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Everything posted by SenorTamale

  1. nathaninch logic ftw. that is a definitely a decent idea though, along with the miscellania one, as long as you're sure you're not going to need the money in the future. unfortunately it probably won't stem the flow of posts here though, since the people being hacked that post here all seem to have less than 500k, heh.
  2. well what i'd meant is that it looks like they can't pull up a full list of people's quest points so they can look at the RS population as a whole like you can on the poll. i'd say both suggestions are maybes, but what reason does jagex have to check for player honesty? in reality, what reason does anyone have to lie when noone outside jagex will be able to look at who voted what? to me it's a better chance that they're just doing a rough poll to see what to put for the quest point req for the 100th quest, like some said.
  3. yes, i vaguely remember a post like that, but that wasn't the point of this post. but i guess everyone can't resist posting useless spam if the opportunity presents itself. the point was to discuss the points i made in the initial post. oh well, heh. if anyone else feels like making a meaningful post, go ahead.
  4. no, the topic isn't going to be as pointless as you may think. i'm talking about jagex's latest poll. it's a bit interesting i think, for two reasons: 1) contrary to what (i think) most of us assumed, jagex can't look up lists of things like quest points. i thought that'd be something they would've added with rs2, but i guess not 2) the distribution of votes; it's curious how well it matches a normal distribution (bell) curve. discuss.
  5. well all we need to do is run through a list of weapons, then through a list of armors, ammies, boots, etc, and see if there's anything that might give him a remote chance of winning. if not, it's likely bug abuse.
  6. most of the people usually stay for a few games, but it's really up to you how many games you want to stay for. i'll be there if i can, but there's no guarantees that i'll wake up in time :?
  7. never have i ever seen such a string of shameless repetition... dear god, shoot me. if that's true like everyone else is saying it makes sense, seeing as the max combat level is 126 as well. just a little mini-hidden easter egg of lameness or something on jagex's part.
  8. omg get him, hes going to teleport from FALADOR TO VARROCK! mentally challenged. who cares. jesus hes not pking so who cares...so many idiots with posts like that are just... i dunno dont flame non-wildy teles... always tele for fast move... Dude, I always tele.. I don't wanna be walking all day just to get something traded... some people REALLY need to learn what "sarcasm" is...lolll i think everyone here knows what sarcasm is, but it's kind of hard to detect when someone posts just three words "NICE TELES :!: " they're either stupid about telerunes as everyone's flaming him for, or he's being a spamming noob getting his post count up, which is also legit for flaming.. as long as they have something constructive later on in the post :P and isn't this post something that belongs in the Help & Advice forum? meh.
  9. okay, maybe we should stop the leesters debate and get back on the original topic. i think it's nice, personally i've never even heard of the 'range vs fire' debate in four years of playing though, but it's still nice to finally find out. i haven't seen the superheating iron tip logging in yet, but i think that's a bit more obvious. jagex should definitely keep these did-you-knows coming.
  10. i think that basically sums up anyone who calls someone else a no-lifer. it's also a sweet piece of writing, nice job. i'd just like to add the situation with my and my friends in RL. these kids are all in the same classes as me, being mostly juniors taking AP (college level) classes, and get straight As, or close, as far as i know. after school alot of them are on the ultimate frisbee team (which i much say is the best sport ever) and work their [wagon] off during practice. though i haven't exactly asked them (as i'm mostly shy in RL) i've overheard them talking about guildwars, even while conditioning, jogging for half an hour, they're talking about one thing or another, because obviously it's something they all enjoy. it'd be just as valid as talking to your friends about going to a party on friday and getting wasted, except you're not destroying your brain and liver with alchohol later. anyways, from the sound of it they're all very experienced in the game and are probably high level there, and just as susceptible to being called nolifers. recently i've been having that sort of a schedule, but on top of it i'm part of the school musical, and i end up getting home at 9PM alot of the time. now, without a question we're all geeks, but that goes back to frogmite's quote up top, that how can you say that one lifestyle is inherently better than another when none in the human race have discovered a specific meaning to life? anyways, i thought i'd bring some examples into the mix just to back up the arguments.
  11. to clarify things.. it is a fixed 5 slayer levels and 4 ranged levels. both me and jessy87 half a half pie; our ranging levels are 75 and 86, and slayer levels of 69 and 78 i believe. but the point is, if the bonus was a %, almost any percentage would change the visible stat boost with our level difference. jessy also went to the nechs (needing 80 slayer) and was able to kill a few. that data is all in the other post about pies though i forget the title, and it's probably on the second page by now. if someone freaks out wanting pictures, i'll post, but otherwise meh.
  12. logically, that makes the most sense, but it's understandable for balance's sake that they shouldn't give the peaches for stronger monsters.. it's just too good a skill for what people have said before.
  13. lol, that's when you try to do emotes as a sheep isn't it? when i first saw the title i thought it might've been the return of the killer sheep:
  14. yes, like person above me said, the pie recipe book is in cooking guild. the pie vendor sells them. and as far as wielding things, you need the base stat to be at the level - eg you can't wield a dragon weapon by boosting your attack with that pirate brew. but for when you're making/killing something with a certain level requirement, you only need your veriable stat to be there - like with jessy killing nechs with 78 slayer when you need 80, or the person eating an admiral pie to get into fishing guild. and that answers the other person's question, yes, you can kill abyssal demons at 81 slayer now.. but you'd need alot of them, heh.
  15. lol at the pies. 3-iteming is tried and true; it has been since the wildy came into existence. it's what anyone does when they're just exploring a new area and are uncertain as to the monsters that are there and stand a good chance of dying. it's the bug that is the issue. and if you're in a crowd of people in the wildy, i think it stands to reason that any fairly sharp person will know to right clickin that exact risk.. and leesters doesn't really look to be dumb.
  16. the way you posted makes me want to say for you to go to rants forum. anyway, are you entirely sure? maybe you haven't done the miniquest, as i think those are the amounts he sells at before you've done the miniquest. if you are, that's too bad for anyone that bought their runes there, but no use crying over spilt milk.
  17. that cracked me up...alot... but i agree with your post; greed and dishonor aren't exactly things you grow up being taught, but with no literal consequences, runescape brings out the raw, primal emotion in people, whereas in normal society people will always try to be civilized and above that. it's just a fact really - just look at the book the Lord of the Flies: the fat kid is making a speech at the bottom of a cliff and another kid just takes a big rock from the top of the cliff and drops it on his head and kills him, heh. when i saw that in the movie i almost jumped out of my chair and said WTF!?! aw HELLS naw (except i'm not ghetto). i haven't been on forums much lately, but it might be possible people are getting an overdose of you. what i'd do is just not necessarily give up posting entirely, but just lay off a posting as much for awhile so people can't get into the habit of saying 'oh look, another post by Leesters, that showoff egotist' (not that i think you are one).
  18. damn it, my friend casey with 99 cookin logged off like 30mins ago no worries, just got another set of 11 meats... the graphics are kind of strange.. the order is raw bear, chompy, rabbit, then cook! hurray. i burned 4 of 11, which isn't surprising, as i'm 88 cooking and the req is 85.. anyways the examine is "A triumph of man over nature." when i ate it i was at 65 health, everything else was normal: that's kind of astounding though, boosts to both ranged and slayer.. we don't know whether it's a percentage or fixed until someone else tries it, but 5 slayer lvls at 69 is kind of alot. oh, and it healed 11 damage, as expected, since RS manual says it heals 22. any crewbies can feel free to use the info if they like.... oh, and if anyone's on right now reading this who wants to test it with different slayer and ranged levels, pm me on the boards and i'll give you the other half of the pie :wink:
  19. okay, now what levels are you two to make this legitimate at all? as it's possible he could be level 60 or something and you 126.
  20. well i would've had a full inventory of wild pies to answer your question, but after i'd finished getting 28 chompies, bear and rabbit meats, i cooked them, only to discover that the pie requires raw meat. horray. back to chompy hell.
  21. it looks (and looked) french to me, so i pronounced it are-dune with whatever amount of silent r i feel like putting in. it's always funny how these pointless topics last the longest and get the most responses..
  22. i've no idea who this limparse person is, but the first time i looked at it i saw the spanish word (meaning to clean oneself, which sounds wrong, but it's just the non-conjugated form) as oddguest said: it's kind of clear to me that it wasn't limparse's intent to have the name limp-arse, but either the spanish or some other random thing.. it just doesn't seem likely anyone would be stupid enough to name their account intending limp-arse on purpose.. but it is all very subjective.
  23. one thing that i think is funny is that noone is asking about not like i have it out for Duke Freedom.. but if r2pleasent had written the article people would be flaming him to death for that. i do understand that you probably have a legitimate method for those numbers, possibly forming a theoretical equation to fit the data then solving for the quantity; the general equation being c*e^kt, and k would change with the quantity of rares.... erm but the point is that explanation would take too long and that's probably why you didn't include it. but i thought i'd point it out anyways. i'm still kind of curious about that though, if you don't mind wasting your time explaining here. anyways, good article as always.
  24. not like i have any technical skill at all, but it might depend on what you're running RS on.. meaning that i know you can make popups whose size cannot be changed, so if it's some sort of link from another site, which may be possibly what you're doing. as for the HTML thing, i have absolutely no idea, but it's happened to me before.. reloading the page fixes it for me. but again, i'd like to say my technical skills = 0
  25. personally, it's not labelling anyone that considers the price, it's just that he stated so much of the obvious that (most) all of us know, then he goes on to say that he figures they'll rise just like phats. that just reaffirms everything we've all seen in the phrases price manipulators use. sorry to the poster if you're not one (which even if you are you'll never admit to), but the way your post is written points in that direction.
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