picture of the Grim Reaper, quite a bad picture though, I think its from Halloween 2005.
  6. Welcome Back. The staff and community is always getting better 8-)
  7. lol I cant be bothered to update my sig. Besides I only put people who I meet ingame :P So come find me! :lol: im 5k away from getting 81 Wc woot!
  8. Yeah, cant wait to be at the Agility Arena again, I have not been there in ages. Will hopefully get 200 tickets through out the day then I will gain a level. Or I might save up until the big 1k to get a huge settlement :D Not sure yet :)
  9. I support, very nice idea. Small addition: You can see before the fight who else would be fighting. This way you wouldnt get cleaned out if there are 6 Level 120s on the opponents team and you didnt know until you started the fight.
  10. How would Jagex program for your "servent" to do everything for you. It seems half of your ideas revolve around making the game easier for yourself. As mentioned above, we already have servants in your house and also having control of your kingdom. What more could you want? A servant that goes up to Fally world 2 going "selling bronze dagger 5k" every 5 seconds for you because you cannot do it yourself? :roll:
  11. You say you have better things to do. Well instead of talking rubbish about the forums and its members, just dont bother making topics on these forums and dont bother making all these replies with awful ideas. Learn to spell. Whats a gnomb? Whats mneing? Whats sarahdomin? zammorok? Tears of thingy? Why not do your research, take some passion into your ideas. Its obvious that you searched "RuneScape cheats" on some search engine then you found this site because you have no clue about the game. Correct your mistakes or dont bother about this game or forums.
  12. You have so many ideas which will not work on RuneScape. As mentioned bother - the lag. 2nd, there are plenty of ways to get around RS. As you have so many ideas, why not persue a career in making your own game which implments all your ideas like flying dragons, football and betting on other peoples fights into your own game? I dont like this idea, you need to think about whether or not your idea would work. Personally I wouldnt want to see dragons everywhere clogging up my screen. Theres already enough of them in the training spots. Jagex are doing well in the game and do not need to introduce more transportation methods at this present time.
  13. Surely if its a high monster you would need the armour to be better than rune? If its between granite and dragon the stats would be worse than dragon but is harder to get? Make the monster weaker, or the stats better and higher.
  14. If you would just type your ideas in English, clearly with proper sentences then we wouldnt be saying how bad your grammer is. Lots of fun do a bit of MSN, text talking which is okay in game, but this is the forums where people say things in proper english. I feel sorry for the person who did a kind thing for you by making that signature.
  15. If your going to swear at him, atleast use the proper grammer. If its a vowel you use the word "an" not "a" This proves BiaBf's point in that you need to learn how to spell and grammer. This is not the RuneScape chat, this is the Tip.It Forums.
  16. Good luck next time you enter fight caves! Hope next time the Jad gets beaten by you :)
  17. Ok Cool, however now that I am in for a race I will probably only be able to join you once I hit 1600. Hope you dont get bored in the Mage Training Arena, the infinity will be so worth it.
  18. Welcome! *Will insert nice banner here* I have decided to restart my blog, and take you through my progress over the summer and hopefully beyond. My blog was first started in early September 2006 (look above) so its a pretty old blog. I have a lot of goals and achievements which I hope to share with all of you through my blog. These are my stats on the 24th July: Current stats: Some my goals are: [*:2crs2s9v]1800 Total [*:2crs2s9v]70+ All Skills [*:2crs2s9v]105 Combat [*:2crs2s9v]80 Agility [*:2crs2s9v]99 Woodcutting [*:2crs2s9v]99 Fletching My progress: [hide=My Acheivements in RS] [/hide] [hide=Recent Levels] [/hide] Thanks for reading ! [hide= This is my old blog from about 10 months ago when I was racing Robert Rdam to 1600 total. Ahh good times!] My stats on 7th September 2006 [hide=Old Goals]Goals I have several goals, but the main goal for me is to get to 1600 total and hopefully at or below 100 combat. 2 Days ago it was my 15th Birthday, so I decided it was time to start persueing goals and climbing the highscores. At this time of writing (7th September 2006) I am 1526 Total and I hope to reach my goal by Christmas. Also to help me push further with this goal, me and Robert Rdam has decided to race each other to 1600 total [/hide] [hide=The old daily updates]Daily Blog Day 37 - Sunday October 15th 2006 76 Mage through alching. Thank you to Ajc100 for letting me alch some of this green bodies. ----------------------------------------------------- Day 36 - Saturday October 14th 2006 Just the one Herblore lvl - 61 ----------------------------------------------------- Day 36 - Friday October 13th 2006 The best Friday the 13th I've ever had. Someone died while I was fishing monkfish and I picked up a WHIP and RED HALLOWEEN MASK!!!! So now I have done a goal of getting a rare. Something I am extremely happy about. I feel sorry for the guy as it is Friday 13th. He died from a drunken dwarf so maybe he was afk Also got 87 cooking tonight. Very good day However, been having lots of homework to do so I may not be online much. Also got 83 fishing! Heres a nice pic of my mask, whip and also my 87 cooking. My free Red Halloween Mask 87 Cooking Day 35 - Thursday October 12th 2006 Again not much done except fishing. ---------------------------------------------------- Day 34 - Wednesday October 11th 2006 Fishing again ---------------------------------------------------- Day 33 - Tuesday October 10th 2006] Fishing more - homework. ---------------------------------------------------- Day 32 - Monday October 9th 2006 Not much done - Fished some monkfish with Queenbee3110...she rules ---------------------------------------------------- Day 31 - Sunday October 8th 2006 Just the one fletching level. 3k yew longs waiting to be alched but I need to mine and craft the nats. ---------------------------------------------------- Day 30 - Saturday October 7th 2006 No levels but I did complete Lunar Diplomacy which took me about 90 mins. I may start MEP1 tomorrow or do some leveling in a skill. Probably fletching and runecrafting. ---------------------------------------------------- Day 29 - Friday October 6th 2006 Finally the weekend. They blocked this website at my school which means that I have no fun at lunch in the library because before I could check this site. Lots of homework to do. Today I did Enakhra's Lament and also got 65 Smithing. Will post pics later. ---------------------------------------------------- Day 29 - Thursday October 5th 2006 Got 2 Con lvls. May get a smithing level tonight if I get time. ---------------------------------------------------- Day 28 - Wednesday October 4th 2006 Just the 1 con level. My internet has been limited so does anyone know how much megabytes is used per hour on RS? Got 3 English work to do tonight so I dont think I'll get any more levels tonight. ---------------------------------------------------- Day 27 - Tuesday October 3rd 2006 Didnt get much done except cut 2k Oaks. May cut some more tomorrow. Also I got lots of homework and are falling behind in the race. If the level gap falls further than 12 levels then I'm giving up in the race because I dont have as much time as Rob to play online, but also because I have been getting a very little support. Along with this I have been feeling quite sad recently with some rl problems. Peace. ---------------------------------------------------- Day 26 - Monday October 2nd 2006 Back to school today. I sold my D legs for 2.3 Mill to help fund my next skilling but also because I hardly wore them. I may also do the name to my d square. I want to get my construction up and so I am cutting oaks at the moment. Any help by donating me some oaks or even oak planks will be GREATLY appreciated. Completed new quest - also got the shield and helm ---------------------------------------------------- Day 25 - Sunday October 1st 2006 Got homework to do so the only level that I get today may be Mining. May also get herblore. Hopefully will because then I will have 60+ all skills. Feel free to reply because they are always welcome. Thanks for reading. Well fortunately I gathered enough herbs for 60 Herblore and it means all my skills are 60+ now...Wooot! End of day 25 ---------------------------------------------------- Day 24 - Saturday September 30th 2006 Finally got 70 Thieving this morning. Hope to get 63 crafting by the end of the day. Got 63 Crafting tonight then I had to log off. Will post pics tomorrow. End of Day 24 ---------------------------------------------------- Day 23 - Friday September 29th 2006 Didnt have much time to play and didnt get any levels. Any tips for mining? End of day 23 ---------------------------------------------------- Day 22 - Thursday September 28th 2006 I have a new love for football now that I finally have some boots with studs. They were really cheap at only ÃÆââ¬Å¡Ãâã25 but all my friends noticed how nice they are, some said they are a relica of Ronaldinhos (sp?) I didnt even know it but football on the pitch rocks. Had much less homework to do so I got a nice session online. Got 80 Firemaking - a long time goal for me. Thanks to Ashmad and Ajc100 for celebrating with me. You two are the best. End of day 22 ---------------------------------------------------- Day 21 - Wednesday September 27th 2006 Again not enough time. Too much H/W. New interfaces will be tried out tomorrow or weekend. EDIT: I had time to have a look at interface. The only good thing is that combat level is much clearer and rune boots have been given a boost. Why did they ruin everything else? Hopefully they will change the orange stats screen back to yellow. End of day 21 --------------------------------------------------- Day 20 - Tuesday September 26th 2006 Did not get online at all today. So much homework its unbelieveable. My internet may be getting a limit and also membership might be cancelled soon! Which means a lot less RS for me if this goes through unfortunately :cry: Will I even reach 1600 in time? Who knows..... End of day 20 ---------------------------------------------------- Day 19 - Monday September 25th 2006 Not long online. Just the one firemaking level. (Now got enough maples for 80 firemaking then I am taking a break from that skill. Will most probably go into mining next or crafting) End of day 19 --------------------------------------------------- Day 18 - Sunday September 24th 2006 Met Sir Ramin and felt good that he knows about my blog. Got 78 Firemaking. Feel quite tired so may not get anymore levels tonight. 8 Homeworks written in my planner :wall: Found lots of unids in my bank (40 of them were rannarr) And now I need one more level until 60+ in all skills. Will get that 60 herblore next Sunday. End of day 18 --------------------------------------------------- Day 17 - Saturday September 23th 2006 2 Firemaking levels and hopefully will get a defence level tonight. Got homework I should be doing also. But affliction is so good. Got 100 points today at Pest Control. I think near the end I ran into Heart Unit because a lot of them were lvl 100+ Well I am happy because it is the most points I got in a day. 80 Defence as the reward...but no longer using whip at pest control now that I have 80 Attack and 80 Defence. End of day 17 --------------------------------------------------- Day 16 - Friday September 22th 2006 Firemaking goal complete but will go for 80 firemaking too as I nearly have all the supplies needed for it :D Trying to do a bit of pest control but my computer is lagging and I feel a lil tired. Affliction rules, helped me get lots of points today and made me reach 79 Defence 2 minutes before midnight. 75 Firemaking! 79 Defence...close to 80! End of day 16 -------------------------------------------------- Day 15 - Thursday September 21th 2006 Playing a lot less RS these days. Just the one firemaking level. Man its getting repetitive. 74 Firemaking! End of day 15 -------------------------------------------------- Day 14 - Wednesday September 20th 2006 Did the new quest and also gained 60 Runecrafting! Hope to get 74 firemaking tonight. I had to get an injection today and my left arm hurts. Along with this I am feeling a little bit tired. And I got homework to do :( 60 Runecrafting! Done Slug Menace Nice picture of Boss -------------------------------------------------- Day 13 - Tuesday September 19th 2006 Did not gain any levels today, more relaxing than the 5 levels I gained yesterday. Hopefully will get 60 Runecrafting and 79 defence tomorrow. End of Day 13 -------------------------------------------------- Day 12 - Monday September 18th 2006 Really proud in that I have got 5 levels today. Will help me try and keep up until Rob gets his prayer to 70 then I am doomed. Really happy with 60 Farming. 77 Fletching! 60 Farming - Goal Complete! End of day 12 PS: If anyone can tell me if they have heard or like Seinfeld that will be cool. I love it ------------------------------------------------- Day 11 - Sunday September 17th 2006 Paul thank you for everything!!! 58 Herby! 61 Crafting! 59 Farming -So close! 3 levels in one day is not bad. Will hopefully get 70 Thieving tonight if my english coursework doesnt take too long. End of Day 11 ------------------------------------------------- Day 10 - Saturday September 16th 2006 More thieving levels. Will hopefully get 70 tonight. Then I will have to update the goal sig to make it 75 :lol: Will also be spinning flax tonight. End of Day 10 ------------------------------------------------- Day 9 - Friday September 15th 2006 Not much done, not even any levels. Getting more and more behind in a race. Paul please dont leave, I will miss you on the community. Thank you so much for all the seeds, they will be loved. Turns out I got two Theiving levels. End of Day 9 ------------------------------------------------ Day 8 - Thursday September 14th 2006 Had the Bleep test in school today, man it really knackers yourself. Got 64 Thieving at the moment. Will hopefully get 65 or 66 later tonight, hopefully before the 2nd series of Extras starts. Just got 65 Thieving but missed the pics :( Extras was very funny (anyone here watch it?) End of Day 8 ----------------------------------------------- Day 7 - Wednesday September 13th 2006 62 Thieving Just the one thieving level. I am falling behind in the race. Any help in supplies fully appreciated. End of Day 7 ------------------------------------------------ Day 6 - Tuesday September 12th 2006 Was shocked to see how many levels Rob got today. But today I gained 2 levels. Might be on tonight, but football and homework is on. 70 Agility has been a goal for me for a long time and I am glad that that is done, going to go for 75 but not anytime soon. :lol: 61 Thieving 70 Agility - Goal Complete End of day 6 ------------------------------------------------ Day 5 - Monday September 11th 2006 Have way too much homework today, so I wont be online much and probably wont get a level. Please reply to my blog. Said a few Hyts and congrats to The Valor for getting 99 cooking. End of Day 5 ------------------------------------------------ Day 4 - Sunday September 10th 2006 Again been training agility. Did about 120 laps so far which made me get 69 Agility. Might go back to wild course tonight to get more xp and also will try for 70 Agility tomorrow. 69 Agility! ------------------------------------------------ Day 3 - Saturday September 9th 2006 Yay its the weekend! However I have not made progress so far today. I tried having a go at the Agility Arena and I hate it unfortunately. I much prefer the wild course. I then go F2P pking with some friends but unfortunately we got no kills. So at the moment I am in the Wild Agility Course and will probably only gain 1 level tonight. Got that level. 68 Agility! End of Day 3 ------------------------------------------------ Day 2 - Friday September 8th 2006 So far been cutting Maples then burning them. Gained 2 Firemaking levels, and also surprising gained a woodcutting level! I'm glad with the progress I made today :D 81 Woodcutting! 70 Firemaking! End of Day 2 ------------------------------------------------ Day 1 - Thursday September 7th 2006 Today I got 78 Defence after getting 100 points at Pest Control over the last 2 days. 78 Defence! End of Day 1[/hide][/hide]
  19. Hi Rob. Good luck on your goals! And also thanks for attending my party. I'm 1526 total so maybe you want to race to 1600? Just tell me what you think, if you agree I might even put up mu own blog to show the progress. However I start school tomorrow so I will be on RS a lot less.
  20. I only just recently replied, but maybe we should go to the Mage Training Arena together sometime. School starts for me tomorrow which is always a good opperunity to do something different in the game....just an idea :D
  21. Congrats on 85 Slayer Bia!! Sorry I wasnt there, I was in the middle of hosting my birthday party. I hope to come on Saturday though!
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