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Everything posted by pulli23

  1. I'm not sure what "automatic sorting, level based methods" mean. Can you elaborate? What is it exactly that you plan to do with your scripts that you can't do with the built in functions? Also, it's not like I stop anybody from typing item/hour directly into my spreadsheets. They're coded to still work if you do that instead of tinkering with the game ticks. Well with automatic sorting/level based methods I mean the "final advice". Those "green cells" currently show the total best method. However (in the uploaded sheets), what for people lacking a pak yak? When limiting for a turtoise the "best" option differs again. Obviously in this simple case it can be created by a long nested function. But I just dislike those :P, and like working from the generic case. @quyneax: Updated the graphics + bug (you were correct in your assumption). The ourg bones is weird, it's the first time I saw 2 items with the same name. I'm going to work a bit over "how would a user define wether he means the ourg bone from graardor & the ourg bones from coffins". Currently the way the ge-checker works it assumes the names of items are unique.
  2. Might be, I know there's a huge mountain I've got to live up to nowadays. In the past I've decided to not upload them (yet) as there were excellent alternatives. However as those alternatives aren't there anymore I'm going to upload my own data now :). There are however a few changes: I'm approaching xp-rates from a statistical approach. This allows people to easily add an "efficiency factor". And on top of that it is more natural, when gaming you're interested in the items/hour. Not in the exact ticks. These sheets can take "inefficciency" into account. Also by using scripts instead of hard-coded tables to look up the GE data it is much more easy to expand might there be a big update (to either the GE or a training option), as well as a few extra features. (Think about automatic sorting, level-based methods). Thanks for checking though :) @grimy_bunyip: Macros in a cloud-based environment, are ALL executed server sided. So there's no data execution at your PC ever, and hence no security risk at all. (Heck I can't even show an alert box if something went wrong). The worst thing a macro can do is screw it's own sheet (like putting weird data in the cells). But if you don't trust that, well sorry not much I can do then. The code is already "there" if you copy the sheet, you can look into the code.
  3. [hide]Over the almost 10 years I've played runescape I've made dozens of spreadsheets for personal use. Those were always written in excel with a lot of dependance on MACRO's. This meant a lot of user knowlenge was needed for using those sheets. Not many actually participated and downloaded them (sadly). Now I've had some spare time, decided to learn about google docs (and their scripting language) and decided to start converting them. In this post I'll gradually add more and more sheets to cover basic aspects of runescape. The spreadsheets posted here will depend a lot on those google scripts. (No code is executed though, everything is handled server sided). Using scripts has a few big advantages over the common "importhtml" you see in other sheets: cleaner editing. - Scripts provide a way to handle data "out of sight", also as the importing isn't hard coded you don't have to update the html queries ever. This is all done silently Prevents limitations. - Google had the max 50 html queries limitation on spreadsheets. With these scripts at all time only 2 queries are used. More precise. - Without scripts you are limited in handling the data from queries, and you can only hope jagex doesn't do a small update to the GE database.[/hide] How to use? Spreadsheets are "easy" to use. As everything is handled server side, though there are some tricks. Alls spreadsheets will be mostly self explanatory. IE in the "prayer spreadsheet" you'll see a column with the names "total time needed" - obviously you want to minimize this, and the best method would be the lowest value here. If you wish to edit the spreadsheet go to file -> make a copy. (Need a google account for this). Once you have a copy you can do a few things: Blue cells are meant to edit. white cells are the main results you can use gray cells are "place holders". green cells are "conclusions". Prices will update everytime you open the sheet. One can force a manual update by looking into the menu "update" (next to help). Or by selecting the "update" cell/button. Many efficiency sheets use a "efficiency factor" cell. This should be your personal number on how good you compare to "best", a factor of "1" indicates you gain the generally accepted max number of items / hour. - 0.5 would mean you only get half that number. Normally 0.9-0.95 are good numbers. Errors Google spreadsheets (and especially app scripts) are still in beta, quite a few errors might happen. I'll handle a few here: Prices don't update This is hard to pinpoint, but probably comes from a lag on the GE database. Not much I can do, other than advising you to click the button again to update prices. Cells show "#thinking" constantly #thinking is normal, it happens when you open a spreadsheet, or make a copy. However Sometimes lag prevents the thinking to end. If it persist more than 10 seconds simply press F5. Cells show "#name" This is a proble when creating copies: sometimes it doesn't copy the scripts. You'll have to go back to the original and recopy the sheet. Closing notes I'd really like to know what you suggest/think about these sheets. And if you like you may suggest a spreadsheet you'll like to see added. on request, below is the code for the app scripts - I will post this in a seperate topic later maybe, so others can use it (once I find the time to write an explanation): [hide] function myButFunc() { var s = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("prayer"); var t1 = 8; var i = t1; while (s.getRange(i,1).getValue() != "" ) { i += 1; } if ( i == t1 ) return; var r = s.getRange(t1,1,i-t1,1); var s2 = SpreadsheetApp.getActiveSpreadsheet().getSheetByName("tmp"); GetGEPrice(r, r.offset(0,4), s2); var t1 = 8; var i = t1; while (s.getRange(i,11).getValue() != "" ) { i += 1; } if ( i == t1 ) return; var r = s.getRange(t1,11,i-t1,1); GetGEPrice(r, r.offset(0,1), s2); } function GetGEPrice(InRange, PriceRange, temp_sheet) { var temprange = temp_sheet.getRange("a1") var items = InRange.getValues(); var item_num = items.length; var str = ""; var ItemsperPage = 20; var maxSearch = 10; var baseUrl = "http://services.runescape.com/m=itemdb_rs/results.ws?query="; var item_iter = 0; var item_string = ""; do { var n = 0; while (item_iter < item_num && n < 10) { item_string += "+%22" + (items[item_iter][0]).replace(/\+/g,"*")+"%22"; n += 1; item_iter += 1; } var top = baseUrl + item_string; temp_sheet.getRange("g1").setFormula("=ImportData(\""+top+"\")"); temp_sheet.getRange("h1").setValue("<div id=\"search_results_text\">"); temp_sheet.getRange("h2").setFormula("=match(h1,G:G,0)"); SpreadsheetApp.flush(); if (!temp_sheet.getRange("h2").getValue()) { alert("not all data could be loaded"); break; } var tstr = temp_sheet.getRange(temp_sheet.getRange("h2").getValue() + 1,7).getValue(); var page_num = Number(tstr.match(/^\s*\d+\s/))/ItemsperPage+1; var found_item = ""; var ind = 0; var found = false; for (var cur_num = 1; cur_num <= page_num; cur_num += 1) { str = baseUrl + item_string + "&page=" + cur_num; temprange.setFormula("=ImportHtml(\""+str+"\",\"table\",2)"); SpreadsheetApp.flush(); for (var i = 0; i < ItemsperPage; i += 1) { found_item = temp_sheet.getRange(2 + i, 2).getValue(); if (found_item == "") break; found = false; for (var j = 0; !found && j < item_num; j += 1) { tstr = items[j][0]; if (tstr == found_item) { found = true; PriceRange.offset(j,0,1,1).setValue(UnformatNumber(temp_sheet.getRange(2 + i, 3).getValue())); } } } } temp_sheet.clear(); } while (item_iter < item_num); } function UnformatNumber(str) { if (typeof str == "number") return str; str = str.replace(/,/g,""); var re = /^(\s*([-+]?)(\d*\.?\d+)\s*([bmk]?))(.*)$/i; var result = ""; var n = 0; var t = 0; var s = 1; while (result = re[Caution: Executable File]c(str), result) { if (result[2] == "-") { s *= -1; } t = s*Number(result[3]); switch (result[4]) { case "B": case "b": t *= 1000000000; break; case "M": case "m": t *= 1000000; break; case "K": case "k": t *= 1000; break; default: if (result[3].length != str.length) { t = 0; } break; } n+=t; str = result[5]; } return n; } function onOpen() { myButFunc(); } [/hide] Thanks for reading, and happy gaining levels, Paul Weijtens
  4. You just keep coming back each major update, and sometimes you find the fun in playing again.
  5. By all means go ahead and visit them. I don't really understand how this relates to the sex offender registry though. I mean it's silly to measure with 2 measurements. Sex offenders are worse than murderers? - Violent robbers? - Or people participating in enslavery?
  6. Rmember, you loose 10% xp per dieing... However if you can complete the dungeong 4 minutes faster by simply letting everyone die once, it's faster xp / hour.
  7. Well MTK is VERY slow (as in, total time needed, not for time spend though). Farming - I'm going to wait till herbs stabalize, got 2k snapdragon to sell still. I personally always like seeing my money pile slowly but steadily grow. Hence I did rc back in 2007 a lot (And I only did boss hunting for fun, often lost much more than I earned on trips). But I more or less just wanted to know what those numbers were for a reference. To see how well TD's will go, TD's do earn if you're unlucky and don't get claws don't they?
  8. I have a hatred against muslims, can I visit their houses too? It's unfortunate, but sadly I dislike muslims who committed crimes.
  9. High level skilling (ever since ghraahking was added) is simply something I can't even consider anymore. Anyways, just for references: what are the expected profits should I go (blue/green) dragon hunting? - And what about the barrows?
  10. How is that any different from murder? Or human slavery, violence based on racism etc etc? Same reasoning could be said for each and any crime. But sexual related crimes are a taboo in western society - why? And why are well educated people let themself being influenced by taboos?
  11. After the ritual they became lv 350... (right clicking) Interesting lucien only grew from 750 to 800 :P
  12. About billrach: I suggest speaking to ali the wise after the quest. He'll give a thorough indication of what happened.
  13. It's Robert the Strong. >.> - I know that.. But we have to speak to robert when he's not in cat form. Where or when can we find him, and present to him the notes? Really this seems like a quick sequel has to turn up, otherwise: why present these notes NOW to the player?
  14. There simply has to be something the notes + necklace can do.. "bob not in cat form" - what or who is that?
  15. Those things aren't usefull at all. Or are you saying while everything got more expensive since 5 years ago, you make way less money with skilling - and that is normal? If less money is earned globally it's only normal that all prices drop.
  16. They were at 25k last night... they may go back up but not over 40k for a long time now. just tried to sell 1k torstol, not instant selling at 20k ea atm.
  17. Well I have extremes.. And *can* get unicorns (got charms). I'm spending omney on 95 herb, pray & summon. Just to keep track where I lost the game a few years ago.
  18. So, let me get this straight: You can only start making money AFTER you have all the expensive things out of the way? - IE: you don't need more money apart from novelty features? Really apart from merchanting, is there nothing a player can do to actually get those more expensive things done? These days all the "easy" money makers are a thing of the past. Bots made sure of that. There's really nothing, apart from farming, that really makes anything close to decent. uhm so what can someone do then.. Who just started?
  19. So, let me get this straight: You can only start making money AFTER you have all the expensive things out of the way? - IE: you don't need more money apart from novelty features? Really apart from merchanting, is there nothing a player can do to actually get those more expensive things done?
  20. Well are there any boss (teams) which I can do without overloads/curses/unicorn?
  21. Well you got to earn those items in the first place. I have about 30M cash. Maybe 40 if I sell some surplus items. Lending claws doesn't really make faster money than the drop of claw price I fear.
  22. Last I head solo dks was only profitable (nowadays) with a yak - I'm far away from that still. A unicorn I might gain sometime, I've already got the charms for a unicorn "banked". Would a unicorn be better to get or 95 prayer first?
  23. Hi there, My combat stats are in the mid - 90s. Apart from prayer, summoning + herblore (can use extremes now though). I have a tortoise as best familair, prayer is 86. I do own a chaotic rapier and have enough to buy a second chaotic. I'm specifically looking for a method to raise my cash so I can fund above 3 skills. What I tried: frost dragons - Way too many bots nowadays tormented demons - either I got terribly unlucky, but I haven't had any good drop there. Besides all things it drops are crashing hard, I fear the moment I finally understand them well the drops are under the ground. Merchanting - Problem with this is that I have the tendency of "disappear" suddenly, from the one day on the other I have to quit. I can't sell my stuff than anymore so only long term profits can be gained. Which with the current way how rs works, is terrible. Boss hunting - Wish I could do this, but I'm never accepted for the real profitable bosses. Because I got no money/skills. Slayer - Well got me so far. However it is slow money and i"m looking 2-3 years ahead for 95 prayer there. What other effective methods exist nowadays? Is green dragon bot farming any good? I'm looking at more or less 2M+ hourly, as that were my profits before I last quitted with frost dragons.
  24. There is no discussion whatsoever about roberts necklace, does anyone know what to do with it? - Or even the slightest idea? Weird you receive so many "destroyable items", which serve no use in the quest at all.
  25. @mirror: [hide]For the first: just take melee pray and you should be able to gain 0 dmg. Take prayer boosting outfit, maybe a bunyip to help surviving might you find yourself stuck. (Remember always to get out of the ice BEFORE starting to eat). For the second demons: I just took strong defense, prayed mage and kept hitting 1. Maybe take a terrorbird for extra food, and use piety + magic pray at all times to speed this up[/hide]
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