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Everything posted by tru_vampire0

  1. a few days ago i was hanging out in west fally bank when all of a sudden i saw a Santa Hat only 2 squares away from me!! i was soo excited and clicked it immediately. To my misfortune, it was only a red bead on top of a pile of ashes...... Man thats a let-down. anyone else have anything similar to this happen to them?
  2. they were prolly his friends and it was staged. funny video, but a bit boring after a while. got kinda monotonous.
  3. lol i understand the mistake, but even if it did say 56, he'd still be one lvl off.
  4. Congratz Jwrm22 on (almost) 99 cooking!!! I probably won't be able to be there. if i did my math right, the for where i live, Chicago, Illinois, USA, it'll be 2am for me. which usually isn't a big deal for me on a weekend but thats a school night.. Gratz anyway!! you rock!
  5. Tru_Vampire0 F2P thanks in advance if i win, and thanks anyway if i dont win. I just checked out your site rsimg.com. Looks pretty awesome. I'm definitely using that now instead of imageshack.us
  6. yeaah!! only a few more days!!!........ well 9 days but whatever... yay!! sooo excited to kick RuneHQ's booty. lmao
  7. i think this is a really great idea, and it looks pretty friggin' sweet. just be prepared to have plenty of people flamin' you about how "People always try and think they can take JAGeX's idea and make it better within a few days after its release.
  8. I'm gonna geuss dragon gloves maybe? i have no idea
  9. well here's a question... Why did the MaSoRs title it as a roughly 75m drop party, yet people are talking about some Phat drops?!?!? I'm pretty sure there's no Phat that's as low as 75m, right? I'm still ticked off that i had to work and missed it! Grrr.... :evil: :evil: :evil:
  10. i just thought of something. why would u be videotaping at that moment for no reason, if you didn't know this would happen? or had this been happening to you for a while, and you decided to take some footage? If not, you might have just used some wicked cropping skills, but ya never know.
  11. that's pretty funny and pretty awesome. Probably just a little harmless lag/bug from the new game interface update.
  12. if u have all that, then everything should be fine. make sure u talk to the oracle before hand too. even if u have the items, u need to talk to the oracle EDIT: yay!! 251st post. I am now.... Bear Fur!! lol
  13. i might come by and join u, but just a suggestion to u is that its faster to smelt bars with Al-kharid bank to al-kharid furnace. its only one mini-map click away when fally route is 2 clicks.
  14. i was trying to get that too. :twisted: :twisted: 664 :XD:
  15. no attack option, wildy icon, and it looks like something's wrong with ur prayer and range lvls on ur skills page.
  16. yes i did actually... and its friggin' sweet! Good Job JAGeX!!!
  17. this is an awesome guide! very well thought out, and extremely thorough. i like it very much. ill try it out sometime, tho i prefer hillgiants still cuz i get the big bones faster. (im currently 74 combat)
  18. i guess you could go back to the fight, but why not stay for the drop party? anyway, this idea sounds amazing!! i will definitely try to be there. Go Tip.It!!! ps... also, can u please post the codes for the official even sig and banner?
  19. yes. in my experience, there's rarely been less than 5 crafters there at a time.
  20. i think that idea sounds cool. if i were in your situation, i would definitely go with what "Dork" said. Give to a good friend, probably one that you know in irl who plays. But make sure that you aren't going to be coming back to the game and just quitting temporarily. Actually, i suggest that if you really do want to quit, then go ahead and quit, but leave your account alone so that just in case you ever want to come back to it, even in 5-10 years maybe!, it'll all still be there.
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