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Everything posted by Buckeyemange

  1. I'm looking for places to play the following games. Trawler Pest control Trouble brewing Any ideas on worlds for them?
  2. What's with the joke about the "Red cabbage"? Is there a movie reference I'm missing here?
  3. What the heck? Change it back please! Woah, it works! Thanks a lot tip.it, for encouraging bad spelling! Jerks... Hey, the word F (Filler) O (Filler) R is replaced with the number 4! Nice one!
  4. That looks a lot like a B-2 spirt stealth bomber, or a F-117A. Which can be found at this wikipedia link. I couldnt' copy the pics to here... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stealth_bomber My opinion.
  5. Most use a combat calc, and the high scores list.
  6. Ok, though it's not a car accident exactly, it's close... Well, during the summer; I enjoy jogging, mostly to stay in shape. I have three ways that I run, one being 2 miles, one 2.3, and one 2.5. That day, I felt lazy, but the temperature was great, so I had to do something. I went with the flat 2 miles. I had a baseball game that night, we were trying to make it to the playoffs, and I figured I'd be better off later if I ran now. Jogging was and still is my favorite way to stay in shape. I love the wind cars bring as they fly by at 50 miles per hour, the sound of the birds above. Ok, other then the road kill, I love it all. I went onto the road, and put my MP3 player on. I did some stretching, and turned left. I figured I'd go to the railroad tracks and back, mostly because I wanted to go back and have breakfast. Now, the rule is to run on the shoulder of the road into traffic, which I did, and still do. So, I go down to the tracks, cross the road, and begin the second half of the run. I was about .4 miles from my house; I knew this from the road sign on my right. That's my last memory. Meanwhile, a lady of 70 is driving down the road. She starts to experience double vision. She closes one eye, and it gets better. She continues driving. Note here that she didn't pull over when she was having double vision! Then, blackout. The lady goes out cold, swerving across the road. Now, as the police report says, a truck just missed the woman's car. She went onto the opposite shoulder of the road. I had my MP3 player on loudly, so I didn't hear it, and it was behind me, so I didn't see it. According to what I later found out, I was hit 100 feet, out of my socks and shoes. My MP3 Player stayed clipped to my shorts, Sandisk is making their money. Anyway, the lady's car continues on, hitting into an electrical pole a little ways up the road. At this time, my mom, who is at the house, notices that the power flickered. She tells the guy hooking up the Direct TV dish she has to go see something. As she walks onto the driveway, a police car pulls up. She say's mother's intuition, I say freak accident. To each their own. According to the people who found me, I said something, like "I live on..." or something. I don't remember anything. My next memory was waking up in an ambulance. My mom is sitting there, crying. I keep saying "What happened? What happened?" The paramedic says "He's repeating himself..." I couldn't say it, but my thought was, "No, I want to know why IÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢m in an ambulance!" I doze off there. Well, that's the interesting part. Long story summed up time. I wake up in the hospital. I hade slight head trauma and leg lacerations (sp), which means that my legs were bruised everywhere on the back side. I spent the night there in a terrible neck brace. So, next morning, I try to walk, take the doctor and my dad to even get me standing. We try again later, a little better. Eventually, they say I can leave. I realized how lucky I was, though. In the next room, a 12 year old girl had been out for 5 days. I don't know what had happened to her, or if she ever came out of it, but it was an odd feeling for me. How lucky was I, a 13-year-old (now 14) boy, coming away with just nicks and bruises? So, I can leave. What stinks was that I was asleep for all of the cool head scans and such. I'm bedridden for the next four or so days, slowly able to walk. Basically, I need help walking 10 steps to the bathroom. It took 2 weeks to be able to go upstairs. My goal at the beginning of the summer, before this event, was to get into great shape for football. So much for that one. Now, my goal is to be able to walk before the school year, just about two months away. On top of that, I missed the last few weeks of baseball. We ended up getting bounced in the first round of the playoffs. So, off to physical therapy. I knew it'd take a while to get my legs back to full strength, and that it'd take a lot of time and hard work. Not to say I wanted to work hard, but what could I do. After a month and a half, I was done there. Sure, I still had a slight limp, but it was a heck of a lot better then when I came. That'd go away in about a week, and I could walk again. Now, everything's back to normal. No one would believe I was hit by a car, unless I gave them the police report or showed them the neck brace. I can't wait, only a few more months until I can run down my road again. I have to beat my previous record of running without getting hit by a car. That's why I have such strong feelings for these kids at my school who get hurt doing nothing. "I fell off my skate board and broke my wrist. Quick, everyone pay attention to me, sign my cast and say how sorry you are for me!" Take a car going 50 in the back, and come out with minor injuries, then come back to me. Yes, this is a true story. I wish it was something I had made up...
  7. You are taking the candy and running. You take the items, add them to ignore, and change worlds. That's what lurers do. And yes, it take so much skill to get a busy merchant to run to the wilderness because (S)he wants to get on with his/her life. Oh, and "Thats just mean", if that's mean, what do you think luring is? And third, you're not pking, let alond pking with dignity. Pking involves attacked a player who is at least prepared to fight there. this is a game not any type of english test. correction you have to talk them into coming to your spot, you have to figure out how to get them into the wild, then you have to hope that your attacker can ko them. taking candy from a baby, you take the candy and run i think theres a big difference there. wich one is better? getting lured while your a low level and only losing 250k for that obby cape that you wanted or while your a high level and losing 1.8 mill trying to buy that whip you've been saving up for a while? Which is better? Sure, dying at a low level is much better then dying and losing your whip, but that's beside the point! Another thing. Oh poor me, after I trick this innocent player into the wilderness, i hope that my attacker can beat an unprepared player. Woe is me, my cheap, underhanded tactics won't work! And lastly, "This is a game, not an english test"? Will it kill you to use a little grammer so people can understand what you're saying? I'm sorry that most of the people on this fourm like to read english, not giberish.
  8. I go for a jog or bike ride, alone, with my MP3 player blaring. It give me time to think, time to grasp the things going on in my life.
  9. It was/is the hot topic on the front page. That may have helped... :wink:
  10. So, not only do you assume that all people who are lured bought their accounts, but you say that the only way to learn is by losing your items? So you think that the only way to learn is a trial by fire? Do you believe that you're doing some kind of service by teaching the newbs and killing those you think bought accounts? At least you used the spelling and grammer needed to make you look intelligent.
  11. "were not in school so get a life"? Wow, so spelling correctly means I don't have a life? Wow, great logic! :roll: Second point, this comment... You are taking the candy and running. You take the items, add them to ignore, and change worlds. That's what lurers do. And yes, it take so much skill to get a busy merchant to run to the wilderness because (S)he wants to get on with his/her life. Oh, and "Thats just mean", if that's mean, what do you think luring is? And third, you're not pking, let alond pking with dignity. Pking involves attacked a player who is at least prepared to fight there.
  12. Sure, we all get our kicks by taking money from the stupid. You demented person... What it is is a moral code. You can say "It's fun, it's not against the rules, they shouldn't be out there," and on and on and on, but the fact is that you are a terrible person. Period.
  13. I never said "High Level Main" - I said Main. As in someone having multiple accounts that they use to lure, and except for thier main character - which they dont want to have repercussions sought against. So some use alternate accounts becuase they 'cant' lure with thier 95+ main. I dont know what is more sad, that they, out of frustration at failing to lure people with thier 95+ character - they started a lower level.. or that it took them to lvl 95+ to figure it out. It is still wrong. What ever the case, it is false pretenses. Wildy is not there so that there is no honor, or no rules. It is there so players can play against one another in the field of combat. People that choose the honorless way, meaning that they feel justified at cheating, will always be that way. They will start out justifing why they cheat at a game. Then why they cheat in thier tests, Then why they cheat on thier taxes, or steal things from thier company. Those people are the ones you see on Jerry Springer. I however aspire to better than people that find it so hard to have honor. who hasnt cheated on a test before. i know i have. i know almost every single one of my teachers has. and i also know my parents has. most people that are 95+ know what a lure is and it is very hard for the talker to get them to the spot. making it almost useless for a 95+ account in luring. and let me see these supposedly list of "rules" in the wild. sure you have to follow jagex's standards rules but is there a list that players made up that you absolutely have to stand by? and if so how many people follow it? So you're going with the "Taking candy from a baby" approach? Taking advantage of the stupid to further yourself? I mean, how pathetic do you have to be to need to lure people? I mean, come on? You could (Parish the thought) Pk with SOME dignity, but no, you'd rather scam. I mean, you could mine coal, or cut yews, anything that doesn't lead to dirty money. Sure, you can hide behind the fact that it's not really against the rules, and sure, you can hide behind the fact that they were stupid enough to fall for it, but that's a poor excuse... Rob from the rich and stupid, give to yourself. A twisted robbin hood. Well, at least you lured the hat and boots to call yourself robbin hod... back onto topic. so your calling it pking then? then why is it against the rules? how pathetic do people have to be to fall for a lure also. :wall: "taking candy from a baby" is not an appropriate term here you try to get a lure it takes skill taking candy from a baby is just mean. King peter: as your friend Buckeyemange said its just pking dishonorably not scamming items Maddra: how is luring "cheating" autoing is cheating. luring is a more profitable way of pking I didn't say that it was PKing, I ment to say that, instead of pulling people to the wilderness and then killing them, you could use the Wilderness how it should be, with, as I said, a little honor. Second, "Taking candy from a baby" is the perfect term for this. All lurers do is trick people into the wilderness, and take their candy, if candy was a P-hat. Third, you call luring SKILL! Right, so tricking people into the wilderness takes SO much skill... Fourth, could you please use a little grammer? I mean, at least use capital letters to start a sentence, or throw in a comma here and there.
  14. So you're going with the "Taking candy from a baby" approach? Taking advantage of the stupid to further yourself? I mean, how pathetic do you have to be to need to lure people? I mean, come on? You could (Parish the thought) Pk with SOME dignity, but no, you'd rather scam. I mean, you could mine coal, or cut yews, anything that doesn't lead to dirty money. Sure, you can hide behind the fact that it's not really against the rules, and sure, you can hide behind the fact that they were stupid enough to fall for it, but that's a poor excuse... Rob from the rich and stupid, give to yourself. A twisted robbin hood. Well, at least you lured the hat and boots to call yourself robbin hod...
  15. I would like to once again bring up the point that asking if luring is ok is like asking if eating babies is ok. But honetly, what's worse then the luring is the stuck up attitude that the lurer has about it. For example, I know a guy who as lured. For the next 5 minutes, from the lurer, he got a message like "Zomg we Freakin' PWND you!" for the next 5 minutes. What I don't get it why lurers are so desprate for money that they lure. I mean, using only 30k worth of feathers, I made upwards of 600k.
  16. How would you beat the archer in PVP? I mean, at least the mage only has 33 range defence, but the archer seems unbeatable, all defence catagories in the 100's? That seems over the top. Other then that, all in all, it looks pretty good.
  17. The armor looks great, but kiksta0, please only use the legs and sword. Do NOT use the obby shield or whip, make something new or don't copy off of the unique weapons. The whip is special BECAUSE it is the only weapon of its kind. Use a sword, or make something new. Other then that, it looks great.
  18. As peter said, I chose the name of peter from him. He wouldn't shut up, and this was the only way... :D Oh, anyone else notice that everyone who has read my story knows me? Not that I told them to read it or anything...
  19. Great work! Good discriptions and emotions. It's a heck of a lot better then mine!
  20. For those of you that don't know of the 7 deadly sins, I suggest reading this page here, which will give you what you need. If you find any errors, please PM me with corrections, don't just flame and slander. Chapter 1: Pride Mathew was always a mighty warrior. He was a killer of the mighty Tz-Tok-Jad, a slayer of Abyssal Demons, and wearer of armor of a warrior from the third age. He was a strong, muscle bound warrior. His brown hair fell before his eyes, covering his face from the judgemental eyes of those around him. His dragon blade seems a duller red then the others, covered in the dried blood of the slain. What Mathew suffered from, however, was pride. He was the best at everything, and no monster or fighter. At least, that's the way he thought. His blade was the ruler of all, and with it, he would slay anyone or anything. The worst part was that he did it all on his own. Well, according to him. He didn't say that his friend had given him food to train, or didn't that the gods for answering his prayers. He did it all himself. He felt that he was more powerful then the gods themselves. The Gods disliked this attitude. They felt that the common man should thank his brothers and sisters, be honest and kind. They knew that they should put Mathew in his place, but they couldn't do it themselves. They knew another would have to do their bidding. It was Peter, a god fearing man who's house in rimmington had an alter to each of the gods. His short hair was cut cleanly with none of the marks or scars the barbers most commonly left. His face was clean shaven, and brown, thoughtful eyes could stare into anyone's very soul. He always prayed to all three, every morning, a sign that he was a servant to all of the gods. While praying to Saradomin, a light, a pure wonderful light, shined upon the statue of the god in the corner. Peter ran to the statue, and bowed before it. "Stand, Sir Peter, you are in the presence of the gods, yet your devotion to us has lead us to seek your assistance. You, Peter, are now a warrior for the gods!" "Anything for you, great Saradomin!" Peter said, unable to hold back his emotion. He tried to cover it up. "Uh, I mean, I am under your command." "Allow me," Came from the statue, which suddenly morphed into the visage of Zamorak. "You are needed to strike down a warrior named Mathew, who needs to be put in his place. He believes he is greater then the gods, and he needs to know he is only a mortal." The statue became an image of Guthix. "This balance, one not being too powerful, is needed, or the world will fall apart." The statue once again switched to its original form, and Saradomin spoke again. "For your battle, we grant you this armor, one never seen on Runescape. It will protect you with a substance greater then even the barrows brothers had, and is made of a substance only known to the Gods." Once again, the statue became Zamorak. "For your weapon, I have created a blade made of the same substance, infused with the powers of myself, Saradomin, and Guthix. It will slice even the armor of the third age to pieces. It will not fail." Guthix once again spoke through the statue. "As another gift, I grant you the powers of knowledge and wisdom, the skill needed to use the gifts we have granted you." Zamorak once again spoke to Peter. "With these gifts, find Mathew, and bring him down to earth. Hard." Peter bowed once again. It was now time to shrink Mathew's pride. Chapter 2:Lust Mika walked through a crowded Falador. Her long, flowing, brunette hair grew slightly past her shoulders, reaching the top of her Legends cape. She wore dwarven blue top and matching blue shorts, looking beautiful and catching glances from every merchant and man in the city. Her amulet of glory shined on her neck, glowing from the recent trip to the fountain of heroes. Unfortunately for her, Mathew was in the city. He had recently defeated another adversary, using his blade to chop the poor man into pieces. After collecting the pale green armor from the corpse, he went into the city. He could always sell it to some poor noob, kill him, and sell the armor again. A quick pile of coins to add to his large stack. He looked for a buyer, but he saw something he wanted more. Standing there was Mika, and he was stunned by her beauty. He, filled with his pride, knew he would have her as his own, another trophy for his greatness. He walked towards her. Mika was searching for any good deals from the merchants. Instead, she got Mathew. She knew, maybe from that look on his face, or maybe from that unexplainable essence women can feel, that he was just another pig who wanted the best woman as a prize. "Hey, hotty!" He said, smiling. He thought that, with his amazing third age armor and huge muscles, she'd be drawn to him, another cheap woman to do his bidding. Mika wouldn't be won over the easily. "I have a name, you know!" She yelled back, over the talking of various merchants. She knew the type, and didn't want to be involved with another self-centered jerk. "Oh come on now, you don't want to be with a big, strong man like me?" Mathew said, walking towards her. Mika backed away, avoiding him. "No, I don't, leave me alone!" She said, at the top of her lungs. The merchants looked at the situation, to scared to interfere with a mighty warrior and his goal. "You are coming to my house!" Mathew yelled, grabbing her arm. She kicked at him, escaping his grasp. "What part of 'NO' don't you understand?" She screamed, pulling a small, red dagger from her ankle sheath. A light flashed off the tip, showing a small coating of a vile green liquid. "Mathew, you are wanted by the warrior of the Gods!" Came from a warrior on the other side of the street. He wore a suit of armor never seen before; a pulsating red metal covered him, head to toe. The full-plated helmet covered his eyes from those around him. His sword, the same red, glowed with the fury of the gods themselves. "You are wanted for your acts of pride!" Peter yelled, then glancing at him grabbing Mika. "And lust, while I'm at it!" "Stay out of this, she's mine!" Said Mathew. He pulled his dragon long sword from his side, shifting to a fighterÃÆââââ¬Å¡Ã¬Ã¢ââ¬Å¾Ã¢s stance. The blade was held in front of his eyes, a glint of the sun flashed against the side. "For the Gods!" Peter yelled, charging towards Mathew. Mathew scowled, yet snickered at the same time, knowing that he would kill this warrior and take his new, rare armor. It would fetch a pretty penny on the market, and then this new girl would not resist him. Peter raised his blade, ready to bring it down upon Mathew. Mathew had practiced this move before; he would bring the sword up to parry, then swing the blade around, stabbing the new fighter in the chest. As Mathew began to spin the blade, the weight of it suddenly vanished. He looked up. His blade had been shattered. The pieces of his dragon long sword littered the ground around him. "But, how?" Mathew stammered, now standing defenseless in front of his foe. He knew that he'd been defeated; there was nothing he could do. "This is from Saradomin!" Yelled peter, sending his fist towards Mathew's stomach. It connected with an earth shattering force, breaking a few of Mathew's ribs. "This is for Zamorak!" Peter screamed, sending his fist towards Mathew's face, breaking his nose. "And this, for Guthix!" Peter shouted a final time, sending a roundhouse kick towards Mathew's midsection. The kick hit with the force of charging Bull. He flew through the air, smashing through the wall of a near by house. The damage done to his body may never repair. "I could have done that, you know..." Mika said to Peter, rubbing her arm where Mathew had grabbed. "Right..." Peter said back in a kind tone, smiling to himself behind the visor. The gods would be pleased with what he had done. Mika hit Peter playfully. She winced a little. "Note to self, don't hit his armor..." "Well, fair lady, I'll leave you now, do you need anything?" Peter asked. He was a gentleman, and would not leave a woman in need. "I'm ok, but I'd really like to know your name, sir..." "Peter," he said, "Say, my lady, are you busy tonight?" With his last moments of consciousness, Mathew saw Mika and Peter talking. He felt something he'd never felt before. Envy. Chapter three: Envy "In you go, you scum-bag!" Laughed a hefty man. From the smell, he hadn't bathed in a while. With a resounding "Swish", a body landed in a compost heap. Well, it smelled like one, it could have just been the man. The man was trapped in some kind of bag. After a few minutes of strugle, Mathew pulled himself from the bag. Well, more like fell from it. His chest hurt with every breath, and his arm felt broken. A little blood came from his head, turning his vision an eire red. After a long strugle, Mathew pulled out a few runes. He stood, holding his arm closely to his body. Anyone watching would have seen a terribly wounded man doing something the average person could not do, standing while is such great pain. But what they didn't know was that it was not great will or strength, but envy, jelousy, and a want for revenge. Mathew appeard in his home. He took a step, walking towards his bed. He crumpled under his own weight, doubling over in pain. His pride had taken a hit, that was for sure, but it was more then just the butt-kicking at the hands of the mighty knight, but the loss of a woman. That had never happened before. "Sire!" Came from the kitchen. A demon butler ran to his master's aid. It was not some kind of love, he wanted another paycheck. He lifted Mathew towards his bed, laying him with a gentle touch, yet lifting the heavy warrior with strength. Mathew dozed off. In his dreams, only one sentence kept repeating... "Say, my lady, are you busy tonight?" "Say, my lady, are you busy tonight?" "Say, my lady, are you busy tonight?" _____________________________________________________________ "So then, she throws a cabbage at me, right?" "A cabbage? Who throws a cabbage!" "That's what I thought!" Mika and Peter sat in Peter's mansion. Outside the dining room doors, a beautiful fountian sprinkled water into the pool beneath. Roses grew in all colors. After defeating Mathew, Peter and Mika had gone to Peter's estate. They had spent the past three hours talking. Or, at least, it seemed like three hours, none of the clocks in Runescape work. They talked about anything, while enjoying great food prepared by Peter's own demon butler. Outside, Peter's golden yellow cat played with Mika's white kitten. "Your armor, where did you get it?" Mika asked him, taking another bite. The food was delicious, fit for the Gods themselves. Peter once again heard the commanding voices of the Gods. "Uh, sorry, I can't say. Excuse me, I need to, uh, go upstairs..." Mika sighed, wondering if she'd said something wrong. Peter jogged up the winding staircase. Mika left her seat, exploring the house. Peter had moved all of the statues to one room, allowing all the gods to talk in their own form. They once again began to glow. Peter bowed before them, then stood, his own body the same hight as the statues. "Peter, you have done a great sevice to the gods. You have stopped a terrible man and have in the process saved another in the process. You are one of the few truely good people in the world." Saradomin spoke with what sounded like joy, though none knew if the gods had emotions. "You are a powerful warrior, and your strength and power will allow you to defeat any who sin. You shall smite those who we see fit." Zamorak spoke calmly, slowly, and with an air of joy for his new warrior. "For your deed, we will allow you to keep the armor, weapon, and skills we have given to you, to allow you to fight in the name of the gods again." All seeing Guthix spoke, his voice echoed loudest of all. "Wait, are you saying that I can will be called upon again? What an honor! I will be the warrior of the Gods!" "That's pride, but we will allow it. We understand the joy you must be feeling," Guthix said, "But now, you're needed downstairs. There's trouble." "Trouble! What are you talking about? It's just me and Mika here, nothing..." A scream ripped through the silence. Mika was in trouble, and Peter only needed one guess who it was. Mathew had come back for more. _____________________________________________________________ Downstairs, Mika had been reading a rare book in the den. The fire crackled, filling the room with the smell of maple logs. She was so involved in the book that she didn't see the man slowly walking towards her... Chapter 4: Wrath
  21. You might as well ask "Is it ok to eat babies?" Sure, these people are pretty dumb to go to the wilderness anyway, but that's beside the point. How pathetic do you have to be before you need to scam people for their money? Once again, I know that some will say "Hey, they're stupid enough to fall for it..." but you can't use that as an excuse for taking advantage of the gullible...
  22. I could do something cool, but I'm not that creative... Ok fine... 1.4185*10^4, happy? For the morons, that's 14,185.
  23. Only for buyers. Members trying to sell the coal they have would cause more of a problem. Buyers would be joyful, sellers angry. In fact, because members always have access to a good coal mine, this would hurt members, and only help F2P. F2P could now easily mine coal and buy it cheap.
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