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Everything posted by Nanosauromo

  1. Awwww how sweet. :) But how'd you manage to do that without knocking the hats off?
  2. Friends don't let friends drink and fish.
  3. There's only so much you can do in an in-browser Java game. Wrong forum, by the way.
  4. Excellent. Now, how do you get the throne outside of the house?
  5. Just drop it whilst sitting in a chair.
  6. Woot, i am in all the screenies! I'm the blond guy in purple and a chompy hat. I didn't take any myself. Laikrob was late. Apparently she got abducted by Evil Bob. After the wedding, at Valor's house, I single-handedly tried to cabbage-bomb the house. It didn't work very well. I had fun.
  7. That's nothing. Check out what happens when you overdose on Fruit Gushers:
  8. So... what time is this in California? Sometimes living on the west coast bugs me.....
  9. isn't that on the dungeon man game on homestarrunner.com if so: c00k13z pl0x, if not: :oops: *gives cookie*
  10. I think that when you get 99 in a skill, you should be rewarded with a cape with that skill's icon on it. So you can show off your achivement. What do you think?
  11. Cookies for whoever knows what that's referencing.
  12. We need a spot where all the tipiters can go to alch stuff, just to be together. Any ideas where?
  13. Dude, take a screenshot of the floating bug in high detail!
  14. Replace the fish in the meat department with the fish in the pet department, and vice verca.
  15. I have a small head I sculped that I might post.
  16. NO! You'll be praying, and initiate gives better prayer bonus than monk.
  17. :shock: Anywho, sounds fun. Can't wait until I'm able to do that.
  18. The invasion is coming.... Go Jesus! Go Jesus! anyone remember the stretchy heads bug? Long live the Punk Princes!!!!!!
  19. Look again man, it's in there.
  20. Not To Mention 3/4 of the quests Minigames Boss monsters Tons of cool equipment 2/3 of the map But yeah, you ought to try the free game first.
  21. My hand still hurts from making all those little rings on his chainmail.
  22. Check again, moron.... Mary Magdlene was Jesus's wife. Yes, he married someone with the same first name as his mom.
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