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Sharks... Obsolete?


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well just to inform everyone remember how there used to be a hell of alot of autoers, there comeing back <.<. Jagex blocks you from playing on more than one account on a computer, but there used to be a program that would allow you to auto/play on multiple accounts on 1 computer. That program has been corrupted for a while now but it has come back from the dead and is probably going to be here for another month <.<




but sharks are still the same there just lowered price still main food for pkers and it will probably be that way forever(unless new food comes out)


lucky barrower-dh legs,veracs skirt,karil skirt, karils top (x3), dh pl8,karils coif,half key(x2), x-bow, ahrims robetop

goodbye Piman1053 Thu Jul 26, 2007 1:05 pm

326death326 is banned~~~EVERYONE ADD MY NEW MAIN "Y0uknowwho" (first o is a zero)

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There will always be a place for sharks - but they are not the elite one-bite food they used to be.




If you have not been trawling, try it. It's easy to get a pile of mantas and turtles now. Really easy.




Face it - the days of 1k sharks are over.

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There will always be a place for sharks - but they are not the elite one-bite food they used to be.




If you have not been trawling, try it. It's easy to get a pile of mantas and turtles now. Really easy.




Face it - the days of 1k sharks are over.




Never. Those mantas are still far to hard to get. A game takes 10 minutes. And can you get more mantas in 10 minutes then you get sharks? Also, those fish you burn, while sharks are not burned beyond level 94.

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Tuna Potatoes are never burned, because at 68 cooking, you dont burn potatoes, or tuna, or sweetcorn...




Same goes for Cakes if you want cooking xp, meaning you get more xp per thing cooked overall on cakes, then you would on sharks, simply because you dont burn cakes...




And for fishing xp, go harp00n some monkfish

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with the price of lobsters stable at 200 ea, you can easily fish 2 lobsters to 1 shark. Not to mention the market for lobsters is so much broader then the market for sharks.

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nope, i see all your points are valid, but you forget, 20 hp in one bite is MUCH simpler than making tuna potatoes or going trawler




all those other foods, not as effective in pvp, u come at me with two bite, three bite foods and we'll see how that turns out

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