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The next new skill


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Didnt Jagex say "and this month we will add something for player to sit on" right before construction was released?? I think this guy is on to something here.




But i dont really want a new skill :wall:

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First off to all the people sayng hunter stinks, you don't go into things that much....


Hunter is very good its and easy 99 you can get it in about 2 weeks, after you get 99 you have enough chins to sell for 30m its also a very relaxing skill.




Ok now to the point. I'm not sure a new skill will come out but something big is comming something very big. Why would they hint to varrok getting an update since august if it was not going to be big?




I would like some more info on the 3rd age. I love runescape history. <3:

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Hehe... i did a thread about this not to long ago








Im behind you man, i really am. I still think it has potential. I guess the next week or to will tell if this is a silly prediction, or a real discovery.



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when you push them down a flight of stairs.

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Hmm, who knows, it's Jagex and they can be up to anything. I think it's a bit early to get another skill allready. They said they were going for 1 skill a year or at least try to, well this skill would be 5-6? months after hunter which is pretty fast. Heck I didn't even find time yet to train hunter. I guess we'll know by the end of this month.

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maybe hes right maybe not but everyone thinks they have the insider info


remember what happened with the red cabbage armour for aprils fool they thought blood rune alt would be out because the red cabbage was symbol for blood rune lol


and were is it????




im gunna start telling people rumors and get it on the forumes to get everyone hyped up thinking its real


really stupid rumors but people will believe

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- "Helm must be rejoined when the Gypsy gets a makeover." - said chaos elemental's letter in the postbag from the hedge (August 2006). The Gypsy lives in Varrock, so she'll get her makeover this month. No idea what the helm part means though, but it could be related to the next skill.





Anyone else notice the Helm REJOINING part in combination with Varrock? Possible Helm of Arrav quest? With now not a shield to rejoin, but a helmet?


Chuck Norris doesn't ever need a compass; he randomly points somewhere and north goes there in order not to anger him.
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During the Digsite quest, you could pan for Gold flakes that showed up as a stackable item in your inventory. I kept it and tried to smelt it at a furnace but it didn't do anything. Maybe, just maybe, we'll see some use for these miscellanious items.




Maybe we'll uncover armor and weapon pieces to smith and/or craft together into something usable. :-k



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Ill eat a shoe if Archeology comes out, seriously whats the point :? .




And the hints are not really hints except for maybe the Arrav parts.




Maybe a minigame like the WoM, but nothing more




couldnt agree more, ill eat 2 shoes if they come out will archeology a skill most 10 year olds cant spell.







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we like it or not the new skill will be sooner or later. Although these quotations from BTS sounds very much like a minigame but you never know. Before hunter many people were making fun of those who were predicting hunter.


if digsite is mentioned it's not necessarily means archeology or that rocks will only from digsite. Chairs, cups and tablets aren't most important things in construcion.


help out in the natural history section


there could more sections, for the skill to be not only

to uncover ancient autoers and noobs


the skill could have be named - science or whatever or something more profound.


And like scopium said maybe it has something to do with so long awaited summoning.


I'm still more on a mini-game prediction side, but i'd would not discard new skill possibility whatever name it will have.

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well, based on the topics i just read, i think summoning, with the information of the museum and the "ancientiity" of teh rocksamples, like sommoning a real skeleton for malitiur the mortifier or whatever he's called and i still have those dusty old ruby neclaces and cosmics in the bank :D

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that would be a pretty bad skill lol


Why does everyone associate New Skill=Bad. Every new skill they have added has given us plenty of new things.


Slayer-Whips, boots, and all sorts of new items


Farming-P++, faster way to level herb, and faster ways to gather 2nds


Construction-tele tabs, alters, costume rooms, plus private drop places.


Hunter-Fastest Range Xp, and Spot Capes.




Archaeology has potential to be an awesome skill when you think about it, just give it more thought and don't automatically think its bad...Sheesh whats up with Pessimism.

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Archeology/Treasure Hunting could be an awesome skill.


Indiana Jones adventures, instance dungeons, buried treasures... \'


I'll just stay positive on it because nothing could be any worse than hunter rofl. :XD:

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He just successfully trolled you with "courtesy" and managed to get a reaction out of you. Lol

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couldnt agree more, ill eat 2 shoes if they come out will archeology a skill most 10 year olds cant spell




Ah, smell the irony.

I shall take my flock underneath my own wing, and kick them right the [bleep] out of the tree. If they were meant to fly, they won't break their necks on the concrete.
So, what is 1.111... equal to?



Please don't continue.


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couldnt agree more, ill eat 2 shoes if they come out will archeology a skill most 10 year olds cant spell




Ah, smell the irony.


:| :shame:




No need to cut people down for your ego's sake.

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by drawing an array, copy and paste this into your signature.]


Fullmetal Alchemist, you will be missed. A great ending to a great series.

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It does seem like a nice idea for a new skill. The timing for the release is important because theoretically, it will come out during half term - a time when students are off school for a week.




However, I don't want a new skill to be released, because it will distract me from my other goals! :XD:

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Maybe I'm in the minority, but I honestly wish they would spend more time fixing the broken and outdated skills we already have, rather than adding new ones.








The sad thing is, you are. There was a poll about it and it turned out that people rather have new skills than updates to old skills. Guess Thieving and Hunter won't be getting their much-needed update any time soon.


2146 overall - 136 combat - 6 skillcapes


Plus I think the whole teenage girl thing will end soon (hopefully), because my girlfriend is absolutely in love with him(she is 18), and im beginning to feel threatened by his [Justin Bieber] dashing looks.

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