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GoldWorks Free Graphics *NEWS - November 28*


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RAWR..... I want one :roll:




Type: Siggeh


Dimensions: Tif Reqs 300x150


Colors: A nice blend of reds blacks and whites


Render: No render.. Just brushes here and there like my current sigs...


Notes: No text, just a nice sig.


Border: Simple black border like in my sigs..




Please and thank you... Sorry to hear about your eyelids Gold. :(


Thaks for the concern, I'll be alright. Must've been from my flu...anyways


You'll have to fill out the proper order form, sorry.




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sorry about your eyes, but could you do this?




Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): sig


Dimensions (Size): tif max


Colour(s): your chioce


Render (Not required):


Font: w/e looks cool


Font Color: black w/ green outlining


Text: dedw1


Subtext: the demon archer




Border (No tech borders!):


Re-Sized for Tip.it (Yes or No)*: yes




good luck :mrgreen:

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GoldWorks is still currently closed, I'm just allowing Zeahessen to complete some orders to see how well he does with requests. I apologize to badphooeybad and themaninblack, but your orders will not be completed. You'll have to wait until the shop re-opens, check the topic post for news on that.




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when you re-open please make me a sig




Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.):sig


Dimensions (Size):tip.it sig


Colour(s):Red, gold and orange


Render (Not required): none


Font: Lucida Calligraphy (on word)


Font Color: Black


Text: Kaiy2


Subtext: none


Notes: none


Border (No tech borders!):none


Re-Sized for Tip.it (Yes or No)*:Yes


It is not a "dumb" little town Shivers!!!

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Alright (sorry it took so long) But here are 2/3 orders. One is still in da works. So...






























Enjoy. Ask me for changes if needed.


Ex-Assistant of Gold Works| Colors of the Heart

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congrats on getting back =D>




Artist (Zea or Gold): doesnt matter but prefer gold


Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): sig with matching avvy


Dimensions (Size): tif size


Colour(s): your choice


Render (Not required):


Font: anything that looks awesome


Font Color: black with green outlining(if possible)


Text: dedw1


Subtext: the demon archer


Notes: i would like it to be a hot chick like yours gold, but if possibel have here shooting?


Border (No tech borders!): doesnt matter


Re-Sized for Tip.it (Yes or No)*: yes




when your done with it could you PM it to me?? if you could i would appreciate it \'

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themaninblack, enjoy. The colors are a Miami Sunset theme, I hope you like it :mrgreen:








Death_Dude74, this is a graphics shop. If you have a question that is completely un-releted to the shop then use Private Messages. -.-




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Artist (Zea or Gold): zea, but it doesnt matter


Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): avvy


Dimensions (Size): tip.it


Colour(s): black


Render (Not required): http://www.render-world.com/renders/dis ... at=0&pos=1




Font: none


Font Color: none


Text: none


Subtext: none


Notes: none


Border (No tech borders!):


Re-Sized for Tip.it (Yes or No)*:[/b yes




sorry didnt know you guys changed the order forms


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Artist (Zea or Gold):gold, if ur eyes hurt too much, please zea make mine


Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.):avvy please


Dimensions (Size):100 x 10


Colour(s):orange and black please


Render (Not required):any render of jak and daxter 3 will be cool


Font:any, i was lookin at otheres but i dont know how to post them here....


Font Color:ur choise








Border (No tech borders!):


Re-Sized for Tip.it (Yes or No)*:yes


my apologizes if u were workin on the one i sent u before, gold.


i hope ur eyes get well :D

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Artist (Zea or Gold): Gold preferably


Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Avatar


Dimensions (Size): 100x100


Colour(s): Black


Render (Not required): http://www.render-world.com/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-1441


Font: Readable if small...


Font Color: White


Text: I Karil I


Subtext: none.


Notes: none.


Border (No tech borders!): Thin gray


Re-Sized for Tip.it (Yes or No)*: Yes




Thank You!


danke Schon Sam!^^

"Blood runs thicker, oh were thick as thieves you know"

-Carl Barât

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Artist (Zea or Gold):zea


Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.):sig please


Dimensions (Size):tip.it size please


Colour(s):black and blue will be okay


Render (Not required):http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-8771


Font:same as avvy please


Font Color:white will be okey








Border (No tech borders!):[/b]


Re-Sized for Tip.it (Yes or No)*:[/b]






sorry for the problems i caused u, i didnt saw the fantastic avvy that zea posted.I dont care who did it, it is just EXCELLENT



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Artist (Zea or Gold): Gold


Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): Sig


Dimensions (Size): 400x150


Colour(s): Red and Black


Render (Not required): http://www.planetrenders.net/renders/displayimage.php?pos=-10778


Font: http://www.dafont.com/love-ya-like-a-sister.font


Font Color: White.


Text: Fog Drake


Subtext: Skiller




Border (No tech borders!): thin black


Re-Sized for Tip.it (Yes or No)*: Yes

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Artist (Zea or Gold): zea, but it doesnt matter


Type (Sig, Avvy, Banner, Etc.): avvy


Dimensions (Size): tip.it


Colour(s): black


Render (Not required): http://www.render-world.com/renders/dis ... at=0&pos=1




Font: none


Font Color: none


Text: none


Subtext: none


Notes: none


Border (No tech borders!):


Re-Sized for Tip.it (Yes or No)*:[/b yes




sorry didnt know you guys changed the order forms








Hey, bud, your render isn't working. Get a new link or render.


Ex-Assistant of Gold Works| Colors of the Heart

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