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Everything posted by Hevendor_Guy

  1. O yeah because this: should make us all think PKers aren't to be teased! :P :lol: 1) Learn the difference between your E key and your A key. First 3 letters of my name aren't that hard. 2) Sorry for expressing my opinion, god forbid I do that eh? And quite truly, it is when RS died, it lost its uniqueness. No other game had PvP where you got the other's loot in such a widespread area (BH is flawed but I'm afraid it's the best we'll ever get unless the RWT crusades end). PvP worlds healed this extremely slightly (WoW has the same experience without the loot), but old wild will always be wanted more.
  2. You idiot. :roll: Thread is several months old and hasn't been replied to in weeks. Someone can make a new one if they want ideas that badly.
  3. ^ Pker joke is unamusing. Lol'ing at the extreme prejudice of this entire forum against pkers :lol:
  4. Baxtorian rumble interested me more than halloween :lol:
  5. My question about switching prayers visually is answered, i need answer to this new question: Can you also change prayers to melee if you hear that his magic/range attack hits you? I never claimed that i was a EXPERT/PRO at TzTok-Jad. I just made guide about prayer switching that involves using range to kill TzTok-Jad. There is not many players who melee TzTok-Jad for Fire cape, as that is hard. I don't like wasting my time, so i don't wanna go and get killed by TzTok-Jad so i look for relevant information before i do something. That's why i made this thread, to get information about his melee attack. That way i can develop a prayer switching training and then add it to my guide. But i pretty much got it figured out now, and i have trained on a method before i made this thread. I have claimed that my guide works excellent, and i have proved it by doing fight cave 4 times and killing jad 4 times. But i never claimed that i had a prayer switching method for melee, neither did i say it was wise to use melee if your after Fire cape. So the "Lol" does not go for me, but you. : Stop spamming. 1) Wasn't spamming, simply voicing my opinion. Thanks. 2) Prayer-switching is all inclusive. Get hit by selected style, switch to melee. This isn't difficult. 3) Please try not to come off as so pompous. You really are not that clever; the "lol" pertains to you and only you.
  6. I do PK. Stated that in the other thread. You sir, must not be able to read or something. Better get that checked on...hope its not contagious. Anyway. I do PK (repeated for retention). I've seen these "Honor PKers." They want me to play buy their rules? I think not. Even with "No Prayers Allowed" how the hell am I to know you aren't using Piety? Food only, no Pots...how am I to know you don't have Barbarian Pots (animation's the same...wouldn't be able to tell). I trust no one except my Clanmates and a select few friends. When I see this kind of behavior, I see liars trying to lure me out of my earned equipment. No Thanks. Good luck finding some that will line up for your knock out, cuz it sure as hell isn't going to be me. Whoo, retort time again already? 1) You pk with THOSE stats? :lol: 2) "No prayers" means the protect-from-style prayers, not all prayers. :roll: 3) Who in their right mind would fight WITHOUT potions? That's a deathwish. 4) Don't want to be "lured"? Or knocked out? Good, then get the hell out of PvP worlds. Edit: As a final post on this [cabbage]hole of a thread, I'd guess that 95% of this forum is made of skillers. NONE of you know the first thing about pking. You believe that anything goes is the ultimatum of the rules, when in fact it makes pking not worth it. If both players fight, safe, pray, and run, NO ONE WOULD GET ANYTHING. Your definition of pking is a lose-lose situation, and perhaps that's why you hate it so much. I don't safe or pray because I don't want my opponent to; I want an exciting fight that I can go "Damn that was fun" whether I live or die. If you care about item loss, don't pk. If you care about slightly altering your fighting style to actually give the fight an element of variety and a chance of it ending in someone's death, turn off your protect from melee. Let your health drop below 75%. Don't slam the tab when your chances look bleak. Fight to the death and have fun doing it. And, if making the match a 0-fest and a stalemate is fun to you, don't drag real pkers down with you. Your "honor code" is complete BS. A farce pulled out of your [wagon] to troll pkers and make an argument appealing to the skiller-engorged forum that this is. I'm headed back to RSC, at least more than 10ish people know a few things about pking there.
  7. Not a good start. It's a perfectly good start. Gets the idiots out. OT: An EXCELLENT defense of why the "honor system" as some call it exists. I agree that if these super-cautious tactics persist, then we'll need a metagame. Most pkers will refrain from eating above ko potential (for the most part, I try to stay just a bit above my opponent's max but since I DH pk I kind of have to stay low-ish :mrgreen:), and that makes those fights both exciting and (usually) worth the effort. I assure you soma knows plenty about PKing if he's made this extensive of a writing about it. You assume he is new to it, when clearly he isn't.
  8. Or it's a semi-cleverly disguised money sink. The new armours being the only thing hampering it, but without those not many would feel PvP worlds are worth it. I believe you mean Joe the fisher. Or perhaps Dan the herblorist. Rick the chef? :lol:
  9. I hope I meet you somewhere in a PvP world and show you what a real pker thinks of "fools" like you. Let's just say your teleports, summons, prayers, and safe bank won't save you. :ohnoes: :^o :lol: Emotes. Real clever...reassures me that you are indeed the scum that pollutes PvP worlds.
  10. I hope I meet you somewhere in a PvP world and show you what a real pker thinks of "fools" like you. Let's just say your teleports, summons, prayers, and safe bank won't save you. Luring? If you're stupid enough to fall for it, oh well. Logging out? Gotta run or tab out for that, and people will hate you for it, but anyone who drags on complaints is just a wuss and looking for easy kills. Everyone will say at least something be it "Sad", "Wtf?", "Wow", etc. but to drag such complaints over your opponent leaving is pathetic.
  11. Perfect example, although most use protect item and just carry something else to compensate for risk factor in loot (when I pk I carry 75k cash because I don't skull as a dharoker, and that cash is to both my and my opponent's benefit). Agreed. Proves my opinion further: skillers don't know [cabbage] about pking. Obviously they use food, nearly everyone uses prayer (boosters, not protectors save protect item), very few people use summoning. And you can do anything you can to win without being a douchebag, ie not tabbing out, not praying against your opponent's attack style, keeping your fight agreements, etc.
  12. [hide=Quote Wall] Funny, you feel you can make such a big assertion while admitting you don't pk much? :roll: It's not so much an honor code as it is just plain respect. Praying in a fight will make no one fight you. Rushing will piss people off (and generally they ditch their usual gear in order to switch to something else to beat the [cabbage] out of you with). Tabbing out is just plain sad (running not so much, with the whole timer and all some will still dislike you for it but the same hatred for tabbers isn't there). Basically, if you wouldn't want the other guy to do it, don't do it. This is a guideline within reason of course, and that's basically all pkers really ask for (additional 'rules' are agreed to before the fight, usually). I REALLY don't understand why so many people in this forum think the "honor code" of pking is "stupid", "an excuse", "sad", etc. when really it's just common decency and respect. These are rules both players agree to before they start a fight. Ofcourse they should both keep their promises and not tele or whatever they decided to not do. In a game that is all about luck these rules are kinda necessary. You want a fair fight, and so does your opponent. You may think you are smart by using prayers and safing, but how fair is that towards your opponent who does neither of those things? Now that's honor, keeping the promises you and another player made. I know it's just a game, but there are real people behind every character who deserve to get some respect and honor from you. You are free to do whatever you like to do, but don't pk if you are going to try to win a fight by breaking your promises. That's just sad. This man understands where I'm coming from. So is that a :thumbup: for you? [/hide] No, that's a "You're a moron and have no idea what you're talking about".
  13. Funny, you feel you can make such a big assertion while admitting you don't pk much? :roll: It's not so much an honor code as it is just plain respect. Praying in a fight will make no one fight you. Rushing will piss people off (and generally they ditch their usual gear in order to switch to something else to beat the [cabbage] out of you with). Tabbing out is just plain sad (running not so much, with the whole timer and all some will still dislike you for it but the same hatred for tabbers isn't there). Basically, if you wouldn't want the other guy to do it, don't do it. This is a guideline within reason of course, and that's basically all pkers really ask for (additional 'rules' are agreed to before the fight, usually). I REALLY don't understand why so many people in this forum think the "honor code" of pking is "stupid", "an excuse", "sad", etc. when really it's just common decency and respect. These are rules both players agree to before they start a fight. Ofcourse they should both keep their promises and not tele or whatever they decided to not do. In a game that is all about luck these rules are kinda necessary. You want a fair fight, and so does your opponent. You may think you are smart by using prayers and safing, but how fair is that towards your opponent who does neither of those things? Now that's honor, keeping the promises you and another player made. I know it's just a game, but there are real people behind every character who deserve to get some respect and honor from you. You are free to do whatever you like to do, but don't pk if you are going to try to win a fight by breaking your promises. That's just sad. This man understands where I'm coming from.
  14. The very reason why skillers don't need to PvP. No mutual respect for fighters whatsoever. Safing? Dumb to do. Food noob? Didja pull that one out of your [wagon]? Pray noob? No one will fight you, have fun resorting to rushing and being hated. Poorer pkers? Poorer pkers are the ones who use these cheap and irritating tactics such as praying and tabbing out.
  15. Thrill of the fight and joy of the kill. Drops are like a garnish on a good steak of PKing. :thumbup:
  16. Yeah, 'cause we can control luck. :roll: You're the kind of kid who thinks he's smart in pking but is actually just the scum of it. Fight to the death or you're no better than a 1-itemer. Even when I fight in rune/whip (I usually DH, carrying 75k to compensate risk) in which I lose ~100k+ per death, I still fight to the death. Running or tabbing just means you're a pixel hugger and shouldn't be risking them in the first place. To those who say I'm a pixel hugger for wanting their loot so badly: I pk for the fight, not the loot. Loot is bonus to me. Really now? Then why do ALL of the PvP warnings say "DON'T BRING ITEMS YOU AREN'T PREPARED TO LOSE"? You're an idiot, all you do is piss people off for wasting their time with you when you tab out of a fight.
  17. Wrong. Safing is eating to above 75% of your hp, generally. I eat at ~45ish and that's dangerous in PvP (easily AGS'd, whip comboed, or DDS'd in one spec). It's stupid anyway, just depletes your food faster and allows opponent to hit you relentlessly (since I DH pk, when I'm super low on hp and can combo the other person to where he doesn't risk a shot at me for chance of him dying, my huge hits come fast to safers). I don't care if someone safes to be honest, I care that you fight to the death.
  18. Oh gee, you're clever. Anti-american remark not-so-discreetly disguised as a joke about a game graph. :roll: Our economy can determine the fate of the world economy too, idiot. Graduate from economics 101 before ever trying to talk again. On merchanting: Gratz on selling something? 0/10
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