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Sex Offenders Under a Bridge


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I'd have to say, I disagree with some of the "an eye for an eye" mentalities that have been exhibited in this thread.




So somebody has violated another person's being, therefore its perfectly alright to do the same to them? Alienating criminals and wrong-doer's further is just a quick way to an endless, vicious cycle.




For instance, as some have already mentioned, by putting them in such unfavourable circumstances, I can not see any reason for them to even want to reform. In fact, in doing so recividism would probably skyrocket. So, some of you then might say, well throw 'em in gaol then. Life sentences. Well, that's all very grand, except for the fact that I could almost wager that you would then complain of them being 'leeches' to the tax system.




The only logical - and HUMANE - process available is to promote post-sentence programs and support systems for newly released criminals, regardless of how horrid their crimes may have been.




What's worse, preventing a reoccurence of a crime, or vindictively punishing them, only to spur them onto greater heights of degradation?




By giving them a means of restarting and rebuilding their lives, not only do you lighten the load of the tax system, you also give them some hope, and thus raise the probability that they won't fall back into old habits.




Did you know, that it costs roughly $60-70,000 a year to house a criminal in gaol in Australia for a year, whereas it only costs $2,000 - $10,000 to initiate them under a decent post-sentencing scene, that with all likelihood, would help prevent recividism?

I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

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"stupid decesion" STUPID DECESION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!




I don't think i've actually read/heard a more ridiculous statement!!!!! MISTAKE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm speechless that anyone would actually consider these scumbags decesions as a mistake! Most of the time these lowlifes commit disgraceful acts time and time again they are lowlife, cowardly crapbags and deserve to be lined up and shot dead by the people whos lives they ruined!

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Nah, they're fine under a bridge.








Persons that can do such things to childrens totally reject all the values of the modern society, therefore they dont deserve to live in it.




edit :


Hmm, I wonder what the troll thinks about being evicted :\


This made my day :thumbsup:

Quest cape obtained at combat level 83, march 07.

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"stupid decesion" STUPID DECESION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!




I don't think i've actually read/heard a more ridiculous statement!!!!! MISTAKE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm speechless that anyone would actually consider these scumbags decesions as a mistake! Most of the time these lowlifes commit disgraceful acts time and time again they are lowlife, cowardly crapbags and deserve to be lined up and shot dead by the people whos lives they ruined!




People who abuse !'s and ?'s and font sizes are stupid. Scumbags are stupid so people who abuse the former should be lined up and shot. Think of all of the people who's days are ruined having to read such trash!










That aside, yes, I don't agree with what they did. I think its disgusting, vile and inhumane. However forcing someonne to live under a bridge when a free murderer can live where he wants is wrong. You guys are so eager to jump on board and scream on how they should be treated the same way, eye for an eye, ect. We don't know what time they have already servered, their condition and so many other simple variables.






Let them live somewhere where they can hopefully reform. Throwing them under a bridge is not going to "turn their life around" and is as much throwing away their life as simply killing them.




Hmm, I wonder what the troll thinks about being evicted :\




Poor trolls. :(






Also I agree fully with you, forsaken.

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"stupid decesion" STUPID DECESION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!




I don't think i've actually read/heard a more ridiculous statement!!!!! MISTAKE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm speechless that anyone would actually consider these scumbags decesions as a mistake! Most of the time these lowlifes commit disgraceful acts time and time again they are lowlife, cowardly crapbags and deserve to be lined up and shot dead by the people whos lives they ruined!






Again, if these were women who molested BOYS. You'd have no such a problem with that.




Nadril is right. You get over being molested. But if you're killed, you're utterly worthless.




Pathetic. X2.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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"stupid decesion" STUPID DECESION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!




I don't think i've actually read/heard a more ridiculous statement!!!!! MISTAKE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm speechless that anyone would actually consider these scumbags decesions as a mistake! Most of the time these lowlifes commit disgraceful acts time and time again they are lowlife, cowardly crapbags and deserve to be lined up and shot dead by the people whos lives they ruined!






Again, if these were women who molested BOYS. You'd have no such a problem with that.




Nadril is right. You get over being molested. But if you're killed, you're utterly worthless.




Pathetic. X2.




Thats not exactly what I was saying (I pretty much said them under a bridge is equal to them just getting killed, no chance to reform) but what you said was a very good point.




Yes it will be tramatic but with therapy amungst time she can get over it. Death is permanent.




edit: just to clarify I realize that it is very tramatic. However, death is worse.

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"stupid decesion" STUPID DECESION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!




I don't think i've actually read/heard a more ridiculous statement!!!!! MISTAKE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm speechless that anyone would actually consider these scumbags decesions as a mistake! Most of the time these lowlifes commit disgraceful acts time and time again they are lowlife, cowardly crapbags and deserve to be lined up and shot dead by the people whos lives they ruined!




People who abuse !'s and ?'s and font sizes are stupid. Scumbags are stupid so people who abuse the former should be lined up and shot. Think of all of the people who's days are ruined having to read such trash!










That aside, yes, I don't agree with what they did. I think its disgusting, vile and inhumane. However forcing someonne to live under a bridge when a free murderer can live where he wants is wrong. You guys are so eager to jump on board and scream on how they should be treated the same way, eye for an eye, ect. We don't know what time they have already servered, their condition and so many other simple variables.






Let them live somewhere where they can hopefully reform. Throwing them under a bridge is not going to "turn their life around" and is as much throwing away their life as simply killing them.




Hmm, I wonder what the troll thinks about being evicted :\




Poor trolls. :(






Also I agree fully with you, forsaken.




Two wrongs don't make a right, and it would be wrong to let these pathetic creatures even have a life under a bridge, in civilisation, available food sources (whether it may be scraps) when they have basically tortured girls, there families and friends. "Give them a chance to reform" how utterly stupid are you? Do the people they molested get a chance to reform there lives? You absolute [bleep] these inhumane worthless scum should not be allowed to breath the same air as civilised people.




You talk about the number of walking murderers... did all these people viciously assault innocent girls? Hide away perving on girls that barely know what the word perve means. No. I would gladly jump into a crowd of muderous scum than go near 1 perveted, sly and overall shameful pedo.

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You just said you would rather have a convicted murderer walking the streets instead of a pedo!?




Jesus Christ man you need to rethink your morals here.

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Evil for Evil shows you are no better and inhumane as the one who done it.




Forgiveness is higher and better. And who are we to judge? As if we have never done anything wrong in our lives?




And what if there was no forgiveness for what we have done? How so small a deed it may be, it was still evil and we should be punished for it.




If we treat them inhumane, we are inhumane, and no better than the acts they commit.





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bbalking, the things you say make you almost as bad as the people you so vehemently denigrate. I think it was Mahatma Gandhi who said "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."


The Poison Fairy

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Evil for Evil shows you are no better and inhumane as the one who done it.




Forgiveness is higher and better. And who are we to judge? As if we have never done anything wrong in our lives?




And what if there was no forgiveness for what we have done? How so small a deed it may be, it was still evil and we should be punished for it.




If we treat them inhumane, we are inhumane, and no better than the acts they commit.








This is officaly the first time I've agreed fully one something defender has said.




Well said man, well said.

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Again, if these were women who molested BOYS. You'd have no such a problem with that.


Woah, hang on there. Aren't you the same Grim who told us we're in no position to judge a country of Shariah law, nor its peoples, unless we've experienced it ourselves? And yet you're in the position to tell us that you can simply 'get over' molestation?

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bbalking, the things you say make you almost as bad as the people you so vehemently denigrate. I think it was Mahatma Gandhi who said "An eye for an eye makes the whole world blind."




"almost" by venting thoughts through pixels gives you the right to compare me to lowlife, cowards and just plain worthless life? And the so called legend of Ghandi never accomplished anything worthwhile, he changed nothing like the people such as Mandela and MLK. All he did was preach and barely had an affect on people. He called for things which were already being protested about therefore he's just a fraud.




(again my opinion so don't go comparing me with lowlife like u do)...

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What does pixels have to do with any of this bbalking?






The point is they got their punishment and are let off with a hope to reform their lives.




And what does Gandhi acomplishing anything have to do with what he said? What he said is entirely true and its the same idea MLK and the likes followed. If they were locked up, beat up, you name it by others while they protested they would not harm them back.

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You just said you would rather have a convicted murderer walking the streets instead of a pedo!?




Jesus Christ man you need to rethink your morals here.




I would.




Sex offenders almost ALWAYS reoffend. Murderers, less so. Sex offenses are just that...Crimes of sexual nature. If thats what gets them their jollies, they're going to do it again. I don't know of many people who get their jollies by murdering. Murder is usually a crime of necessity.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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You just said you would rather have a convicted murderer walking the streets instead of a pedo!?




Jesus Christ man you need to rethink your morals here.




I would.




Sex offenders almost ALWAYS reoffend. Murderers, less so. Sex offenses are just that...Crimes of sexual nature. If thats what gets them their jollies, they're going to do it again. I don't know of many people who get their jollies by murdering. Murder is usually a crime of necessity.




Read up a bit more on murderers, especialy serial killers Tigra. Murderers don't just do it for no reason, and often the reason if fueled behind something else such as monterary gain, sexual natures or in the case of some serial killers just the plesure of killing and the feeling it gives you.

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I am giving my opinions through pixels which is far less then wandering into a busy street at ranting about them and this is still nowhere near as bad as these perveted criminals therefore comparing me to them is just ridiculous.




And what he said isn't correct at all, giving the death sentance to a vicious serial killer is just wrong and he should be allowed second chances is basically what he said. So you agree that if a muderer slaughters innocent people with no remorse he should be left alone? NO! he should be tortured into insanity and the world should be able to view it hopefully it would knock some sense into people that are pondering killing others.

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You just said you would rather have a convicted murderer walking the streets instead of a pedo!?




Jesus Christ man you need to rethink your morals here.




I would.




Sex offenders almost ALWAYS reoffend. Murderers, less so. Sex offenses are just that...Crimes of sexual nature. If thats what gets them their jollies, they're going to do it again. I don't know of many people who get their jollies by murdering. Murder is usually a crime of necessity.




Read up a bit more on murderers, especialy serial killers Tigra. Murderers don't just do it for no reason, and often the reason if fueled behind something else such as monterary gain, sexual natures or in the case of some serial killers just the plesure of killing and the feeling it gives you.




Thus why I said usually. I'm well aware of the exceptions such as serial killers, and I would wager I know more about them than you, even. I read a lot. ::'

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Sorry How2PK but I disagree entirely. These scum should feel lucky they are even alive, because there isn't a very strong culture of revenge in the States. Should they be living in Saudi Arabia etc., those guys would thank god for even being able to hide in the sewers eating mice.




"Mental torture" my ***. You had the choice, and you mentally tortured an innocent kid and ruined his life. Live under a bridge and read newspapers, eat food? That's better than these people deserve, heck it's not like they work in a coalmine. They sit there doing nothing.

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Sorry How2PK but I disagree entirely. These scum should feel lucky they are even alive, because there isn't a very strong culture of revenge in the States. Should they be living in Saudi Arabia etc., those guys would thank god for even being able to hide in the sewers eating mice.




"Mental torture" my ***. You had the choice, and you mentally tortured an innocent kid and ruined his life. Live under a bridge and read newspapers, eat food? That's better than these people deserve, heck it's not like they work in a coalmine. They sit there doing nothing.




Hallelujah! =D> couldn't agree more

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"stupid decesion" STUPID DECESION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!!




I don't think i've actually read/heard a more ridiculous statement!!!!! MISTAKE?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!?! I'm speechless that anyone would actually consider these scumbags decesions as a mistake! Most of the time these lowlifes commit disgraceful acts time and time again they are lowlife, cowardly crapbags and deserve to be lined up and shot dead by the people whos lives they ruined!




People who abuse !'s and ?'s and font sizes are stupid. Scumbags are stupid so people who abuse the former should be lined up and shot. Think of all of the people who's days are ruined having to read such trash!










That aside, yes, I don't agree with what they did. I think its disgusting, vile and inhumane. However forcing someonne to live under a bridge when a free murderer can live where he wants is wrong. You guys are so eager to jump on board and scream on how they should be treated the same way, eye for an eye, ect. We don't know what time they have already servered, their condition and so many other simple variables.






Let them live somewhere where they can hopefully reform. Throwing them under a bridge is not going to "turn their life around" and is as much throwing away their life as simply killing them.




Hmm, I wonder what the troll thinks about being evicted :\




Poor trolls. :(






Also I agree fully with you, forsaken.




Two wrongs don't make a right, and it would be wrong to let these pathetic creatures even have a life under a bridge, in civilisation, available food sources (whether it may be scraps) when they have basically tortured girls, there families and friends. "Give them a chance to reform" how utterly stupid are you? Do the people they molested get a chance to reform there lives? You absolute [bleep] these inhumane worthless scum should not be allowed to breath the same air as civilised people.




You talk about the number of walking murderers... did all these people viciously assault innocent girls? Hide away perving on girls that barely know what the word perve means. No. I would gladly jump into a crowd of muderous scum than go near 1 perveted, sly and overall shameful pedo.




So you rather have a murderer who killed someone then a pedo live?




And if you try and bring up the "Well the touched ones lives are ruined." Argument it won't work.




What about the families of the murder victim

well today at 11:30 am 14 years ago i was born.. wo0t!!!
At 11:30 you should start holding your head underwater wo0t!!!
Stop acting such a moron.
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