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WWE Judgement DAY


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so who do you think will win at judgement day




the ecw champs the micmanladys (did not spell right becuase i hate them)


or bobby lashley




the great khali or john cena






and whats beter




raw or smackdown




and who is your favorite wresler

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or whats beter




ECW newbreeed or ecw originals




who is the weirdest wrestler my vote on boogeyman




whos the bigest loud mouth




who is the best diva




and who is the best legend (HULK HOGAN FTW)

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I really wish I could say that Bobby Lashly will win, but I can't. It's going to be an exact replay of what happened the last time these 4 met. Still, I will be rooting for him.




To answer your questions, I'm actually a pretty big fan of TNA, but I have to say RAW is better than Smackdown. My favorite wrestler is Kurt Angle (I'm going to be flamed for that!). I like the ECW originals much better than the New Breed. The originals are the real wrestlers, the new breed are just a bunch of guys trying to take over ECW. Also, HULKAMANIA FTW!



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I will say Lashley, Cena, Smackdown (due to its, in my opinion, superior roster), my favorite is Undertaker, the originals are better, Boogeyman is my vote for weirdest, Kennedy is the biggest loudmouth, best diva is gonna take some thinking but I'll say Mickey James for now, and best legend is Roddy Piper.

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Cena is doomed but hopefully something will happen. I just hope Judgement Day will be a terrible PPV for Bull Sh*t Khali.




Also, I really want Edge to win however. I can't stand B*tchtista.




The handicap match, another BULL SH*T match made by Vince. That's why he sucks, but I won't care about this idiotic match.




I have a lot of favorites. I was a huge fan of Brian Pillman, but he passed away in 1997... hopefully you guys wouldn't know since he died ages ago. I like Curt Hennig, he is totally perfect. I like the ECW Originals and I respect them, like these:






























Also I like Smackdown better. Better wrestlers, champions, talent, etc.


First - Credit to Otbg . Second - Credit to 4be2jue

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Meh, really not looking forward to this PPV. The only match that has actual potential is Crhis Benoit vs. MVP, 2/3 falls for the US title.

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Meh, really not looking forward to this PPV. The only match that has actual potential is Crhis Benoit vs. MVP, 2/3 falls for the US title.




MVP's gonna win... Benoit is coming to the end of his career




Khali better win... Sick of Cena




Shane Mcmahon for ECW champ




Orton > HBK




Edge > Batista




Elijah > CM




And who cares about Carlito Flair?


Check out my blog here!

Thanks Jopie211 for the sig

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Meh, really not looking forward to this PPV. The only match that has actual potential is Crhis Benoit vs. MVP, 2/3 falls for the US title.
MVP's gonna win... Benoit is coming to the end of his career
Not really. He's just back of a few months of vacation to recover from some nagging health problems so he's pretty fit at the moment. Due to the current wave of injuries, he needs to move up the card, and he can't do that as long as he holds the US title. While he goes after Edge and the world heavyweight championship, they can use the US title to push MVP, who's one of the rising stars of SmackDown!.




Oh, and Cena isn't going to lose the title as long as women and children continue to cheer for him and buy his merchandise. He's like Hogan in the late 80s/early 90s, where they're constantly bringing in monsters to challenge for the title, only to pull off miracle victories. First Umaga, now Khali, and probably Snitsky next.




As for the rest of the matches:




- There's no way Edge is going to lose the title. If they wanted Batista as the champion they'd have let him win the cage match in stead of pulling off the whole switch with the Money in the Bank contract.




- ECW One Night Stand is the next PPV, so I wouldn't be surprised if McMahon retains here for the blowoff for the fued on that PPV.




- Elijah Burke vs. CM Punk could be a great match. Again, the outcome really depends on their plans for the next PPV.




- Shawn Michaels vs. Randy Orton is kinda tricky to call. Orton recently caused $30.000 of damages when he trashed a hotel room because he was being sent home from the European tour, so he'll probably be punished in the ring, as he still hasn't been suspended. However, Shawn has nagging knee problems so he might have to take a break soon. Having Orton 'injure' him here could help his Legend Killer gimmick, especially since he's pretty much in line for top heel of RAW with Edge out of the picture.




- Carlito will probably beat Ric Flair here. They'll be feuding for a while, and the best way to keep a feud interesting is a few heel wins before the face gets his revenge.

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Not really, especially compared to Backlash. The only good match was the tag title match. Other than that nothing rose above average, and three matches were flat-out terrible.

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