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Everything posted by FrankyBrown

  1. I'd come but since I sold all my good stuff I'd look like a noob :oops:
  2. I might kill a couple black knights..
  3. Why? :? Well I stayed up for 2 days (like 48 hours, not long) because I watched live8 then tried to see how long I could last-before realising how pointless it was and feeling like crap :lol: Um I just drank coffee and tea and can't remember what else really..but honestly just don't do it :-#
  4. Why have is there need for another topic on this??? All that needs to be said is: Arrows stealing isn't agaisnt the rules but its a low thing to do and anyone with a little respect for fellow players shouldn't do it. Btw it doesn't effect me at all because I use Karils or Crystal bow.
  5. +1 it's the only anime I really watched but I do like a bit of Z (mainly early stuff, gets kinda stupid neat the end with buu and everything) But Original DB was awesome :D
  6. Well I try to do the best I can (come on I'm a year 8 drop out for crying out loud :lol:) and bad grammar doesn't effect me really, unless they're like this: I still haven't read that properly btw :lol: It's because I'm guessing he's trying to insult me (its from page 5 of the prayer rant in the rants forum) but he has ignored everything I had posted before and I don't know but looking at that really makes me wish you can punch people over the internet #-o
  7. I'm like a little over 6ft and I suck at basketball :lol: When we had to play it at school people would pass to me and I'd just stand there like wth :oops: But I'd usually get sent off for contact :wall: It's just a game that makes you want to hit people but you can't :cry:
  8. Myreque, best quest series ever 8-) (and I've done all quests) Most people choose elf just because it's the longest and everyone else chooses it :x
  9. Add sharing xp and drops and this is a great idea :P (But it should have something other than the silver and gold crowns, unless they remove silver crowns from player mods then you could use them for the leader and have some other coloured crowns to represent mage, ranger, melee or whatever :)).
  10. Quick showers because I live out in the country so we have our own water supply :P But I prefer baths, just can't have them out here =\
  11. making Steve Irwin fans and Australians look bad #-o
  12. Oh yeah I'd like to be a house husband if my others don't work out :oops:
  13. Veracs because I got the skirt free (I'm just an awesome person.. :oops:) and I worked my [wagon] off to buy the rest :P Was level 80 something at the time I think and couldn't actually wear it because I was a few defence levels short :lol: But after that I bought guthans then every other barrow set, sold dharock because it's useless (too slow, if you miss on low hp then you die lol Veracs>Dharocks for pvp) then eventually sold guthans and the other sets I wasn't using for construction but then I finally sold my beloved veracs last week along with everything else :cry: (I'm not on much so I bought a rare, even though I've always been agaisnt them I thought I might aswell make money instead of lose the millions like I have been with my barrows, whip and whatever).
  14. What time for East Australia? I hope I can make it but if not Congrats :)
  15. I don't see why people can't just play the damn game, you put too much thought into it all. If you want to raise a skill then raise it, what else really matters? So much complaining everywhere you go, play the game do what you want to do and enjoy it or just don't play :?
  16. However, I am! :wink: , ah well, what can you do, rs2 is supposedly a good game too, right? right? *silence* RS2 ruined RuneScape if you like poorly made 2D characters akwardly placed in a 3D background. The only one I can think of that truely ruined a skill was the mere fact that they ignored range for such a long time. Meh; it was intended to be a support skill, so I guess it'll be forever a support skill. Carefull you'll set off the bitter RSC 'veterans' :lol: *hides*
  17. Friendship, you're a pretty sad person if you pick pixels over friendship.
  18. I don't think I've really made many mistakes in rs :D
  19. No, because to get above 99 would take ALOT of no lifing rs. Every normal person that likes to play will be constantly beaten in the wilderness by the no lifers :lol: (level 126 is hard to get but it's possible without having to no life but getting all your skills to 149..just no..
  20. Well I don't know about football but I'd love to play guitar in a band but incase I can't do that I'm studying to be a music teacher, now you've said you quit guitar before so I don't think you'd get far with that as you have to actually enjoy it, have some natural talent and practice for a bit everyday atleast (although with how big bands like Panic at the disco are talent doesn't seem to matter if you go with whatever is popular :roll:). And you quit so I don't think you enjoy it much :P I actually just love playing guitar (and music in general) because its fun and making a career out of it would be a bonus.
  21. ^ I have level 1 computer skills so don't blame me :oops:
  22. Does anyone know how to get to sleep faster? I go to bed around 11 but can't actually fall asleep until around 1 :? I usually wake up 6-7:30.
  23. Well what I'd really like is to be in a good band and sorta do what Nirvana did to glam rock but to bands like Panic at the disco (I really didn't mind them all before but then they beat chili peppers at the vmas and the only reason I watched the vmas was to see the chili peppers.. :evil:). But then I'd like to donate alot of money to places that need it and also do volunteer work building houses and stuff :P Because it's a hell of alot easier to get people to help out if you're famous :D. But if that can't happen then I'd like to be a music teacher and just have a nice loving family and enjoy life :wink: (I would like to go back and visit the places I've lived too).
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