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Everything posted by Potter_Pkr

  1. Hmm Im not sure what to decide. I quite enjoy magic. Shame I cant afford to have a very high mage level but thats life.
  2. For me it ranges a lot on whether or not I feel like playing. School days: 0-2 Weekends: 2-4 Summer: 3-5 (Depends on whether I have to stay indoors or not)
  3. I loved the Party. I miseed the first drop party because of challenge mode...and also the last round because of stupid evil bob! Never the less, I won Challenge Mode!!! Won 50k, picked up Addy Boots and made 2 new friends! :D Plus I even saw Trojann2! :D Shame he wouldnt be my friend :wall: Some pics: Sorry big sizes.
  4. Lets not forget that it is his decision on what he wants to do with his life. Lets not force him on what to do. However you should not be ashamed that you play RS just because people call you a geek. Wait a few years and they would have learnt more of the game and would like it more. They only call you a geek because they do not understand the game at all. When I joined RS 2 years ago everything was fine, then last year people called me geek for playing it but I didnt care. But this year loads of people like the game and so no longer call me a geek. Infact my friends want me to join W.O.W but the money is too much and RS is a ton of fun. And yes, we all agree that if you do quit then you will be back. Good Luck with your RL life. Enjoy it to the max as you wont be addicted to RS over the summer lol :lol:
  5. Maybe its a little bit faster when you have a higher cooking level. Yes its random but Tree Spirits are random but you can only get them while you are woodcutting.
  6. Uses whip on portals and on creatures on south gate. But now I have to concentrate on the blue portal to speed up beating a game in the PC group I'm in.
  7. I'll try and cometo your party. Congrats on the 3 digits! I'll try and get there in a few months. (the three digits that is)
  8. This months update looks good, cant wait for fairy tales part 2 \
  9. Theres updates for a reason - to try them out. People try them out straight away because they want to do something different or be the first to get an item but more importantly for the enjoyment and experience. Also I dont think Pest Control and Castle Wars is a fad, those 2 minigames are still going strong.
  10. Those are some good adverts. I like them, lets hope the next batch will be just as good. \
  11. Some people keep calling me Harry Potter which gets annoying. Its funny because everyone assumes that what my name means. I think only 1 person in my whole rs life has thought that the Potter might be because I use potions....
  12. whuts afk stand for? :oops: Away from Keyboard.
  13. lol still scary when you see bugs in game like that. btw good luck in your goal for 85 slayer, sorry I missed the 80 slayer party. In Aid of Myreque took longer than I thought. I dont want to log back in so has the bug been fixed yet?
  14. Here is a pic from world 22: The mods are working on it, atleast the glitch isnt as bad the 666. But lets not go there again.
  15. They sometimes say pesky so it is a reference. Good find :D
  16. Cabin Fever!! Its so fun when you get to shoot cannon balls at other pirate ships and make the cannon! And swinging across ropes! And fixin the boats leaks! Cabin Fever ftw! \ I also quite liked Swan Song for its humour and also Recipe for Diaster for the cutscenes and the length (lol still have not completed it, still need to do Desert Treasure)
  17. Ok, this is just turning into an arguement so just cut it out guys! Hopefully a mod will lock this. And btw I think when you get a task - I believe it is totally random.
  18. I am just wondering whether or not I should sell my dragon legs and get some torag armour. What do you guys think? Also what are the prices for torag with or without weapons? How long does Torag last before you have to repair it? Thanks for reading.
  19. I thought I would try this out on the basilisks. The ring did kind of work because I got 4 rune daggers in one trip. But I had never got rune daggers before lol. Maybe it was just luck. :)
  20. I got it the first time yesterday, i chose the mysterious box and I also got a bucket! lol
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