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Everything posted by operator280

  1. Very impressive. You are quite the photographer.
  2. Indeed. Well, Christmas break is coming up for me, and I hope to get a lot done. With Christmas break, though, comes cramming. Teachers try to get as much stuff done in 2 and a half days as they can. Thus, I have a series of exams to study for, so I won't be on much until Wednesday.
  3. I share your feelings... almost every aspect of your life is the same as mine (besides a big pool and an iPod). Hold on. More people like you than you can imagine. Enjoy your birthday. You diserve it.
  4. Got a book of knowledge, which led to this: Then I went to a good friends 99 Firemaking Party. Then, her and I went and fished a bit. She logged for a bit, just missing the level. Oh well.
  5. Who's that hawt 'scaper in the woodcutting cape behind that demons wing?!? ITS GAME!!! Nice range level, and welcome back.
  6. To be very brief, I like the older look to it. Nice work for a first manip.
  7. Agreed. *Starts popping knuckles* I thought about it most of the day, and although the updates are crazy and confusing, its no reason to quit. So I am not quitting. I am extremely dissappointed about the limiting factors that these updates provide, but I guess I can always live through it... Don't really understand what that means...
  8. Eh, updates are really on my nerves. Might go on a break until Jagex decides to do what is best and cancel the updates, or something.
  9. Bump. Probably not going to get on today. Its snowing here. Have some homework to do, too.
  10. Friend in the screenie is a clannie. She also gave me a Christmas present: gnome scarf. Hehe.
  11. Bump. Had a basketball game. We won, 77-28... Probably not going to get many levels tonight...
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