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Everything posted by tru_vampire0

  1. But like, when someone is just at 50 fishing, so only barely able to catch swords, they usually only get like 5 swords per inventory and the rest just a butt-load of tuna, right? or was that just me?
  2. I'm going to soon start fly-fishing for a good solid month or so and I was wondering if someone out there could answer me this question. When will i stop catching trout and salmon and just catch salmon without any trout. It seems the higher fishing level, the less trout i will be getting, same applies to Tuna with Swordfish. Right now I'm lvl 55 fishing and a good 3-fifths of my caught inventory will be trout. Anyone know?
  3. pretty cool. Ya i had heard about facebook making the capability of add-on applications for people accounts. Seems pretty cool.
  4. probably the dumbest and most uneducated estimate i've ever heard.
  5. What exactly is that in your avatar? (never played RSC unfortunately and now I never will thanks to macro'ers) And is there really 3,040,031 (3 million-40 thousand-thirty one) of whatever it is??? that's alot! did they now denote things in K back then? Anyway when i first started, I really liked magic... Or atleast the robes. I thought that priest robes were much cooler than some stupid iron armor so I would always buy priest robes from the Varrok clothes shop and then sit in the varrok general store staring at their inventory until I saw a black sq. shield and/or a black battle axe show up. That is what I always wore i thought it looked sooo cool. And i got so ticked when i lost it in the wild, which happened like 3-4 times, because I only knew to just sit in the general store and wait for hours until someone sold a new black sq. and black b-axe to the shop. Sooo pathetic! I honestly didn't start wearing normal armor till around lv. 25 combat and realized it was much better! But for the longest time, that was my cool outfit; Dark Black Priest Robes (top & bottom), black wizards hat, black b-axe, and black sq. shield, and I treasured them dearly. lol
  6. My favorite article by far, as of now. Very Good Job!, to The Editor, whoever you are.
  7. Since May of 2005. this my only ever account
  8. not really that funny of a name, but i found it funny that they chose someone with the word 'Thong' in their name to be a pMod. of course the excuse could they're referring to flip-flop sandals or Thong is their last name. lol
  9. Read this Topic It seems that this player definitely isn't 'Regretting RuneScape' ________________________________________________________ I recently posted on the topic "What Would You Say To Your Level-3 Self?". I also read all of the posts on there and I noticed that there seems to be quite a bit of post saying things like "Quit!" or "Quit NOW!" or even "Log off, delete your cookies and history, and then get really, really drunk so you can completely forget about this game!" This makes me think about how many people out there really regret starting playing RuneScape and becoming a victim of it's addictive qualities. Do you regret starting up your first character? What other things do you think you would've done if you hadn't been playing this game for the last couple of years (for some people 6 years!)? Have you missed out on some opportunities that probably would've benefited you in life? Maybe you would've made better grades in school? Maybe even (I hope this one hasn't happened) not have lost that job because you were 'Scaping at work? So TIF Community, I ask you now. Would you be better off never starting RuneScape at all?
  10. Are you trying to refer to the "Falador Massacre"? cuz that was on June 6th 2006 bub.
  11. Awesome Guide! Everything there is provided for you! Really awesome! I know it's not a guide referencing to anything to do in-game but definitely should be in the AOW or possibly a sticky on "The Gallery" board.
  12. Really? Where do you live now. I live quite close to their. I was born in Buffalo Grove. I live in Fox Lake right now. Go to Grant High School. u? I live in Libertyville. Libertyville High School. Sweetness. my step-dad works in Libertyville at Woodland Engineering. pretty much runs the company, and gets paid diddly squat, while the President pulls in all the dough and does hardly anything lol :cry:
  13. i voted yes, because yes i would like them to post letters to the editor the read but ONLY if they for some reason chose to make the Times a monthly. I would moreso prefer them to just keep the Times a weekly issue, though I do understand that it's probably a difficult task for The Editor to crank out new quality articles every week and keep a normal life.
  14. Lmao. I totally did that too. It was a pitch black maze in this old abandoned school and all of a sudden this flashing skull popped up in front of me, and without realizing it like almost sort of out of instinct, my fist flew up and socked the guy. Suddenly he was yelling and cussing and walked us the rest of the way out of the maze and said the not come back. Story of the school for a good week. lol
  15. didn't really help, though thanks very much for the attempt. My fault for not being able to picture it. lol
  16. Really? Where do you live now. I live quite close to their. I was born in Buffalo Grove. I live in Fox Lake right now. Go to Grant High School. u?
  17. Ya, the pokemons games count. RS actually doesn't. As much as people call it a MMORPG, its really only an adventure game MMO. You arent assuming the role of anyone in a story anyways. come to think of it, i geuss that is very true.
  18. i used to play THAW, THUG, and THUG2 like every day! Haven't played it in about a year now.
  19. you know what's fun? Trying Jordan on Expert and then right after that, try on easy. Histerical, in my opinion
  20. im pretty sure i haven't played any RPG besides RuneScape. Unless you call Pokemon: Yellow and Pokemon: silver for Gameboy from when i was like 10.
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