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Everything posted by Nanosauromo

  1. I had a lot of fun with that bug. I have a ton of screenshots if anyone wahts to see em.
  2. I agree. It's so annoying having to click around the monsters.
  3. Why can't we post screenshots?
  4. Woah, sounds awesome... Can anyone post screenshots of the chaos?
  5. Would it be worth it for me to make a new account just to see this new stuff?
  6. I'm at the part where I have to catch the sluglings. I take the net to the fishing icon on the map, and.... there's no fishing spot!! What do I do?
  7. That was me who hyt'd you. :D Howdy. Yeah, it bugs me how every non-tipiter on world 9 hates our guts. I don't get it. We need a homeworld, why not world 9?
  8. Ghosts Ahoy bedsheed + magic easter egg = bug city baby!!!!!!! Tet st paddys day event. And now... the craziest clan of all... the PUNK PRINCES!!!!1!!!111111!11111ONE Man oh man that was a fun day.
  9. There isn't really one quest. THe books come from horror from the deep quest, the god armors com from treasure trails or buying form other players, and the spells and staffs from the mage arena. Bonuses are pretty much the same, just the equipment is differant colors.
  10. Yeah, I know. I realized I forgot the border just as I finished uploading and posting it.
  11. You're forgetting that Karil and Ahrim aren't in the contest.
  12. I realize it's kind of empty, but i thought I should start simple. I am not very good at drawing really small stuff. And yeah, the cape does look odd. It's too bright. Looks like it's inside out.
  13. This is an idea for making swords with magic powers. First take any gem and use it on an anvil to smash it. Then take the smashed gem to a furnace and melt it into a sword mold. Then enchant it with the jewlery enchant spells. Sapphire sword = sword of water Emerald sword = sword of earth Ruby sword = sword of fire Diamond sword = sword of air They could be used in melee combat, but could also be used to cast spells of the specific element. (albeit with more runes than usual) They would of course need really high lvls to make. What do you think?
  14. People are saying that I didn't really shade it, I just used a gradient tool. Well, I did shade it. I made the layers of differant colors, from light to dark, etc. But then I used the "blend" tool to sort of morph the colors into each other. If that's against the "10 commandments of pixel art" or whatever, i'm sorry. I'll try to avoid the blend button next time.
  15. Just bring a weapon (preferably a dds) and use protect from mage. You'll own him.
  16. I used neither paint, windows image editor, photoshop, or gimp. I used AppleWorks. Ah, the glory of using a Mac. :)
  17. And there is the compleated pixel sig! How do yall like it?
  18. How can you say that, when your own sig-dude doesn't have a nose?
  19. You could at least spell my name right.
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