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Everything posted by Nanosauromo

  1. There's still the issue about the ammunition. I've tried chiselling frog bones in attempt to make bone bolts, but it was no use. :( ROFLMFAO!!! It's called a "Crossbow" for a reason, so you can use normal bolts You are an idiot. The BOne Xbow needs special bolts for it, like Karil's.
  2. Yup... looks like nobody wants to play.
  3. How ironic that the player in Jagex's quest page is wearing HAM robes.
  4. Excellent! It's on thursday now! I slept through it today.
  5. So I guess nobody else is interested, then?
  6. Banned for liking soccer. (Or football, whatever.)
  7. That's nothing. Try dropping something while you're sitting in the chair:
  8. elemental talisman Woot! 300th post!
  9. 5/10. Sorry, I just hate japanese cartoons.
  10. Mafia is a very fun role-playing game that I play on another forum. (SWGB Heaven, if you must know.) How it works: There are two sides: Town and Mafia. Each side's goal is to kill all members of the other side. Each night the mafia chooses one player to kill. Each day the players vote on who to "lynch," or kill. The goal of daytime activites is to lynch a scum. (Mafia member or otherwise anti-town role). A slmple majority is needed. A player can also vote for there to be no lynch. There are also numerous special roles, but since this is a mini-mafia, there will only be the most basic ones. Here are the roles for this game: Town side: 1 Cop - can investigate 1 player each night to find out their role. 1 Doctor - can protect 1 player from killings each night. 1 Priest - cannot be killed at night, and can only vote no-lynch. 1 Vigilante - at any one night in the game can choose to kill one player. 1 Governor - at any one day in the game can prevent the lynching for that day. 4 Townie - powerless, can only vote for the day's lynching Mafia side: 1 Godfather - Sends in the mafia's night choice. Can't be found guilty by the Cop. Can talk to other Mafia members at night and outside the game thread. 2 Mafia - Can talk to other Mafia members at night and outside the game thread. ROLES ARE GIVEN OUT RANDOMLY! DO NOT ASK FOR A SPECIFIC ROLE! Rules: You may only role-claim if you have more than half the votes required for lynching counting against you. For example, if there are 11 players left (thus needing 6 votes for a lynch), you can't roleclaim until 3 or more votes agianst you. No quoting your role pm! No talking to other players about the game outside the game thread unless your role says you may do so! No posting in the game thread at night! Breaking a rule once will get you a warning, twice will get you killed. Now, on to the signups! Simply post that you want to play and once we have 12 players I will PM you your roles. Then, once everyone comfirms, we will begin the game on night one. Players: grg06 chaosmage If you need a recap, go here.
  11. MAC OWNS!! BILL GATES IS NOOB!!! *ahem* Yes, Mac is great for graphix work, but all I've made is this pixel sig. Made entirely in AppleWorks, over the course of about a week.
  12. It's excellent for Bloodveld tasks.
  13. I know of several. It's just that they don't work on Macintosh.
  14. These are just a few. I'm always making more. These are from a Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy set I'm making. You probably won't get the jokes if you don't know how to play Magic or haven't read Hitchhiker's. What do you think? I'm taking orders for custom cards.
  15. World 42! It's my old homeworld, and it's the Answer to Life, the Universe, and Everything!
  16. Wow, this is great. It's like a word, that lets you pass into your account. What should we call it? I know, maybe.... A PASSWORD!!! :roll:
  17. This HAS to be Archive of Wisdom-ified. Someone drag Leesters away from the Dag Kings!
  18. The BEATLES will never be too old! (you spelled them wrong)
  19. All wrong! Cursed You was having a party for lvl 99 construction. He booted everyone from his house. For some reason, some booted people could attack people outside and their victims were unable to retaliate. Durial321 did the most damage. He went around Falador ice barraging people.
  20. 6/10. The idea is pretty good, but it's a bit 2D.
  21. Congratulations! In addition to triple-posting, you have gone against what makes runescape unique: lack of combat classes! Way to go, moron!
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