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Everything posted by Nanosauromo

  1. *kills raven* I demand you remove that!!!
  2. First, learn to spell. Then, learn to punctuate, Then try to accurately explain what your problem is.
  3. Yeah, it's one of the shorts. Basically, Strong Sad and the Cheat made a music video for They Might Be Giants. Pretty cool.
  4. Those stupid wild dogs in the Brimhaven dungneon. I came here to fight demons, not dogs!
  5. Only 8 more hours! It's at 7:00 for me, and at that time my parents and sister will be at a wedding! Perfect!
  6. Yeah, that email gets great when Strong Bad starts making up things that never happened. Also, this may seem odd, but my favorite thing on the site has to be Experimental Film. I just can't get that song out of my head.
  7. How can you not like these? Post your favorite toons, games and emails! http://www.homestarrunner.com
  8. Okay, so in this dream, I'm sitting in my English class, watching an old 1950's cartoon about baseball. Somehow this cartoon relates to this big "I-Search" research project that we're being forced to do. My friend in the class (who I have a bit of a crush on) is wearing a viking helmet, and is falling asleep. What does it mean?
  9. I just got bored one day and googled "runescape." Clicked on the 3rd result and there I was.
  10. Me and my friends have a LOT of inside jokes, most of which make no since. Such as: Kyle's hat contains the Heathen Spirits, which give him ultimite power. There are four ways of hitting someone: with Physics (hitting with a textbook), Chemistry (squirting any liquid on them), Technology (scratching them with a phone), and Geology (hitting them with a rock). Nathan is God simply because of his white hair. Audrey controls everything in the Universe except for her own body. I do not exist; I am a figimentation of my own imagination. The list goes on and on.
  11. "Greetings, my excellent friends!" :D :D :D I first knew George Carlin as "Mr Conductor," the narrator of the Thomas the Tank Engine series. Ever since I saw him in Bill and Ted's Excellent Adventure, he's been awesome to me.
  12. I am soooo tired of this. http://tip.it/runescape/?page=treasure_trails.htm Click on "treasure locator" on the right side.
  13. So why is it so bad to have a cannon down there?
  14. There is a zombie mask from leo, and the event is f2p so the emotes are also f2p. Please check your info before you give out wrong info, idiot.
  15. Yes, leesters, there are 2 spots on Entrana where you can see wepons-allowed places. One is by the hops patch; you can see the little island from Sea Slug quest. The other is by the law alter, you can see the area south of Tavelry. Not sure if you can telegrab tho.
  16. What the heck, instead of emailing, I'll just post mine: Am I cool or what?
  17. I've seen an option to catch whales... And an option to commit suicide. :? And of course the "P/\/\FG \/\/3 |\|33[) [)@RG0|\|$ 2 R1[)3 0|\|!!!!!111111111!1!!11111ONE" suggestions. Leetspeak translation: Pmfg we need dragons to ride on!
  18. Bannana...... pancakes? And everyone in runescape is right handed.... except for archers. They're lefties.
  19. Oh by the way, i didn't inclued my name in the email... My pic is coming from [email protected].
  20. Mine's in the mail. A suggestion you might want to label the thing by rows like so: Row 1: Bob, Carl, Jimmy, Frank Row 2: Chris, Joe, Josh, Dave. Et Cetera.
  21. No, that's not it. You give the guys 27 noted ess, they give you 27 laws.
  22. http://tip.it/runescape/?page=treasure_trails.htm#coord Scroll down to "coordinates" Then plug your coords into the locator (top of page) go to the spot, and dig.
  23. Same here. I can't wait for this "Easier for slower machines to use high detial" update. Of course, it could just by my Mac-ness thats messing it up.
  24. 1. Go to tip.it's homepage. 2. Click on "treasure trails" on the left side of the page. 3. Click on "TipIt treasure locator." 4. Plug in your coordinates and hit enter. 5. Go to the indicated spot on the map?
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