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Everything posted by Nanosauromo

  1. You must have timed out while fighting the thing, and since you can't log out in there, you must have got teleported back outside.
  2. LIGHTSABERS!! :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:
  3. Messed around with the water a bit, and colored and shaded/textured the sand. What should I put behind the beach? Houses, grass, trees, etc.?
  4. Holy Fudge, that is freaking awesome!!
  5. Ya really wanna know what I think? *quickly dons anti-flame shield* 2/10. The propotrions are all wrong, your perspective is seriously ****ed up, and that's not shading. Those are badly done shadows.
  6. Seriously, why do so many of the topics in this forum have titles made of leetspeak?
  7. Main post updated with the next stage of drawing. Watcha think?
  8. Looking at it, It feels like my computer screen is melting........
  9. Well, whats the air speed velocity of an unlaiden Swallow? What kind of swallow? African or European?
  10. Make sure you're on a members server. :wink:
  11. You're saying you're using high detail, and no getting no sound? Make sure you have your RS volume turned up (wrench menu) and you have your speakers turned on. Either that, or you're using a Mac. (like me.)
  12. Creative liscense, man. Artists can mess with reality to make a better painting.
  13. There's a rope swing on the beach there. I think you have to bring your own rope.
  14. A "search" option for the bank would be cool, but seriously, how many people in runescape (remember the majority is aged 12-15) can remember how to spell "adamant battleaxe" or "tz-ket-ak"?
  15. Who ever said it was a swordfish? Kidding. Yeah, I need to make it a bit longer.
  16. Don't double post, please. There is an edit button for a reason.
  17. Tell what u think! Constructive criticism is appreciated!
  18. Fiyce is in Rantz's cave in Feldip Hills. You might remember her from the Chompy quest.
  19. 37 views and 2 replies, one of which is mine. Bah humbug.
  20. 2 things I can't draw to save my life: shoes and hands. The hair is shaded, It's just that the colors are really similar. I'll have to change that. About the arms getting wider toward's the wrist.. that's his sleeves hanging down.
  21. What do you think? I still gotta add a lot, like the fish and the background. I need help shading his hands. Also I want his to make his face less... evil.
  22. I was wondering if anyone else does what I do. If I need some runes, I go craft them. If I need some arrows, I go fletch them. If I need some coal, I mine it. If i need some fish, I catch them. Is anyone else like me?
  23. Wait wait wait.... They added a cutscene to Romeo and Juliet? Hot dog I might make a noob account just to go see that.
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