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Everything posted by Turtlefemm

  1. :shock: You can hold whatever opinion you want, you bratty spammer!... :-w I'm not giving you free stuff unless you earn it..and what were you doing up at 4:49AM?? Hmm..actually that would be 5:49AM! This clock is off by an hour! You left the light on! 8-) Hehehe...I was wondering if I should work on a whip in a picture....
  2. Turtlefemm


    That's really nice work!!! :D =D>
  3. :) I did a resize... jpg..I have photoshop... Does this look ok? it's just under 30kb
  4. Awww...I'll bet your turtle is really cool! I'd love to see a picture! Thank you so much for your comment. Daz Studio is free from Daz3d...It can be a resource hog, though. If you're interested, you could check it out. I'll bet you could learn how! It takes patience to get things to look right, but you might enjoy it. :D Thank you! Awww, thanks Brattybrat! I know I drive you crazy making you look constantly... hehehe... You see this stufff when it looks awful... :D I really love your feedback!
  5. omg Nadril...lol I can't believe you never realized..with all the TURTLE stuff on my front page at dA and all... hehehehehehehehe that's too funny... Thanks!
  6. :) Apology accepted... (I'm female... and I only took off the copyright with my name, because I had to resize the canvas...I had to paint in things to fill in the edges for the sig too...dimensions were strange the other way.)
  7. I used Bryce 5.5, Daz Studio, and Photoshop..Yes..I created the scene...didn't get it from someplace...
  8. Excuse me? copyright??? I created that picture...did you go to the link where my original ART is???? That is really insulting if you're implying I didn't create my own artwork..As for my signature with the date... yeah..i didn't need that in the sig...I wasn't shooting fora WHOLE other picture..just making a sig from something that took me a LOT of time to create.
  9. I thought I'd share my latest art piece...RS inspired... Legends...are made.. ...and the sig I created from it...is my current sig. :)
  10. Wow..the first picture is really amazing... I love how the sunlight plays on the snow in all of the pictures!!! :D I really prefer the pics without snowmobiles in them, but they are all very nice... =D>
  11. :D That looks really cool! What a great idea!
  12. :) That's a great eagle...You did an awesome job on it! Like Frogact said, you're missed by lots of folks...RS sure has been evolving since you last played. Player owned houses are finally here!
  13. :D I think that's very cool! :D :D
  14. :) Wow...I'm so impressed that you created a subtitled version for the hearing impaired...Brat was able to watch with me and we both understand what you're trying to get across.Thank you so much for taking the time to do that version! I think it's a bit rougher for folks who were never really part of RSC to begin with...and those who haven't been around for very long. Those of us who have been around since the beginning of the game..or at least close to the beginning...have felt the struggles and changes and mood shifts within the jagex staff ...which wasn't really considered a staff in the beginning...They were considered Andrew and Paul...and so on...Names. Now it's JAGEX this, JAGEX that...and I think that people are not seeing it as all that approachable as far as suggesting things, or pushing for older suggestions...The RS community is seeing Jagex as more of "THEM" and not "those cool guys who made this game" now. I think that involving clans and banding people together to be united in our suggestions of how possible new things can be done, or old things done better is an excellent idea... It isn't necessarily about PK'ing, but the clans are already banded and experienced in presenting a united front within themselves...so if they use that unification to appeal to Jagex with ideas, so much the better! Great work putting that together!
  15. :lol: Five Dragon Stud would be a great choice I think! http://www.deviantart.com/print/166106/ :P Congrats on winning a prize in Zilla's contest!
  16. :) Those are really nice shots... I am freezing...Sheesh..and you made me look at SNOOOWWWWWWWW?? lol... I like the coloured leaves picture a lot...The reflections in that are amazing!
  17. :) Some nice photos! And your gallery at dA looks great!
  18. :D Well, you can disregard the second deviantART link... Haha...Wyrm is right...it's the same as the 3rd tut...I had that last one in my favorites...and I just rushed to grab one from deviantART without looking to see what it was...I didn't use either version of that tutorial...Sorry about that... I forgot about the fact that you have to click the "download to desktop" option to get the tuts at deviantart...I would have said something...sorry about THAT too. :P I'll post some more links here for you...Hopefully these won't be duplicates! http://forums.gfxvoid.com/t-7827.htm That's one that does the ribbonlike effect...Kind of cool. :) http://www.deviantart.com/view/18684407/ Another deviantART one, but no download...it's all on the page. It shows the mirror effect abstract... http://www.3d-dd.com/page-op-art-refraction-tutorial.html This one is optical illusion...Cool looking :) http://www.solemnchaos.net/tutorials/bryce5ab.html And...this one uses light gels for abstract things... I want to throw in this last link...it's some very useful tips and tricks of Bryce that might help you out in general with the program. :) http://www.bsmooth.de/BSolutions/ Have fun!!! (Hoping wyrm doesn't find any link duplications in this batch... :shock: )
  19. I clicked on all 3 links..All different tutorials...Two are from deviantART, but they're different ones... He's just starting on his Bryce abstract stuff...so it's cool for him to try things that have already been done, because it'll help him get to where he can zip through the program with more finesse and then try more unique things when he feels confident about it.
  20. :) I think your first try is not bad...Considering it's your first, it's cool looking...I am a great fan of the glass textures, so I like your second try... Hmmm..Some links for tutorials... Here is one that I used myself for a piece at deviantART: http://www.deviantart.com/view/16222247/ And here is another...silvery, kind of cool: http://www.deviantart.com/view/2209652/ And finally, here is another from Shiver7: http://www.shiver7.com/tutorials/52/ Have fun! I love working with Bryce myself, whether it's abstracts or other things!
  21. I thought Bryce 5 was only for landscaping. Any tutorials you can point me towards for abstracts and such. Thanks Bryce 5 is SO not only for landscaping! =p It's not as "high end" as 3dsmax, but I really enjoy it. There are a lot of tutorials at deviantART that you can try out for Bryce... Here's a link I found to one --->http://www.deviantart.com/view/16222247/
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