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Sex Offenders Under a Bridge


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I think the government should allow them to find a place that doesn't have children near them and they can afford. I'm sure the government can do that. :| They're still humans.




Thats the problem though, what place doesn't have children living nearby? Almost every town has a school or one that is close & every town no matter how small has families with children.


He who learns must suffer, and, even in our sleep, pain that cannot forget falls drop by drop upon the heart,

and in our own despair, against our will, comes wisdom to us by the awful grace of God.

- Aeschylus (525 BC - 456 BC)

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By all means I have to sit and listen to mothers who say they killed their child because it felt good.




I was about to ask you what exactly you do until I read your sig. And it looks like you're going into what I was thinking of becoming. But I think I'd get tired of that pretty quick..




There are so many options available in that field of study you dont ever have to deal with people or situations like that if you don't want to.




In a few months time I'm heading into the motivational speaking/seminars career field - nearly completely different!




Something so depressing to something so uplifting haha - Where do you draw the line? Seriously though if you want any information, you can PM me and I can let you know anything you need to know.




Anyway I will bring this topic back to it's original purpose... I'm guilty of going off on tanjents...




For all those who agree and disagree on this matter - What do you recommend for the men other than the bridge or going back to jail? We're all so fast to judge, but has anybody stopped and thought of a productive suggestion to deal with the situation?



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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I think the government should allow them to find a place that doesn't have children near them and they can afford. I'm sure the government can do that. :| They're still humans.




Thats the problem though, what place doesn't have children living nearby? Almost every town has a school or one that is close & every town no matter how small has families with children.




Here is Iowa you can go a long time without seeing a city. I'm not saying we should ship all the rapists here or anything but the gov't could easily buy up a bunch of land and throw up some low income housing.

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Prove to me that these people have no remorse.
I don't think it matters if they had remorse or not, those people made a consious descision to take advantage of a small child and that just disgusts me.




These poeple deserve to be strung up.

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Prove to me that these people have no remorse.
I don't think it matters if they had remorse or not, those people made a consious descision to take advantage of a small child and that just disgusts me.




These poeple deserve to be strung up.




So they shoud die because you're disgusted by them? The way you're acting disgusts me, so go kill yourself. Not so much fun if it's turned around on you, is it? Disgusting someone else isn't reason for death, nor is molestation. Murders don't get the death sentence and they've taken the life of another human. Those who have been raped will at least go on to live. I'm not saying there isn't going to be any mental damage but in my eyes that doesn't constitute putting them to death. Give me a few good reasons other than the fact that they disgust you and you may be able to sway me. But until then you're just being ignorant.

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Me? A kid? Lol...I wish.




Au contraire, my little friend. It is you who is missing the point. To say that any human being at all, regardless of what they have done, should be tortured to insanity makes you inhumane.




You class someone who viciously moletes innocent girls without remorse as human? Well then i refuse to be amongst such thoughtless "humans" just cos these embarassment-to-mankind-scum walk on their hindlegs, are able to think and have aposable thumbs doesn't give them the right to be classed as a civilised species as "human". Pfffffft. Only word i can think of to sum up your thoughts on "humans"




Sorry but I'm going to take Suzi's side on this and I'm not going to be so polite about it. I'll sum things up quick incase you're one of those people who has a short attention span and you're barely getting this far.. You're a f*ing moron. Prove to me that these people have no remorse. Not just one, all of them. Every single person who has every molested a child or raped and innocent person. They're still human, by genetics and whatever else you'd like to go into. Just because someone isn't mentally stable doesn't mean they're not human. Saying that a mentally handicapped child isn't a human because he can't speak well is just being a total [wagon]. Now I know I'm dealing with a decent number of younger kids around here but there's no reason for people to spout s* like this. Grow the f* up and come back when you learn to be a decent person.




I should grow the F* up? Try argueing a point in which u have a slight chance of justifying and without referring to common tongue will u. If a person coldly and cruely attacks another 1 just for thrills, which is exactly what a pedo does if he attacks little girls because they give him excitment, then they do not have the right to be classed as "human" which is species full of civilised people. They lose that right and should never be given the chance to repent, ever.

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Prove to me that these people have no remorse.
I don't think it matters if they had remorse or not, those people made a consious descision to take advantage of a small child and that just disgusts me.




These poeple deserve to be strung up.




So they shoud die because you're disgusted by them? The way you're acting disgusts me, so go kill yourself. Not so much fun if it's turned around on you, is it? Disgusting someone else isn't reason for death, nor is molestation. Murders don't get the death sentence and they've taken the life of another human.




That depends entirely on the country and it's laws.




If I did something equally horrible, with full consciousness, I'd expect to be killed, work in slave labor, etc., not live free under a bridge.




Western countries have this problem of granting everybody excessive rights without remembering what those people have taken away from society.




That sicko can likely be the cause of the kid's later suicide which brings further misery into his/her family and could cause even more suicides, or alcoholism, etc... Yet he gets to live free?




Oh, he's under a bridge in a tent. He's not piling up tiles in some construction site under the supervision of armed guards? What's that? Make his life more comfortable because he whines about "mental pain"?




Do you think most of the society shares your view that tax dollars/euros/whatever should be spent on housing and feeding these worms who shouldn't even be out of prison at all?

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That depends entirely on the country and it's laws.




If I did something equally horrible, with full consciousness, I'd expect to be killed, work in slave labor, etc., not live free under a bridge.




Western countries have this problem of granting everybody excessive rights without remembering what those people have taken away from society.




That sicko can likely be the cause of the kid's later suicide which brings further misery into his/her family and could cause even more suicides, or alcoholism, etc... Yet he gets to live free?




Where were you before when i was trying to make this point (although a little less composed and a little more heartly)




Agreed in every aspect.

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That sicko can likely be the cause of the kid's later suicide which brings further misery into his/her family and could cause even more suicides, or alcoholism, etc... Yet he gets to live free?




Wouldn't it be more proper to call him a criminal rather a sicko? But keeping on topic, with proper precautions and counselling it's less likely that the child who was raped will commit suicide. If they just leave them to deal with the problem on their own, then suicide could easily become their solution.

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Western countries have this problem of granting everybody excessive rights without remembering what those people have taken away from society.





What do you mean by "excessive rights"?


With so many trees in the city you could see the spring coming each day until a night of warm wind would bring it suddenly in one morning. Sometimes the heavy cold rains would beat it back so that it would seem that it would never come and that you were losing a season out of your life. But you knew that there would always be the spring as you knew the river would flow again after it was frozen. When the cold rains kept on and killed the spring, it was as though a young person had died for no reason. In those days though the spring always came finally but it was frightening that it had nearly failed.

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That sicko can likely be the cause of the kid's later suicide which brings further misery into his/her family and could cause even more suicides, or alcoholism, etc... Yet he gets to live free?




Wouldn't it be more proper to call him a criminal rather a sicko? But keeping on topic, with proper precautions and counselling it's less likely that the child who was raped will commit suicide. If they just leave them to deal with the problem on their own, then suicide could easily become their solution.




No, a person who drives whilst drunk is a criminal, a person who deals drugs to kids is a criminal hell even a person who steals a loaf of bread for their family is viewed as a criminal. When a sadistico, heartless monster spends his time pondering about little kids and molestes them again and again and again then they become a sicko.

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No, a person who drives whilst drunk is a criminal, a person who deals drugs to kids is a criminal hell even a person who steals a loaf of bread for their family is viewed as a criminal. When a sadistico, heartless monster spends his time pondering about little kids and molestes them again and again and again then they become a sicko.




The italics are fact, the bold is merely opinion. I'm not looking for opinions here. I'm saying it would be proper to call the rapist a criminal, not what you feel best calling him.

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Western countries have this problem of granting everybody excessive rights without remembering what those people have taken away from society.





What do you mean by "excessive rights"?




Western societies:




    [*:20bbxrw3]Can spend $100,000+ during the life span of a prisoner just to keep him alive
    [*:20bbxrw3]Exempt serial killers/molesters from the death penalty
    [*:20bbxrw3]Give them 3 meals a day while some people starve to death on the streets
    [*:20bbxrw3]Let prisoners watch TV, play Xbox, listen to music and read books, order pizza..




What kind of a punishment is that? Is that what you wish for the person who abused your child for 3 years and then killed him/her?




Go to third world countries to see what a punishment is. You may think they are primitive, but at least their jails actually make those psychopaths think more than twice about renewing their crime once they get out of jail.

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I think the scariest thing here is that Deloriagod thinks that the X number of years they were sentanced to is completely fitting for the crime they committed, and that when they've served the time, they should essentially be considered reformed criminals full of remorse, and essentially should be forgiven.




As far as I'm concerned, every rapist/child molester should be put to death. They WILL reoffend and they've already ruined someone's life. Why give them another chance? They're no better than murderers in any way.




Prison is not a place where remorse builds. It is a place where hatred builds. Prison is like the worst system ever invented. If you killed a dude, sorry, you're going to die too. Rape someone? Okay, death. The only people who actually deserve prison is like...Someone who truely didn't know any better, AKA, the mentally ill. Everyone will go in and come back out even more pissed off, PLUS have a felony on their record, which will make them HAVE to turn to crime to survive. You can't get a job with a felony on your record, and selling drugs and robbing banks is a pretty promising career, assuming you can pull it off. Too bad for the criminals, most of them are far too stupid to pull it off and are caught and tossed in prison. Ever hear of the Tennessee Marijuana Cave? A couple guys built a pot grow operation under a house the guy purchased inside of a natural cave formation...It was about 250 yards long, filled with Marijuana. They were producing so much marijuana that they had to drive to Arizona to hire illegal aliens for a few days, blind folding them to get them there, and then paying them $10/hr to harvest their crop for them over a few days. Know how they were finally caught? Because the guy, in all of his wisdom building this massive fortress to grow pot in (and trust me, it was genius), failed to realize that STEALING ELECTRICITY FROM POWER LINES is the #1 fastest way to get busted doing anything. The guy didn't have enough power to fuel the lights in his operation, so rather than cutting down the operation a little bit, he stole electricity and was busted almost immediately. Got 18 years in federal prison and $61,000 needed to be paid for the stolen electricity. The guy was making 8 million dollars per year off this whole thing (there was three of them, so a couple million a peice, they all owned large houses and boats and cars) and he got greedy and stupid.




I digress, just wanted to tell that story. The point was that criminals are stupid and when they get out of prison, they'll have to reoffend just to survive.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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Sorry but I'm going to take Suzi's side on this and I'm not going to be so polite about it. I'll sum things up quick incase you're one of those people who has a short attention span and you're barely getting this far.. You're a f*ing moron. Prove to me that these people have no remorse. Not just one, all of them. Every single person who has every molested a child or raped and innocent person. They're still human, by genetics and whatever else you'd like to go into. Just because someone isn't mentally stable doesn't mean they're not human. Saying that a mentally handicapped child isn't a human because he can't speak well is just being a total [wagon]. Now I know I'm dealing with a decent number of younger kids around here but there's no reason for people to spout s* like this. Grow the f* up and come back when you learn to be a decent person.




I should grow the F* up? Try argueing a point in which u have a slight chance of justifying and without referring to common tongue will u. If a person coldly and cruely attacks another 1 just for thrills, which is exactly what a pedo does if he attacks little girls because they give him excitment, then they do not have the right to be classed as "human" which is species full of civilised people. They lose that right and should never be given the chance to repent, ever.


I disagree. I don't think they attacked the girls with the same mentality that a serial killer may have. I believe the criminals in this case did what they did because they are mentally unstable. I don't think they are proud about what they did and I'm almost positive that they feel remorse. I'll go so far as to even say people like the Virginia Tech killer are still humans. Committing an awful crime does not revoke the fact that you're still a human. As indecent and cruel a human one may be, they're still humans. These people committed horrible crimes and do deserve punishment. All criminals deserve punishment for their crime. In this case, the molesters served they're punishment and though they may feel remorse and wish they wouldn't have done what they did, they're still thrown out of prison into a life that's much worse. What's the point of prison if you want to go back just to get out of the hell that society has placed them in because of what they did?

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While I agree with you Tigra that some punishments are not punishment enough, in particular some sex offenders cases here in the UK, I do not believe the chance for them to change should be taken from them, nor is the chance as miniscule as you present it.




I only have my own opinion on that, as do you. My ideal is that they should have the chance, in this case be allowed to live, in order to see if they will reform. I've never been a believer in capital punishment. However, as that is my ideal based upon opinion, I must respect other's differing ideals based upon their own opinions, like yours.




I guess the common ground we share here are that some offences are grossly under-punished - however, I think with punishment must come an effort to reform. Ultimately, the success of that lies with the offender, and I don't think neither you or I can confidentally say for all offenders how they'll react to that.

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I know that some do reform themselves, but I've heard between 75-90% reoffend within a year of their release. It's a sexual thing...They're not going to stop. The ones who DO reform themselves will even tell you that the thoughts are still there, they just don't act upon them. I feel the only ones who are truely and fully reformed are the ones who have themselves castrated voluntarily so that they won't even have the urge, to me that shows they're very sorry for what they did...Or that they just don't want to risk going back to jail, but either way.




*Shrug* I just think that the whole system sucks. I've heard of rapists getting 5 years and someone who sold over an ounce of marijuana getting 15. It's just all pretty crazy.

The popularity of any given religion today depends on the victories of the wars they fought in the past.

- Me!

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I think the scariest thing here is that Deloriagod thinks that the X number of years they were sentanced to is completely fitting for the crime they committed, and that when they've served the time, they should essentially be considered reformed criminals full of remorse, and essentially should be forgiven.




As far as I'm concerned, every rapist/child molester should be put to death. They WILL reoffend and they've already ruined someone's life. Why give them another chance? They're no better than murderers in any way.




Prison is not a place where remorse builds. It is a place where hatred builds. Prison is like the worst system ever invented. If you killed a dude, sorry, you're going to die too. [assault] someone? Okay, death. The only people who actually deserve prison is like...Someone who truely didn't know any better, AKA, the mentally ill. Everyone will go in and come back out even more pissed off, PLUS have a felony on their record, which will make them HAVE to turn to crime to survive. You can't get a job with a felony on your record, and selling drugs and robbing banks is a pretty promising career, assuming you can pull it off. Too bad for the criminals, most of them are far too stupid to pull it off and are caught and tossed in prison. Ever hear of the Tennessee Marijuana Cave? A couple guys built a pot grow operation under a house the guy purchased inside of a natural cave formation...It was about 250 yards long, filled with Marijuana. They were producing so much marijuana that they had to drive to Arizona to hire illegal aliens for a few days, blind folding them to get them there, and then paying them $10/hr to harvest their crop for them over a few days. Know how they were finally caught? Because the guy, in all of his wisdom building this massive fortress to grow pot in (and trust me, it was genius), failed to realize that STEALING ELECTRICITY FROM POWER LINES is the #1 fastest way to get busted doing anything. The guy didn't have enough power to fuel the lights in his operation, so rather than cutting down the operation a little bit, he stole electricity and was busted almost immediately. Got 18 years in federal prison and $61,000 needed to be paid for the stolen electricity. The guy was making 8 million dollars per year off this whole thing (there was three of them, so a couple million a peice, they all owned large houses and boats and cars) and he got greedy and stupid.




I digress, just wanted to tell that story. The point was that criminals are stupid and when they get out of prison, they'll have to reoffend just to survive.




I think I heard about that sometime, I live in Tennessee myself. How long ago was this?




OT: No comment.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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Again, if these were women who molested BOYS. You'd have no such a problem with that.


Woah, hang on there. Aren't you the same Grim who told us we're in no position to judge a country of Shariah law, nor its peoples, unless we've experienced it ourselves? And yet you're in the position to tell us that you can simply 'get over' molestation?




There's a diffrence between molestation and a freaking country smartass. And maybe I speak from experience? Did you ever think about that? OH god, no, why would I?




You don't know me. Don't act like you know me.




Grow up.





You talk about the number of walking murderers... did all these people viciously assault innocent girls? Hide away perving on girls that barely know what the word perve means. No. I would gladly jump into a crowd of muderous scum than go near 1 perveted, sly and overall shameful pedo





So.. if these were women who 'perved' on boys, you'd have no problem with it? You'd have no problem with someone who'll kill your little sibling? Good, gimmie your address then. It's good to know I can find forgiveness from you for as long as I only kill your siblings but not molest them.





I should grow the F* up? Try argueing a point in which u have a slight chance of justifying and without referring to common tongue will u. If a person coldly and cruely attacks another 1 just for thrills, which is exactly what a pedo does if he attacks little girls because they give him excitment, then they do not have the right to be classed as "human" which is species full of civilised people. They lose that right and should never be given the chance to repent, ever.




Yes, grow up. People have coldly and cruely killed other people. What about war, huh? He is human, you're just too blind with vengance to realise it. People like you are the ones who ruin society. Society should be ruled with justice, where people pay their dues to fix things, not vengance where people pay their dues to satisfy your desires.

Proud founder of the Myriad

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It's gota suck growing up to have a pedo mindset. Everyone pretty much hates you because you're unshakable sexual preference is "harmful society" and deems you "less than human" :| .




Don't get me wrong, pedo's shouldn't act on their sexual preferences due to the fact that they're actions would be detrimental to society and the individuals they target, but to live every day knowing what you desire will make everyone consider you scum that doesn't even deserve to live... God it has to suck repressing those urges for an entire lifetime.




I mean, imagine walking a mile or two in their shoes :? .

[if you have ever attempted Alchemy by clapping your hands or

by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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Such hostility 8 men living under a bridge bring to the tip it community :P



The only people who tell you that you can't do something are those who have already given up on their own dreams so feel the need to discourage yours.

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Sorry How2PK but I disagree entirely. These scum should feel lucky they are even alive, because there isn't a very strong culture of revenge in the States. Should they be living in Saudi Arabia etc., those guys would thank god for even being able to hide in the sewers eating mice.




"Mental torture" my ***. You had the choice, and you mentally tortured an innocent kid and ruined his life. Live under a bridge and read newspapers, eat food? That's better than these people deserve, heck it's not like they work in a coalmine. They sit there doing nothing.




They aren't living in SA, but in America. So that's a pretty weird thing you're saying there. If you like the way things are handled in SA, why don't you live there. I prefer a more civilised surrounding. These men/women have done something horrible, I won't deny that. They have been punished for it. I don't see why we can't 'forgive' them, give 'm another chance and help them getting back in society. Where they can do something else than 'sit there doing nothing'. What's the point of jail anyway, if you give them an extra punishment like this when they get out. But I'm out of this topic, I've seen some truely sickening replies. And I don't think it's got a point in talking to you people, as you won't see anything else than your own emotions. [edit] <--- I realize that is a bad attitude, but I just don't feel like putting all that time and energy in it.




Entirely agreed.




It's unfair to claim they will reoffend when you are unwilling to let them assimilate into society.




NOT ALL THE OFFENCES WERE AGAINST CHILDREN. The offenders were sexual predators, not paedophiles. They didn't discriminate against age.




Also, to those people here who hate paedophiles more than murderers, I think it's fair to say that you would rather be raped as a young child than be killed, or have a member of your family killed.




Think with you heads people. D:

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I am actually a little upset at some of the replies here and the blatant disregard for human rights and even life. I am glad that the mob doesnt rule.



Mercifull <3 Suzi

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I feel the only ones who are truely and fully reformed are the ones who have themselves castrated voluntarily so that they won't even have the urge, to me that shows they're very sorry for what they did...Or that they just don't want to risk going back to jail, but either way.
I dunno how true it it but im pretty sure i remember someone telling me that you will still have sexual deire if you are castrated after puberty.




If that's so it wouldn't really work but they still should have it done, without painkillers anyway.

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