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Everything posted by Nanosauromo

  1. I love that theme song! Commandos, probably battling evil And each is sold seperately Fighting, against the forces of evil Buy all out playsets and toys!
  2. A friend of mine whose brother works at a movie theater got to see it early. He says that it sucked and a lot of stuff was left out. I'm going to see it anyway.
  3. ... That's the water alter the R2H guy is crafting at, you idiots.
  4. Or perhaps *gasp* it's the water alter.....
  5. The new spell (healing): at lvl 75 or so magic, you would be able to cast a spell that would heal its target. This could only be cast on other players. The new prayer: (protect friends): Lvl 65, prayer, I think. This would provide partial damage prevention from all sources to everyone on your friends list, or who is wearing the same team cape, in the immediate area. Basically, all the green and blue dots on you minimap would be protected. However, you can't move or retaliate to attacks with this prayer active. Opinions?
  6. I use runehq sometimes. Sorry, crew, but they have better quest guides, and the city guides really come in handy sometimes. However, RuneHQ hurts my eyes to look at.
  7. "Choob Joke word for a high level who acts like a noob" "Froob High Level Noob" "Noob New Player" Strange how all of these are wrong....
  8. So what DVDs do all you crazy TipIters have? Here are mine: Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure Bill and Ted's Bogus Jounrey Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope Star Wars Episode V: The Empire Strikes Back Star Wars Episode VI: Return of the Jedi The Fellowship of the Ring (extended) The Two Towers (extended) The Return of the King (extended) The Beatles' A Hard Day's Night Pirates of the Caribbean Spy Kids 2 Spy Kids 3 Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban Jurassic Park The Lost World Jurassic Park III The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy The Haunted Mansion Big Fish Shrek Shrek 2 Holes School of Rock Spiderman Spiderman 2 The Incredibles This is just my personal collection; my whole family has much more.
  9. Wooooah, dude! This is a most excellent movie! It is my favorite movie of all time. Who else likes it?
  10. I want the power of Morphing! I wouldn't need flight powers, I can just turn into a bird. I wouldn't need to be invisible, I can just turn into a bug.
  11. Whoops, heh heh heh... Stupid Jadex and their annoying blockage of direct links. Anyway, that's a map which shows where the portals are. It's in the KB. Knowledge Base >> Miscelanious Guides >> Transportation >> Miscelanious methods. Hope that helps.
  12. I have found D's guide to 1-item duplication the most helpful. Yay for bank markers!
  13. I admit, It can seem pretty odd to someone who's not used to TBC's style of humor.
  14. Found it. Best clue I ever did, also. Got a guthix kite, zammy page, rune long and baxe, and 44 nats!
  15. Straight from the Knowledge Base: I expected better of you, leesters.
  16. The guide says It's by SW of the Agility course, but with the graphix update they took out the volconaoes! Can someone post a pic of where this is?
  17. Isn't it odd how the landscape just stops abruptly a few hundred yards from you, dissapearing into blackness? In many video games, there is a "distance fog." Basically there is a layer of fog on the edge of what is visible, obscuring the line "edge of the world." This might be hard to impliment in Java, but it would make the game look better.
  18. Then why is it tiny? I'm the guy with the fez and red cape.
  19. This was a fun event, lemmie tell ya. Throughout the trip Cdub kept shouting out "news flashes" about how nobody should bail and about how awesome he is. Also, Trojann2 is quitting runescape? NOO! Why? Can I have your stuff? At the end, it was just me, Pjtomboy, Mirrorforced, Me4391 and Bobby1167. We had a "survovor" game where people kept getting voted off, then refusing to leave. Yup, that was me. :twisted:
  20. This was a fun event, lemmie tell ya. Throughout the trip Cdub kept shouting out "news flashes" about how nobody should bail and about how awesome he is. Also, Trojann2 is quitting runescape? NOO! Why? Can I have your stuff? At the end, it was just me, Pjtomboy, Mirrorforced, and Bobby1167. We had a "survovor" game where people kept getting voted off, then refusing to leave.
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